
Why can't I search maven projects in eclipse

I'm using the m2Eclipse plugin (http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/) to handle maven modules in eclipse. After enabling a project for dependency management and for nested modules, I can no longer do a 'File Search' over the project. The search finishes instantly with the search window display "0 matches in empty scope". Any ideas how I can...

JBOSS has too many libs! (a problem with m2eclipse)

I admit it is not the best title, but I don't know how to prase it without having a title of three lines. I have a project with the (for instance) dependency JTA, using the scope "provided" (JBOSS brings its own JTA implementation). If I use m2eclipse it resolves all dependencies just fine. My problem is, if I deploy this project to jb...

What is the best way to utilize Subversive when sharing multi-module project in Eclipse?

I'm trying to share multi-module Maven project (using m2eclipse plug-in) from SpringSource Tool Suite 2.0.0 to Subversion server (Subversive plug-in for Eclipse). I've found that svn:ignore property is not propagated to submodules of the parent project: I need to right-click on the property and run "Apply recursively...". More, it won't ...

How can I add maven dependencies to the flex build path in Flex Builder 3?

We're using maven to build a flex project using flex-mojo's, which is great. The problem is I can't add the swc dependencies specified in the pom to the flex build path. As far as I can see Flex Builder only lets you use an absolute path, so it can't see the maven dependencies even when using the m2eclipse plugin to add maven support. ...

M2Eclipse and EAR projects on Weblogic

How can I import a maven EAR project into Eclipse 3.4, and be able to use the IDE (WTP) to deploy the ear successfully to Weblogic (9.2)? The main issue is that the dependent jars are not being included in the ear (under APP-INF/lib) when it gets deployed through the IDE. When I build from command line, the ear is exactly how I want it...

Maven Eclipse unit test configuration

I use Eclipse and for some of my unit tests, I need to set some JVM args for the test to work, -Djava.library.path in particular. I set it in my POM file as follows: <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <argLine>-Djava.library.path=target/dll</argLi...

Why does m2eclipse exclude resources from Eclipse build path?

I am trying out m2eclipse, the Eclipse plugin for Maven, and have noticed that the resources are now excluded from the build path of all my projects. I have seen a question on the M2Eclipse FAQ page which seems to deal with this exact question, but the answer (paraphrased) seems to say that this is intentional to allow resource filterin...

Maven repository for Eclipse BIRT runtime

I'm trying to find a maven repo to allow me to add BIRT reporting dependencies to a Eclipse Dynamic Web project. The closest I've found is http://repository.jboss.org/maven2/org/eclipse/birt/, but when that repo is added to the m2eclipse indexes, the BIRT artifacts are not found. As per http://dev.eclipse.org/newslists/news.eclipse.tech...

AJDT Advice Marker Configuration for Maven Defined Aspects

Currently, I have a Maven project which inherits from a parent pom defining two aspect jars. The advice markers are displayed for both aspect jars via the m2eclipse AJDT integration. However, in this case, I only want advice markers displayed for one of the aspect jars, but I don’t seem to be able to achieve this. I’ve looked at the ‘...

m2eclipse won't download sources from local repository

I am using Maven in Eclipse to manage the project dependencies which are resolved from a local repository (SNAPSHOT). It works fine for compiling, but when I am trying to download the sources of a package (via right-click on package and Maven -> Download Sources) it does not work. All I am getting is this output, but no information why ...

Problem with Eclipse plugin in Ubuntu

Hello everyone, I am trying to install the m2eclipse plugin in Eclipse 3.5 on Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty via the update manager and can't figure out this problem. After I downloaded and installed the plugin, I restarted Eclipse and checked the Preferences - no Maven there. I double checked the configuration. I can see the m2e plugins I install...

Eclipse JVM configuration

Hi, Background: I've got a new eclipse installation and have installed the m2eclipse plugin. After startup m2eclipse generates the message: Eclipse is running in a JRE, but a JDK is required Following the instructions from here I've changed the eclipse.ini file to use the JDK JVM: -startup plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1...

How to teach Eclipse to include Maven source packages on the source path?

How can I teach Eclipse with m2eclipse to include all source .jar in my local Maven repository in the source path when looking up library source files while debugging? ...

Preferred way of developing web applications with m2eclipse

When developing Maven web applications I usually resort the the jetty-maven-plugin to quickly launch my application for local testing and debugging. Using the launch with m2eclipse has the drawback of not properly including all sources for debugging, even though they are downloaded by Maven ( see Source lookup does not seem to work ). W...

Using Jython with M2Eclipse

I currntly use M2Eclipse for the majority of my Java development and Pydev for Python/Jython development within Eclipse. I would like to use Jython to prototype and test classes within my Java projects. The M2Eclipse plugin manages all the dependencies defined in the Maven pom.xml file automatically. Is there anyway for Pydev to utilis...

src/main/webapp directory not recognized by Eclipse

I use m2eclipse to import Maven Java projects in Eclipse. It fails to recognize src/main/webapp as a source directory. Graphically in the package explorer (or when I look into Java-Build-Path in the project's properties), this directory isn't in the list of sources folder (while src/main/java or src/main/resources do). To access it, I...

m2eclipse marking 'target' directory as 'Derived'

I have a Maven Java project, imported using m2eclipse. The target/ directory is not marked as 'Derived' by m2eclipse. Problems: It is validated, so any validation error appear twice. My example shows a JSP Problem, when I insert intentionally an error in a jsp. When I want to open a resource with Ctrl-Shift-R, all files appear twic...

How do I get m2eclipse to recognize $M2_OPTS?

It appears m2eclipse is not recognizing my $M2_OPTS variable. I can run the same build outside of eclipse fine (with cranked up heapsize): [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESSFUL [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total t...

m2eclipse and Eclipse WTP

I have a very large workspace with about 30 projects all together. I am using Eclipse 3.5 with m2eclipse. I check out of my subversion repository using the defaults in order to import the projects into my workspace. I create a Tomcat server instance, and publish my web project to the tomcat server. Sounds easy enough. The problem is...

Maven archetypes not appearing in m2eclipse Nexus indexer

I'm setting up a new workstation for Java development in Eclipse. On my previous machine, I don't recall having to do anything special to see the standard collection of archetypes under 'New > Other > Maven project > select archetype' with Nexus Indexer selected. On this machine, the list of archetypes is empty. I can create archetype-ba...