
How do i pass an object to a JSP tag

I have a JSP page that contains a scriplet where i instantiate an object. I would like to pass that object into the JSP tag without using any cache. For example i would like to accomplish this: <%@ taglib prefix="wf" uri="JspCustomTag" %> <% Object myObject = new Object(); %> <wf:my-tag obj=myObject /> I'm trying to avoid dir...

JSTL/JSP EL (Expression Language) in a non JSP (standalone) context

Can anyone recommend a framework for templating/formatting messages in a standalone application along the lines of the JSP EL (Expression Language)? I would expect to be able to instantiate a an object of some sort, give it a template along the lines of Dear ${customer.firstName}. You order will be dispatched on ${order.estimatedDispat...

How to know if a jsp tag attribute is available for EL ?

I have the following piece of code in my jsp : <% pageContext.setAttribute("warnings",Globals.WARNING_MESSAGES); %> <c:choose> <c:when test="${requestScope[pageScope.warnings] or sessionScope[pageScope.warnings]}"> <html:errors header="warnings.header" footer="warnings.footer" prefix="warnings.prefix" suffix="warnings.suffix"/>...

How do you get the length of a list in the JSF expression language?

How would I get the length of an ArrayList using a JSF EL expression? "#{MyBean.somelist.length}" does not work. ...

Using Regular Expressions in JSP EL

In EL expressions, used in a jsp page, strings are taken literally. For example, in the following code snippet <c:when test="${myvar == 'prefix.*'}"> test does not evaluate to true if the value of myvar is 'prefixxxxx.' Does anyone know if there is a way to have the string interpreted as a regex instead? Does EL have something sim...

Concatenate strings in JSP EL?

I have a List of beans, each of which has a property which itself is a List of email addresses. <c:forEach items="${upcomingSchedule}" var="conf"> <div class='scheduled' title="${conf.subject}" id="scheduled<c:out value="${conf.id}"/>"> ... </div> </c:forEach> This renders one <div> per bean in the List. For the sublist, ...

Error using JSTL XML taglib - attribute xml does not accept any expressions

I'm getting the following error when I try to use the JSTL XML taglib: /server-side-transform.jsp(51,0) According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute xml does not accept any expressions I'm looking into the tlds etc, but if anyone knows what this is an can save me some time, it'd be appreciated! If it helps, I get t...

Custom tld function validation in eclipse

Hi, I am working in eclipse (Ganymede 3.4.1) and have created a ctl TLD : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <taglib version="2.0" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-jsptaglibrary_2_0.x...

How do I dynamically access request parameters with JSP EL?

I'm looping through a list of items, and I'd like to get a request parameter based on the item's index. I could easily do it with a scriptlet as done below, but I'd like to use expression language. <c:forEach var="item" items="${list}" varStatus="count"> <!-- This would work --> <%=request.getParameter("item_" + count.index)%> ...

Javascript String.replace(/\$/,str) works weirdly in jsp file

For simplicity, i have the following file named test.jsp: <script language="javascript"> alert("a$b".replace(/\$/g,"k")); </script> I put this file in my local server, then display it using firefox: http://localhost:8080/myproj/test.jsp. It works okay, the result alert string is: akb But when i put this file in a remote serve...

EL in a JSP stopped evaluating

In a JSP page(index.jsp): ${requestContext.requestURL} is the URL just shows the expression itself. It used to be evaluated to something like "http://.../somerset/" I created the Maven project with maven-archetype-webapp archetype in Eclipse. The Jetty version is jetty-6.1.14. My web.xml is simple: <web-app> <display-name>Arche...

Deferred EL in JSP 2.0

Is there a way to use something like deferred EL in JSP 2.0 / J2EE 1.4? The idea is to pass a test to a tag file and have it display an item in a list (or not) based on the value of the expression. Basically, I'd like to do something like this: JSP: <x:myTag items="${myCollection}" test="${item.visible}"/> myTag.tag <c:forEach var...

Problem with JSP EL evaluation

Why doesn't the following work: <c:set var="formId" value="#${otherFormId}"/> where <c:set var="formId" value="# ${otherFormId}"/> notice the space ^ works fine (though is invalid for my purposes). Im trying to prepend ${otherFormId} with a # symbol (i.e. creating jquery id selector). The first form ends up with #${o...

How to integrate jBPM and Spring via scripts and EL.

I'm using/anticipating the following technology stack: JSF Seam jBPM Spring Of course, I'd like Seam to access Spring beans directly and have got this much to work fine. I'd now like to move down into jBPM and develop a proof of concept process definition that accesses Spring beans to perform actions and make decisions. To promote s...

Formatting orb tags in MVEL

How to remove the whitespace line generat by @code{}, @if{}, @foreach{}, @end{} ect Orb Tags in the result of MVEL 2.0 Templating ? ? ? ? ...

JSP: EL expression is not evaluated

I have a JSP page running on Tomcat 5.5. I have the following code: <c:forEach var="i" begin="1" end="10" step="1"> <c:out value="${i}" /> <br /> </c:forEach> The output I am getting is: ${i} ${i} ${i} ${i} ${i} ${i} ${i} ${i} ${i} ${i} I cant work out why the forEach loop is working but the output is not working. Any...

Why EL gives me the wrong object as parameter between parenthesis?

Here's the situation: In a rich:dataTable in an a4j:form, i create a a4j:commandLink to select the values and pass it to the bean with the jboss el action syntax action="#{bean.myaction(myparameter)}" This works without problem. But If I re-render the form to filter the datatable with an ajax call, when I select the value, it gives...

How does EL search for an attribute?

How does EL search for an attribute in JSP? and how to disable it? does any one know the performance of EL? ...

I met problem trying to use EL in JSTL tags

I'm trying to use expression language inside jstl tags but strange error occurs. "According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute value doesn't accept any expressions" The code is something like this: <c:out value="${header['host']}"/> But next code executes well: ${header["host"]} <c:out value="hello"/> I added js...

JSP Expression Language Error Behavior?

I'm running Tomcat 6.0.18 on Linux. I have a JSP that uses a bean like this: <jsp:useBean id="helper" type="com.example.SomeType" scope="request"/> The page references an attribute of helper with the expression language like this: <!-- This works properly, but could fail silently if the bean name is incorre...