
Running Apache Archiva standalone in Gentoo?

I have a server running Gentoo 2.6.12 r6 and I want to run Apache Archiva as a standalone server at startup. Does anyone have a working init.d script to accomplish this? Thanks! ...

adding new arifacts to archiva

I'm using Archiva as my repository manager. It is setup so the users hit the archiva repo and if it doesn't hvae it, the archiva repo will then check the maven central repo (the internal repo proxies the maven central). Now if I want to add a new dependency to the archiva repository, is there a command I can run to tell it to go fetch it...

Publishing artifacts with sources on archiva

At work I'm dipping my toes in managing project dependencies with maven. We use Apache Archiva (1.2.1) as a local repository and proxy. I'm adding artifact for open source project, that is not published on any public repository. I've learned that to publish the sources I should use the Classifier field on Upload artifact page. The source...

Snapshot not downloaded by Maven

I am trying to set up Maven with a Repository located in our local Network and I already have set up a Repository for snapshots and one for Releases (both apache archiva). Downloading the packages from the release repository works fine. However I keep getting errors, when I try to load SNAPSHOT versions from the snapshot repository, whe...

m2eclipse won't download sources from local repository

I am using Maven in Eclipse to manage the project dependencies which are resolved from a local repository (SNAPSHOT). It works fine for compiling, but when I am trying to download the sources of a package (via right-click on package and Maven -> Download Sources) it does not work. All I am getting is this output, but no information why ...

Maven - Archiva - Setting up Archiva for different geographic locations

We have developers working in different geographic locations and we want to set up Archiva for each of those geographic locations (just to make sure that the round trip in getting the artifacts is less). Is it possible that whenever an artifact is uploaded/deleted from Archiva at location G1 then the same change gets pushed to Archiva ...

Deploy Artifacts from Ivy to Archiva

Is there anyone have tested how to deploy artifacts within Archiva which security enabled. I have the following configuration My ivysettings.xml <ivysettings> <settings defaultResolver="archiva"/> <resolvers> <ibiblio name="archiva" m2compatible="true" root="http://localhost:8080/archiva/repository/i...

Maven checksum failed

I am working on a project that uses Maven as the build tool. I am using version 2.2.1 of the tool. Recently a coworker mentioned that he couldn't build the project because of checksum errors. I wasn't getting these errors so I deleted my local repository. Sure enough, I also got the checksum errors on the next attempt to build. We are us...

deleting repositories in Archiva

I deleted a repository from archiva but I only deleted the configuration and not the contents. When I'm ready to delete the contents, what's the best way to do so? ...

lastupdate is not showing in maven-metadata.xml

Hi all, I have an issue with an artifact's maven-metadata.xml is not showing up. Here is the environment i am working on: Apache Archiva , Ivy, ant. Problem: When I am Deploying artifact via the Web UI Form, I am able to see all the attributes in maven-metadata.xml. <metadata> --<groupId>twitter-evt</groupId> --<artifactId>authenticati...

Installing Apache Archiva Web Applicaiton on Tomcat (5.5 or 6) with MySQL backend

Has anyone been successful installing the web application version of Apache Archiva version 1.3 on Tomcat version 5.5 or with MySQL backend? I've followed the instructions to the letter, however, when Tomcat tries to deploy Archiva it says that it cannot find my JNDI datasources. I've tested my context file (in conf/Catalina/localhost)...

Resolving SNAPSHOT dependencies with timestamps from Ivy

I am attempting to resolve timestamped SNAPSHOT dependencies with Ivy. The environment is Ant + Ivy 1.2.0 + Archiva. Archiva itself is populated from Maven2 builds. Ivy is only used to resolve dependencies (from a single, non Maven2 project). How can Ivy be configured to correctly resolve timestamped artifacts from an Archiva or m2 re...

Archiva SMTP Real domain name required for sender address Error

I installed the stand alone Apache Archiva 1.3 Maven repository and I am having trouble configuring the SMTP settings for the e-mail validation. I configured the SMTP address by changing the property in jetty.xml. I was not able to find any documentation on Archiva's site for configuring this. <New id="validation_mail" ...

Maven deploy:deploy-file not found due to version/timestamp appended to jar

I'm having a problem using deploy:deploy-file with snapshots I'd like some advice on please. I have 2 projects; 1) Ant based and 2) the other Maven based that consumes the jars of the other project via Archiva. I've added a target to the Ant project to deploy snapshots on every successful build during our iteration. The problem is the...

Deploying non Maven based module src and tests jar to Archiva in a single transaction

Is it possible to use Maven deploy:deploy-file or similar to deploy your main src jar snapshot and the test src jar snapshot to Archiva so that it results in a single entry? Currently I have an Ant project which has jars I want publishing to Archiva and here is how I am doing it: <!--Main Src Jar--> <exec executable="${maven.bin}" dir...

How to configure a mirror setting for internal /external repository access

My ~/.m2/settings.xml has a mirrors element which points to an internal repository based on Apache Archiva. But in a home network, mvn tries to timeout trying to look for the internal repository which is no longer accessible. How to configure the settings.xml for internal / external use? ...

Is there a quick way to manually upload a bunch of artifacts jars with poms to archiva?

The web UI is clunky, and since archiva is on the internal network, adding new updates and things to it is a painstaking process. Does there exist a script or something that'll do the job of syncing up archiva to a local maven repo? ...

Unable to use Apache Archiva as Mirror

Hi I think this was supposed to be a simple task, but I've been unable to accomplish it. I've set an archiva repository as this: 2 Internal Maven1 repos (old projects) 1 Internal Maven2 repo 7 Remote repos (central,,, etc.) For each internal repo I've created a proxy connection with each remote repo. I've adde...

Can I use ivy dependency info in my ant build file

In my ivy.xml file I have dependency statements like: <dependency conf="*->*" org="gnu" name="gcc" rev="4.2.1" changing="false"> <artifact name="gcc" ext="tbz2" e:classifier="src"/> </dependency> 'rev=' can be a fixed value or 'latest' or whatever. In my build file I would like to get hold of the value of 'rev' to be uses in furt...