
How to integrate a SpringSource dm Server into another OSGi-based application server?

I would really like to use SpringSource dm Server, but our customer requires us to run our apps on their application server (Websphere). Is there a way to integrate SpringSource dm Server with other application servers? At least dm Server is build on OSGi, and many other application servers (including Websphere) are based on OSGi as well...

Hibernate, JDBC-driver and OSGi problem

I'v encountered a somewhat frustating problem. Im using Apache Felix as my OSGi framework and Im also using Hibernate for persistency issues. Im using the "osgi-bundle" version of Hibernate (com.springsource.org.hibernate-3.2.6.ga.jar). As far as I know this is the Hibernate Core with some additional osgi-metdata installed in the META-...

Eclipse keeps changing the Targeted Runtimes

We're using Eclipse 3.4.1 with SpringSource dm Server 1.0. There are two Targeted Runtimes defined (Project / Properties / Targeted Runtimes). The one we setup is called SpringSource dm Server (Runtime) v1.0 There is one pre-defined called SpringSource v1.0 We find that, even though we select SpringSource dm Server (Runtime) v1.0, ...

Eclipse debugging / step into method skipping AOP wiring

I'm debugging a SpringSource application in Eclipse 3.5 that makes heavy use of AOP to wire up the components. If I want to step into a method of a class wired with AOP, I first have to step through around 20 layers of SpringSource wiring methods before reaching my own source code again. Is there a way to configure Eclipse to skip th...

eclipse galileo is failling to publish to tomcat on mac!

Hello good fellas i've posted a similar question here sometime ago and found the solution by downloading the new eclipse 3.5 (galileo).i believe this is a difference case since 1- i'm on a macbook pro now os x 10.5.0 2- using the springsource tool suite 2.2 (which is base on eclipse galileo 3.5.1 i think) i registered tomcat successful...

SpringSource dm Server occastionally fails to unpack valid ZIP file

When deploying my project to SpringSource dm Server, every once in a while a JAR fails to deploy with the following message: /mnt/myproject/springsource/work/com.springsource.server.deployer/packed/my.project.0.1.10.M.jar' cannot be unpacked. java.util.zip.ZipException: error in opening zip file There are 5 .war files in the project....

The container 'Maven Dependencies' references non existing library

Hi, I use SpringSource Tool Suite 2.3.0. Recently I added the commons-compress dependency to pom.xml as required by jackrabbit 2.0 dependency. Updating maven dependencies console shows: "Missing artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.0:compile" I checked the Problems view and it shows the following error: The container 'Mav...

How to generate tld files from grails taglibs?

I want to have full code autocompletion. I managed to add core/grails/spring taglibs so that STS does autocomplete tags for me in gsp files. What i want to do now is do same thing for my own custom tag libs. If i create tag lib descriptor by hand and put it in tld folder i can add include to my gsp file like this <%@ taglib prefix="p"...

Tomcat understands amq:broker but Eclipse marks errors in schema

When working with ActiveMQ in Eclipse, you might sometimes get a schema parsing error as such: Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'amq:broker'. However, the project deploys successfully in Tomcat. ...

Configuring SpringSource Tool Suite wth AspectJ

How can I configure the SpringSource Tool Suite(ver 2.3.0) Spring project to accept .aj (AspectJ) file? Currently it does not recognize .aj file. And I cannot add *.aj file because it's a Spring project, not an AspectJ project. ...

Getting EL variable properties in eclipse

I'm using Eclipse/Spring source to edit JSP tags and EL. If I want to check what all the properties of a variable are is there a way to do this? Or even find out which file is generating the variable that's passed in. I'm thinking something along the lines of firebug for Javascript, where you can select an object and drill-down to get it...

Eclipse (Springsource Tool Suite 2.3.1) can't resolve dependencies for classes in the same package

This started happening when I upgraded my Springsource Toolsuite from 2.3 to 2.3.1. Essentially whenever I do anything, such as open a file, change a file, etc, I have to do a clean. Everything works fine when I do mvn commands on the command line, which leads me to believe that Eclipse is looking in the wrong place for compiled code o...

Ivy configuration for springsource repo

Hi, I`m trying to set up ivy to get jars from the springsource repo. So far I have for my ivy.xml:- <dependencies> <dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.core" rev="3.0.1.RELEASE"/> <dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.aop" rev="3.0.1.RELEASE" /> <dependency org="com...

Why is SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) so slow? And how can I fix it?

I've been running STS 2.3.2 on a MacBook Pro for a few days now. I'm finding the performance to be significantly slower than any other build of Eclipse I've used. For example, switching from one tab to another can take up to 4 seconds. I tried turning off much of the validation, and increasing the memory, but it's not making a differenc...

where I can download Websphere Application Server 7 (was 7) server adapter for springsource tools

like the title... I want to find was7 server adapter for springsource toos. any body know where I must download the software ??? thanks ...

Eclipse Spring IDE 2.3.2 plug-in vs. SpringSource Tool Suite 2.3.2

I'd like to play around with Spring for an upcoming JEE project. Is there any difference between the Eclipse Spring IDE 2.3.2 plug-in (in the new Eclipse Marketplace) and the SpringSource Tool Suite (available at SpringSource). More precisely: In my understanding, the Tool Suite is basically Eclipse 3.5 with a set of plug-ins. So the qu...

Errors in springsource using grails

Hi guys, I am using Springsource Tool Suite as editor for grails project. The problem is at places i get an error message with a red cross saying Groovy:unable to resolve classes. But when I run the applicatios from command prompt (grails run-app), there are no errors and the application works fine. It's bit annoying to see those errors ...

Unable to deploy a Roo/GWT application on Google AppEngine from Springsource Tool Suite

Hi everybody, I followed this excellent tutorial but, as it doensn't cover the deployment part, I tried to do it by myself. So, I installed Springsource Tool Suite in Ubuntu. Then, I create a "demo1" Roo project. Next, with the built-in Roo Shell, I taped the following commands: persistence setup --provider DATANUCLEUS --database HYPE...

type a simple "©" in STS on a macbook pro

Hi, I have a simple but realy annoying problem: I just can't manage to type a simple "©" in STS (SpringSource Tool Suite) on my macbook pro. In any other editor (even plain eclipse) or application I use "alt + G" as a shortcut, but this does not work in my STS 2.3.3.M2 and was also not working with 2.3.2. Any idea whats wrong? thanks ...

SpringSource building a sample program

Hi All, I just started to learning Java and get stucked at some simple point. I am suggested to use Spring framework and for that i downloaded SpringSource Tool Suite installer, double clicked and installed it. When i run simple hello world application it works. But when i try to use one of spring frameworks' classes i got the error ...