
STS Grails Command Popup to launch commands using grails-debug instead of grails?

Howdy, I'm using STS 2.3.3.CI-R5473-B24 with Grails 1.1. When launching the Type Grails command... yellow popup, is there a way to use grails-debug, rather than grails to run the commands? ...

Springsource tool suite and Spring template project

I'm trying to set up a new Spring MVC project using springsource tool suite and the Spring Template project wizard. The wizard asks for a top-level package name such as com.mytravel.company, but it seems to ignore any top level package greater than 3 levels deep Is this by design, or is it a bug in the wizard. Can anybody recommend an...

SpringSource Tool Suite(STS) - worth it?

I finally decided to give SpringSource Tool Suite(STS) a try this morning, only to find that it is not compatible with the current version of Eclipse I'm using.(3.6) So, before making another attempt, I thought I would asks you guys if it's worth getting it. Usually I'm not a big fan of adding a heavy weight plug-in like STS to my Ecli...

TC Server Vs JBoss Server

We are planning to migrate to a new WebServer (bye bye Websphere), the main considerations are transaction management persistence message/event handling maintainability distributed architecture MBD/EJB support We are very happy with TC Server but the only problem is that it does not support EJB's and MDB's and we use them pretty he...

How to make Sonatype's Nexus Repository to work with SpringSource’s EBR

I'm looking to add the SpringSource EBR (Enterprise Bundle Repository: http://www.springsource.com/repository/) to Nexus as a proxy. My main reason to doing so is that SpringSource OSGi-fied various well known OSS projects (ex: Velocity, AspectJ...), making them easy to be included in OSGi runtimes. Anyway, it seams that are some troubl...