




Is there a way to use something like deferred EL in JSP 2.0 / J2EE 1.4? The idea is to pass a test to a tag file and have it display an item in a list (or not) based on the value of the expression. Basically, I'd like to do something like this:


<x:myTag items="${myCollection}" test="${item.visible}"/>


<c:forEach var="item" items="${collection}">
    <c:if test="${test}">

Upgrading our JSP container is not an option. Any ideas?


I tried doing this with JSP fragments, but the EL in the fragment was evaluated once in the JSP, rather than once per iteration in the tag.

+1  A: 

You should be able to do this with jsp fragments. I believe it will not be the extremely elegant solution you would appreciate, but it does allow the execution of the expression to be deferred until inside the tag.

Edit: You could check out the variable with the "name-given" setting.

(I will readily admit I did something like what you're trying to do about 2 years ago. I have not touched it since. I remember I thought it was quite arcane)

I tried JSP fragments. See the update on the question.
Adam Crume
Ah, I got it to work. My tag file was missing <%@ variable name-given="item" %>. It's arcane, but it does work.
Adam Crume
Ok, I unscroupoulsly edited to reflect this ;)