



The web UI is clunky, and since archiva is on the internal network, adding new updates and things to it is a painstaking process.

Does there exist a script or something that'll do the job of syncing up archiva to a local maven repo?

+1  A: 

I'm not aware of such a tool, your best bet is IMO to script something on top of deploy:deploy-file.

Pascal Thivent
yea, I think that's what I'm going to do unless someone's already done this before.
so I recursed down a directory tree and found all the pom files, then I looked for accompanying jars and ran deploy:deploy-file. This mostly worked.
+1  A: 

A few people have now requested this for Archiva - I'd encourage you to vote for the issue MRM-875

Brett Porter
would it be possible to just copy over some directories from my repository to archiva's filesystem and run 'Scan repository Now'?
yes, absolutely.
Brett Porter