



When deploying my project to SpringSource dm Server, every once in a while a JAR fails to deploy with the following message:

/mnt/myproject/springsource/work/com.springsource.server.deployer/packed/my.project.0.1.10.M.jar' cannot be unpacked. error in opening zip file

There are 5 .war files in the project. If one of them fails, it's always the same one (which is also the last one to be copied into the pickup directory). However, usually all 5 will deploy without issues. It is the exact same set of files in all instances, taken from a maven repository, just deployed to new server instances.

The file that fails can be opened just fine by 7-Zip. If I stop Spring, clear the pickup directory, start Spring and copy the .war files to pickup again, it will usually work.

The usual deployment process is:

  • Start Spring
  • Wait until it reports Open for business with profile 'web'
  • Copy all 5 projects with a 2 second delay between each copy (scripted).

Similar issues java-util-zip-zipexception-error-in-opening-zip-file and jboss5-cannot-deploy-due-to-java-util-zip-zipexception-error-in-opening-zip-fil do not seem to apply.