
Android 2.2 deprecates restartPackage but adds another headache...

Android 2.2 release notes have just been released. ActivityManager.restartPackage method has been deprecated and the description is: the previous behavior here is no longer available to applications because it allows them to break other applications by removing their alarms, stopping their services, etc. Instead 2.2 has given anot...

Android 2.2 and "Bad address family" on Socket Connect

I have a fairly simple game that works perfectly on every version now up through 2.1, but with the new 2.2 (Froyo) release I am unable to create a socket. I am using the mina package for nio, and get this exception: W/System.err( 263): Bad address family W/System.err( 263): at org.apache.harmony.luni...

App cannot start at all in Android 2.2 (Froyo)

My app has been running okay until the recent Froyo update. After installing the Android 2.2 SDK, I can compile my code without any errors. However, when I run it, it just force closes: Here's the log: 05-23 10:15:13.463: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(423): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 05-23 10:15:13.463: DEBUG/AndroidRun...

ListView setOnItemClickListener and setOnItemSelectedListener to store the Selected Item Index

Hi all, I have read on this site that it is necessary to customize the setOnItemSelectedListener and setOnItemClickListener of a ListView if we want to know the Index of the SelectedItem (.getSelectedItemPosition()). So that is what I do but it does not stores the position of the SekectedItem, instead i have always -1... What I want to...

Passing ArrayList<String> between tabs

Hi all, I'm not very clear about the Intent object and how to use it to pass data between Activities. In my application I have several tabs between which I want to pass ArrayList. Here is a sample code I plan to use, but I'm missing the part where the main activity catches the Intent and passes it to the new activity on start : 1. myTa...

Android customizing ViewFlipper...

So I'm having pretty much exactly the problem described here: and until the ViewFlipper issue in 2.1 and 2.2 has been resolved, I'm attempting to customize my own ViewFlipper in the manner described: @Override protected void onDetachedFromWindow() { try { super.onDetac...

Android library: resources are merged, code is not

Hi all, I'm trying to set up an Android application with an Android library project dependence in Eclipse. I've set up a project called AnTest and a library project called AnLib. I've provided a reference to AnLib in the project properties of AnTest. Now I'm trying to refer to some library code (a static public method) from AnTest. Eclip...

View-tag dosen't work

I have some preoblems when it comes to designing a view, As you can see I have open my xml file with a view-tag, and it gives me error. why is that? if I change it to LinearLayout than it works. <View xmlns:android="" class="$SearchBar" android:id="@+id/search_bar" androi...

Account preferences in Android 2.2 per account, not account type

Hi, I'm developing an Android application and have one account authenticator with preferences. But when I add two accounts of my type, then the preferences are shared between them. How can I define preferences, so that they could be set for each account separately? Thanks in advance! Przemek ...

Does VPN in the Android emulator 2.2 work?

Hi, has anyone gotten the VPN in the Android 2.2 emulator to work. My config worked on a real phone but not on the emulator. Is it my networking config on emulator+MacOS that is stuffed up, or is it just not working thru the emulator's 10.0.2 proxy? Song ...

android with sqlite

can anybody give example how to connect sqlite with android? Thanks in advance ...

Install Adobe flash player 10.1 on Android 2.2

How can installed Adobe flash player 10.1 on Android simulator 2.2? ...

How do I pause Flash content in an Android WebView when my activity isn't visible?

Hi All, I am experimenting with using a WebView to display Flash content inside my activity. Everything is working pretty well, but when the user hits the home key to put the activity into the background, the Flash content keeps running (sound keeps playing, etc) I have noticed that both the stock Android browser and Dolphin Browser see...

Why can't one add/remove items from an ArrayAdapter?

I am using an ArrayAdapter<CharSequence> to populate the items to list in a android.widget.Spinner. That works all fine. But now I want to keep the list of items dynamic, i.e. I want to be able to add/remove items from the selection list at runtime. However, when I call adapter.add(item) or adapter.remove(item) I always get a Unsupporte...

Android Intent Action "ACTION_INSERT_OR_EDIT" - should it be used for adding contacts?

Hello. At the moment I am searching for an easy and supported way of adding contacts in Android up from SDK level 7. (when some kind of data like the phone number is available) I looked at the default contact application and found "Intent.ACTION_INSERT_OR_EDIT" which is used for adding a new contact (or adding a number to a contact fro...

Android: ScrollBar bug in 2.2 for ListView

The problem appears in Android 2.2. It seems cool because it can auto-hide.But I don't like it quite much because the bar is an indicator for "Whether there is more content not present on the widget". Hiding it maybe neat, but may get the users wrong sometimes. In ListView, I find it a fatal bug at all. When there is more content to show...

geoCoder.getFromLocationName throws IO exeption in Froyo

Hi I have recently noticed that when Running the function geoCoder.getFromLocationName() on android 2.2 (Froyo) then i Receive a IOExeption (Which does not occur on other SDK versions). After some reserch i have found suggentions to add the following Permisions: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"...

Get index of selected tab in tabHost

I'm trying to store the index of the currently selected tab in onSaveInstanceState so I can restore it. However the getCurrentTab apparantely gives me back the String I used in the etTabHost().newTabSpec, which I find a bit weird since the documentation says it returns an int and setCurrentTab also taking an int. Does anyone know how I c...

AVD (emulator) won't start on Linux

Running Ubuntu Lucid, 32-bit. Eclipse Galileo with Android SDK Tools installed. After setting up an Android Virtual Device in the Android SDK and AVD Manager: Name Target Name Platform API Level TestDevice Android 2.2 2.2 8 ...clicking the Start... button does nothing--no errors anywhere, no sounds, no wi...

styles.xml from device providers

Is it possible to find the modified versions of //android/framework/base/core/res/res/values/styles.xml that phone manufactures provide (HTC Sense, Motorola Motoblur, Samsung TouchWiz, etc)? We have a partner developing an android app for us so I do not know how they implemented it, but we have seen issues on the Sense and Motoblur with...