I tried to subscribe to the m2eclipse mailing list by sending an email to [email protected] but it never sent me back any confirmation email. I sent an email to [email protected] asking if the mailing list was still running a couple of weeks ago and haven't received any response back to that either.
Then I foun...
I am using M2Eclipse (0.10.0, Maven 3)in projects. I can add Maven dependency using m2eclipse. But dependency jars couldn't be downloaded. Instead, it created a file in each local repo folder named [JAR_Name].jar.lastupdate. The content of this file is some thing like :
Even using Maven 3 comman...
Hi there,
I'm trying to get the newest hibernate version for my project, for this purpose I've added the jboss repo into my settings.xml
but when I do the depency search from my m2eclipse plugin I see only results from the ...
Using eclipse 3.5, when I create a new maven project, m2eclipse automatically adds J2SE1.4 to libraries and Compiler Compliance Level to 1.4 (Project properties > Java Compiler).
My JRE system library is 1.6 and my default compiler compliance level is 1.6. I don't even have 1.4 installed.
Can I make m2eclipse use my default settings and ...
I've been doing just simple archetype projects until now, and always after dependencies definition and saving pom.xml, immediately after that the Maven Dependencies library was full of libraries. But now I declared:
parent(pom packaging, scm, repository management)
parent(pom packaging, shared dependencies)
actual project (jar pa...
I import Appfuse 2.1 into Eclipse 3.5 with m2eclipse. When I deploy it to tomcat, my web.xml goes to "WEB-INF\classes\WEB-INF\web.xml"
This issue is exactly the same with this one.
I can't find any problems in org.eclipse.wst.common.component file:
<wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="src/main/webapp"/>
<wb-resource deploy-path="/...
Hi all,
I'm trying to create a very simple webapp with maven and eclipse, but I'm having no joy at all, in fact the reverse of joy.
I go to File -> New Project, select Maven Project, and select the maven-archetype-webapp. When I finish the wizard, a webapp structure gets generated but with no 'java' directory under main, just resources...
Hi everyone,
i'm trying to use Nexus + m2eclipse/maven-3 professionnally, and i've got a huge 3rd party library that needs a lot of dependencies.
Is there any ways to ease my pain by uploading to Nexus this third party library with all its dependencies linked, so that anyone who would need it would just have to add the maven-dependenc...
I use eclipse and the maven plugin. I have a big multi-module project (~6 modules in the workspace). I often have the problem that when running my program (jetty:run) my application does not start because resource files are missing. Looking in the target folder, I noticed they haven't been copied. Only "project" "clean" helps in this cas...
Hi everybody,
I recently set up a j2ee development environment under Ubuntu: Eclipse (Helios) with the maven plugin (m2eclipse).
When I try to create a maven project, it tells me to select an "Archetype".
Then, I select an Archetype with a GroupId : "org.apache.maven.archetypes" and the
ArctifactId : "maven-archetype-quickstart" (I trie...
I installed Eclipse Helios with the m2eclipse maven plugin.
I want to create an application using JPA. So, what I do is: New > Maven Project then I select the maven default archetype.
The problem is that I want to add the "org.eclipse.persistence" dependency that I can't find.
Where is it? Can we add it manually? Should I update a sort...
Hi everybody,
I working with Eclipse Helios, m2eclipse Maven plugin and Glassfish plugin.
I edited the "pom.xml" file so that I can get the DerbyClient and the JPA Persistence classes.
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
I have a maven project under eclipse with m2eclipse.
WHen running integration tests the tests fail with the mention that the spring configuration files cannot be found on the classpath, and I get a similar error from log4j.
I was under the impression that m2eclipse would add the resources directories to the classpath but apparently no...
I've written a new Maven project and for now let's call it Utils. I've installed it successfully in my local Maven repository. At least the targets clean install print BUILD SUCCESSFUL in the end. I can also find the jar when I navigate to it manually through the Windows Explorer.
Now there's another project called Import I've writ...
In the lower levels of the application I am working on, the application uses SunJCE to encryt something (I'm pretty sure exactly what it is doing is not relevant to this question). Please let me know if you need more info on that and I'll dig it up.
We always use a Sun JDK,so the having the dependency of the SunJCE is not a big issue f...
I'm using Eclipse along with plugin m2eclipse to build and manage my project. In POM, I have included entry for servlet-api:
Scope is provided, not to include the ....
Hi guys,
I use Eclipse and I have serious problems :-( First I try to reconstruct my situation rudely for you:
I installed Eclipse JEE Helios and JDK 1.6.0_21 and configured windows' system vaariables
I installed m2eclipse
I generated an archetype for a JSF Webproject
I use Windows XP Professional SP3
So... now Eclipse has very bi...
I am using Maven to automate a project that is being developed in RAD 7.5.
I've installed m2eclipse in RAD 7.5 , updated ( manually ) maven dependencies , and it builds Maven way within RAD.
My main question : what is the best practice using m2eclipse with RAD?
Should we keep both ( RAD and maven ) settings in the project workspace or re...
Hi guys,
I installed Eclipse Helios and m2eclipse. Next I created a maven project. Now Eclipse goes crazy. It leaks all the time, goes in endless loops (continously 50% CPU), throws PermGen Space Errors and crashes. I can't work.
I tried to substitute the JDK with an older version, the same with maven and the same with eclipse. I also ...
I set up a small web project with JSF and Maven. Now I want to deploy on a Tomcat server. Is there a possibility to automate that like a button in Eclipse that automatically deploys the project to Tomcat?
I read about a the Maven War Plugin but I couldn't find a tutorial how to integrate that into my process (eclipse/m2eclipse).
Can yo...