



The problem appears in Android 2.2. It seems cool because it can auto-hide.But I don't like it quite much because the bar is an indicator for "Whether there is more content not present on the widget". Hiding it maybe neat, but may get the users wrong sometimes. In ListView, I find it a fatal bug at all. When there is more content to show, no scrollbar present, AND when wipe the screen down-wards, no scroolbar appears. Only when use the traceball or Dpad to move focus, there appears the scrollbar. BUT THERE IS WORSE: when you wipe down-wards to move the scrollbar down, nothing happens! The touch feature is almost disabled here.

Can anyone help me here? Thanks!


Maybe answers there will help you

I had a listview inside of a scrollview. After I'd commented scrollview it was possible to use listview's scrolling.

The weird thing is, that this problem occurs only on Android 2.2.

Mur Votema
Yes. The listView in a scrollView will fail in 2.2. What will you do if you have a long list and some other widget in the screen? Wow, what google did to 2.2?
Henry Sou