




Is it possible to use Maven deploy:deploy-file or similar to deploy your main src jar snapshot and the test src jar snapshot to Archiva so that it results in a single entry?

Currently I have an Ant project which has jars I want publishing to Archiva and here is how I am doing it:

<!--Main Src Jar-->

<exec executable="${maven.bin}" dir="../lib">           
  <arg value="deploy:deploy-file" />
  <arg value="-DgroupId=com.xxx.gt" />
  <arg value="-DartifactId=${ant.project.name}" />              
  <arg value="-Dversion=${manifest.implementation.version}-SNAPSHOT" />             
  <arg value="-Dpackaging=jar" />               
  <arg value="-Dfile=../lib/${ant.project.name}-${manifest.implementation.version}-SNAPSHOT.jar" />             
  <arg value="-Durl=http://archiva.xxx.com/archiva/repository/snapshots" />             
  <arg value="-DrepositoryId=snapshots" />

<!--Test Src Jar-->

<exec executable="${maven.bin}" dir="../lib">           
  <arg value="deploy:deploy-file" />
  <arg value="-DgroupId=com.xxx.gt" />
  <arg value="-DartifactId=${ant.project.name}" />              
  <arg value="-Dversion=${manifest.implementation.version}-SNAPSHOT" />             
  <arg value="-Dpackaging=jar" />               
  <arg value="-Dfile=../lib/${ant.project.name}-${manifest.implementation.version}-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar" />               
  <arg value="-Durl=http://archiva.xxx.com/archiva/repository/snapshots" />             
  <arg value="-DrepositoryId=snapshots" />
  <arg value="-Dclassifier=tests" />                    

The above Ant script will result in two snapshots on Archiva, 1 with the main src jar and the other with the test src jar.

Using mvn deploy on a typical Maven project will group the artifacts together.

Non Grouped Archiva Image

Has a sanpshot entry per deploy:deploy-file command

Non Grouped

Grouped Archiva Image

Has a single sanpshot entry grouping src and tests jars.

Grouped using mvn deploy

Here's my earlier post which will help explain how I got to this point.

If anyone knows how to solve this I'd appreciate it.

Thank You