
m2eclipse : Maven dependencies as JAR's not projects

I'm having maven project on Eclipse with m2eclipse plugin. This project has some dependencies. Some of them are libraries as slf4j, apache-commons etc. But there are also mine libraries, that I'm developing simultaneously in eclipse. Unfortunately m2eclipse creates build path in such a way that my libraries are added to the classpath not...

question about maven and eclipse

Hello, while running maven from eclipse you have option to execute these launch configurations by default .. here is the image of that : Now I can add my own launch configurations and execute them. Like this : Now instead of running run configurations every time, is it possible that I put my own launch configuration called "Clean i...

How can I add source code to my dependency libraries in Maven?

For instance, I have included into my dependencies junit-addons : junit-addons. But in the maven repository there isn't any source code. And I know it exists (I have downloaded it). How can I modify the dependencies in order to use libraries from my local project instead from the maven repository (I would omit the junit-addons from the r...

maven plugins stored where

Where are maven plugins stored? in the local repository as well? what happens if you build your application with eclipse? does it store the plugins inside the eclipse/plugins folder or still in the local repository? ...

m2eclipse not finding maven dependencies, artifacts not found

I'm using m2eclipse as my maven 2 plugin for eclipse. I'm brand new to maven, so my mistake might be simple, although searching has not yielded any solutions for me. I can run maven from the command line and it build successfully. However if I import as an existing maven project, or use mvn eclipse:eclipse and then import I get the ar...

m2eclipse crashes eclipse 3.5.SR2 running on openjdk-6-jdk

I downloaded the latest version of eclipse (3.5.SR2) and get m2eclipse installed on. Instead of running on sun-jdk-6 (which is obsolete for the recent Ubuntu 10.04 alpha), I have eclipse running on open-jdk-6. Everything was just fine. I can open my existing project and have them compiled as well as running tests. However, with m2ecli...

Eclipse, maven and wtp

Hi there, I've installed the m2eclipse plugin with WTP integration in my eclipse workbench. When I use to run the project on a server, the dependencies which has to be provided at runtime (e.g. spring) are not deployed. Is this working like intended? Maybe some of you can provide me the right way. ...

Issue in executing Spring Web project in Eclipse on Tomcat server

Hi All, I have a Spring web project that uses Maven to compile/build. There is no issue in building the project. I am trying to run the project in Eclipse (3.3.2) on Tomcat (v6) server. As part of Spring project, I have a spring-servlet.xml file in WEB-INF directory. This file includes another resource xml file that has datasource conf...

Problems by import of a multiple modules maven 2 project into eclipse workspace

Hey, I was wondering if someone has experienced the same problem as me and can help me. I have a maven project which contains 6 modules. Some of modules are depending on each other. The project is written in Java and builds to jars, wars and aar. I've been trying to import it to Eclipse with the m2eclipse plug-in. It seems to work fine ...

Created a maven project in Eclipse, moved directory location, how to open it now?

I created a maven2 project in eclipse, and then I moved the folder to another location. How can I open that project now in eclipse, I can't seem to find a 'open an exisiting maven' project or the like? Opening the file pom.xml just opens the file, kinda stuck sorry. ...

How do i remove m2eclipse from my eclipse installation?

I don't need m2eclipse to work properly, I just need to remove m2eclipse for now and let eclipse behave normally. how do i do this? ...

Eclipse (Springsource Tool Suite 2.3.1) can't resolve dependencies for classes in the same package

This started happening when I upgraded my Springsource Toolsuite from 2.3 to 2.3.1. Essentially whenever I do anything, such as open a file, change a file, etc, I have to do a clean. Everything works fine when I do mvn commands on the command line, which leads me to believe that Eclipse is looking in the wrong place for compiled code o...

How to update maven repository in eclipse?

Assuming you're already using the m2eclipse plugin, what can you do it doesn't update the dependencies to the latest in your repo. For example, on the command line you can just add the -U flag as in: mvn clean install -U to force the dependencies to be updated. Is there something like this within eclipse since it doesn't always seem...

m2eclipse and WTP and adding local project source

Hi, I have a spring mvc project in eclipse, and its setup to use maven. I can resolve all my external dependencies, but now I want to include another local project in my workspace. Normally, I would do this through the java build path, and add a project reference. But if I do that manually, m2eclipse just removes those references from m...

How to make Eclipse work with the snippet macro in maven doxia files?

I want to use the snippet macro in my maven site documentation in order to allow for testing of my examples code snippets with JUnit. But I don't want Eclipse to show the red "there is a build error" marker for all of my projects (which it does since m2eclipse does not recognize the snippet macro). I do want maven dependency management t...

Does m2eclipse need EGit for git support

Does m2eclipse use EGit for git support or does it just use the native git client installed on a machine? I have both installed (plus the m2eclipse SCM integration plugin) and I was wondering if I still need EGit if I use m2eclipse's git support. ...

ClassNotFoundException when running a Spring + Maven2 project on Tomcat 6 from within Eclipse 3.5

When trying to launch a Web project from within Eclipse I get: SEVERE: Error configuring application listener of class org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoa...

Howto start Maven "compile" goal on save in Eclipse

I have a Maven project with JavaScript code. There is a special javascript compiler plugin connected to the compile goal in the pom.xml. So when I type "mvn compile" then the JavaScript sources in src/main/javascript are compiled (compressed and obfuscated) and saved into the target/classes directory. On the command line this works great...

Eclipse Maven web application - can not run on server anymore

I have an maven eclipse webapp project that I was able to right click and 'Run on server' and it would deploy on tomcat. I recently did a 'maven -> Update project conifgurations' and I now can NOT deploy and run the project as a webapp. Has anyone seen this before? The only output from tomcat is as follows - it doesnt even look like it...

How to disable auto "Update Maven Dependencies" after saving a pom.xml?

How to disable auto "Update Maven Dependencies" after saving a pom.xml in Eclipse IDE with m2eclipse Plugin? 16.04.10 11:09:40 MESZ: Refreshing [/project/pom.xml] 16.04.10 11:09:40 MESZ: Maven Builder: AUTO_BUILD ...