
How Android 2.2 interacting with Flash 10.1 (how to use flash from my app)?

Hi! I'm searched adobe and android developers sites, but can't find any details on this. Is it possible to use Flash as a part of my app? E.g. like a widget/GUI element? Or it's integrated in browser only and can't be simple accessible? I know, Adobe AIR apps are supported as standalone .apk. So it must be some API/SDK (from Google) t...

Android 2.2 AVD: no Quick Search Box?

I have recently updated my Android SDK to include support for Android 2.2 (API level 8). The app that I'm building integrates with the Quick Search Box (QSB) home screen widget, which I can't seem to find in this version (using both vanilla 2.2 and the Google APIs version). I was kind of excited when they announced that they have improve...

Why do apps from Android 2.1 stop working with 2.2?

Hi guys, I've just updated my nexus one to 2.2. Now all of my (own and some from the market) apps throw exceptions and were closed. It's weird, in the app I'm developing atm, there it displays only my start page with buttons, but when I tap on one button to fire an intent to another activity my app gets closed with an exception. Yester...

android 2.2 browser dont work pageY or PageX in ontouchend event

I have a web app that work perfect in android 2.1, when I upgrade to 2.2 the pageX property in ontouchend event, this is my code: menu1.ontouchend = function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if (e.touches y2 = e.touches[0].pageY; } else { // all others x2 = e.pageX; y2 = e.pageY; } } Anybody know what change in the javascript API...

Android 2.2 Update

Hello All, I have been trying to find information on updating to Android 2.2 for my Nexus One. I have seen posts on a place to download 2.2, but I am very weary of that and people who have tried it seem to have issues with it not working on their Nexus One for AT&T. Does anyone know when/where/how I can update the phone, or if I have ...

Problems when handling orientation changes

Hi all, I need to handle orientation changes in my Android application. For this purpose I decided to use OrientationEventListener convenience class. But his callback method is given somewhat strange behavior. My application starts in the portrait mode and then eventually switches to the lanscape one. I have some custom code executin...

How do you download a specific release of Android source code (e.g. Android 2.2)

I've never used git before, but I'd like to download the android source code as I'm getting a crash in the 2.2 emulator and I'd like to see exactly where in the android source code it's crashing (so I can file a better bug report). Edit A decent answer would include instructions on using git to download a specific repository. I'm on wi...

GpsStatus.Listener and GPS_EVENT_FIRST_FIX event

Hi: When I register a GpsStatus.Listener i do not get the event GPS_EVENT_FIRST_FIX. I do get the GPS_EVENT_SATELLITE_STATUS event. Does anybody already noticed this behavior? ...

How does forceStopPackage work in Android 2.2 (Froyo)?

Thanks Google released 2.2 source code. In this It shows how android 2.2 does the "force close" function. private void forceStopPackage(String pkgName) { ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager)getSystemService( Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); am.forceStopPackage(pkgName); checkForceStop...

android 2.2 open swf in browser

I have a swf file on the sdcard and I wrote a html file flash.html with the swf file embeded. The only way to open it now is 1) open the browser 2) type in file:///sdcard/flash.html The swf runs fine. But if use the code list below: Uri uri = Uri.parse("file:///sdcard/flash.html"); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_...

Account preferences in Android 2.2 per account, not account type

Hi, I'm developing an Android application and have one account authenticator with preferences. But when I add two accounts of my type, then the preferences are shared between them. How can I define preferences, so that they could be set for each account separately? Thanks in advance! Przemek ...

Dialing a contact through the UI in android 2.2

package; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import android.os.Bundle; //import android.provider.Contacts.People; //import android.provider.Contacts.Phones; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds; import android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts...

double click event in android

Can anybody tell how to implement double click event in android without using gesturedetector? ...

android - platform incompatible and package incompatible error when installing application on phone

i have made an android application for "Project Build Target" as Target name:: "Android 2.2" Vendor :: "Android Open Source Project" Platform :: "2.2" API Level :: "8" I am using Eclipse helios and android sdk r_06. But the phone where i am want to run my application has platform 1.6 how do make this application run on that phon...

Testing Android ContentProvider that accesses the Internet

I've written my own Android ContentProvider for accessing certain Internet resources. I'm trying to write some unit tests, but I do not want those tests to actually access the Internet. Behind the scenes, my code is using the DefaultHttpClient class to access the web. Basically, I'd like to know how I can use the ProviderTestCase2 cla...

Geo Fix command does not pass altitude

On Android 2.2 Emulator, the "geo fix" command seems not to be working properly. The emulator responds "OK", and onLocationChanged() is properly called in my program. However, the Location object seems not to be complete--it registers latitude and longitude just fine, but it does not contain an altitude reading (hasAltitude() returns f...

Android 2.2 Source Code's file android_net_wimax_WimaxCommonAPI.cpp.

Am using Android 2.2 source code's following file- android_net_wimax_WimaxCommonAPI.cpp. This file has a function - void fun_IndDeviceStatusUpdate(WIMAX_API_DEVICE_ID_P pDeviceId, WIMAX_API_DEVICE_STATUS deviceStatus, WIMAX_API_STATUS_REASON statusReason, WIMAX_API_CONNECTION_PROGRESS_INFO connectionProgressInfo) that has a particular...

Invalid reference during callback

i have an object that is used for calling callback functions ----- static jobject o; i have assigned the callback function to that object through a pointer, env ----- o=env->NewGlobalRef(callback); The same pointer, env, points towards the function CallVoidMethod( ) that uses JNI to reach to the java code. env->CallVoidMethod(o, meth...

Start / stop built-in Wi-Fi / USB tethering from code?

How can I start or stop the built-in tethering in Android 2.2 from my application? ...

Remote Wipe application in android

Hi All, Is there any Remote wipe application which will be working on deleting the data in Emulator by sending an SMS from other emulator?? I found some of the free applications in android market on Remote Wipe.. But they are not working.. Please let me know if any of the application is working on Emulator Thanks in advance Uday ...