
Extracting text from a PDF using JBoss Richfaces

I am trying to write a web-app to manage references for my PhD thesis. I used to manage this information inside a personal Confluence (fantastic tool! - instance however I'm fed-up with the opening of PDF's and cutting and pasting values into fields that I wish to record. I have exposed a ...

How do I set the HttpOnly flag on JSF/Richfaces

I'd like to add the HttpOnly flag to JSF/richfaces cookies, especially the session cookie, to up the level of security on my web app. Any ideas? ...

How can I improve the performance of the RichFaces ScrollableDataTable control?

First, a little background: I'm displaying a data set with 288 rows and 8 columns (2304 records) using a ScrollableDataTable and the performance leaves a lot to be desired. An AJAX request that rerenders the control takes nearly 20 seconds to complete, compared to 7 seconds when rendering the same data using a DataTable control. Metri...

Server-side DataTable Sorting in RichFaces

I have a data table with a variable number of columns and a data scroller. How can I enable server side sorting? I prefer that it be fired by the user clicking the column header. <rich:datascroller for="instanceList" actionListener="#{pageDataModel.pageChange}"/> <rich:dataTable id="instanceList" rows="10" value="#{pageDataModel}" ...

Unified Navigation System for JSF (menus, breadcrumbs, sitemap)

We're using MyFaces, Richfaces & Restfaces to build a website on top of Oracle Stellant CMS. We're not using Site Studio. Are there any widgets/combination of widgets out there that could provide a unified navigation system? The site structure needs to be read from a DB table and CMS metadata fields, and we need a top tab menu, an expand...

JSF RichFaces and a dual slider

I see in richfaces that there is a single slider, wondering if anyone has created a dual slider like in Scriptaculous for it. Is there any concerns in mixing JSF, Richfaces and Scriptaculous in an application? ...

Performance benefits of upgrading Richfaces to newer version

I have a client that's running an application based on JBoss 4.0.5, Seam 1.2 and RichFaces 3.0.1. Their system is having performance problems due to the fact that a lot of data is coming back from the server to be displayed on screen and it seems like the rendering of that data is taking forever. The data brought back is displayed in a t...

prevent rich:tree from scrolling if not needed

Hello to all, I have a problem with JBoss Richfaces tree: Whenever I select a tree node (programmatically or by user click), the tree is re-rendered and (if needed) the tree node is scrolled into the visible area of the tree. So far - so good, but: the selected node is automatically scrolled at the very bottom of the tree view area, al...

open detail view with request parameter

I created a simple master/detail using myfaces and richfaces. By clicking a h:commandLink in the rich:dataTable the user is able to open the detail view and edit the entity. Now I want to create a URL that allows the user to open the detail view directly. Normally I would to this by creating an URL like /detail.jsp?id=12 - how can I ac...

JSF session scope beans with Tabbed browsing

Dear all, We have the following problem... Application's environment: JSF, Richfaces, a4J Consider having the following scenario: The user logs into the system The user navigates to a new page which consists of an a4j form containing a4j components, the user fills into the form but doesn't submit. The user opens a new Tab and opens...

Glassfish logs on JSF Page

I have JSF with Richfaces app on Glassfish server. Is it possible to make an ajax window on the page and show info from Glassfish's log file that is located in [GlassfishFolder]/domains/domain1/logs/server.log? And also I want to clean up that log to make it look like in NetBeans. Thanks ...

Is G4jsf still being developed/supported?

I've been evaluating different Java Web Application UI Frameworks. I have about 8 months of intensive JSF experience that I'd like to continue using. JSF also provides me the spider-readable markup as well as the ability to create very simple forms without touching much Java code. I also will have need for thick-client side interfaces t...

How do I stop richfaces adding borders to panels and calendars?

I'm hoping to use a custom richfaces skin to handle the bulk of my presentation work. Unfortunately richfaces renders borders around every cell in a calendar component and around each panel. I would like to turn them off so that day numbers site in an open grid with no borders. There is no obvious way to do that using skins or attributes...

How to render an image with map with JSF/Richfaces ?

I want to perform the followning task using JSF / Richfaces On click of a link - I would like to generate a PNG image with map (portion of the image should be click-able) and render under a panel. When I generate the image, I know the co-ordinates of the image which needs to be click-able. So I can generate the map. But I want to do it...

Remove gradients from richfaces controls

I'd like to use the richfaces panel as its basically the right shape and is skinnable, so I can change font, colour etc. However, as part of the default skin the horizontal bar containing the header has a gradient. My design has a flat simple colour with no gradient of any kind. How do I stop richfaces adding a gradient? If possible I...

RichFaces: Displaying a notification "popup" when AJAX operation succeeded

We are currently developing a B2B web shop based on Java EE 5, JSF, Facelets and RichFaces. The technology has really worked very well so far, but now I am facing a small problem I just can't figure out how to solve: Products are listed as tables, where every item can be added to the shopping basket by clicking on a small icon at the en...

Problem using richfaces to blind up and blind down

Using JSP and RichFaces. The search div should blind up when the "Run Search" button is clicked and the results div should blind down. <div id="paper"> <f:view> <h:form> <div id="criteria"> <rich:panel header="Search"> <h:inputText value="#{

Lazy loading parts of seam pages?

Hi All I'm working on a seam application (2.1.1.GA under JBoss AS 4.2.2) where a particular has a number of (sometimes large) sections that do not need to be rendered untill the user interacts with that particular section, think along the lines of an article title where the user clicks on the title and it expands to show a box containin...

jsf messages: adding link

Currently in JSF, all HTML contained within a message (rich:messages tag) is escaped and just shows up as the markup. For example, in my backing bean, I have: createMessage("Title created successfully with product number: <a href=\"\"&gt;" + product.getProductNumber() + "</a>."); where createMessage() is just a ...

What are the options to replace Java Swing GUI?

We have a desktop client application developed in Swing. This application interacts with backend server using Servlet. The new requirement is to make a web based client. I have read about JavaFX, Flex, ExtJS, etc. I would like to know which solution is best fit to replace a swing application? Does anyone have any experience of doing th...