I am using Ivy to publish a snapshot of a built Jar to a locally hosted Nexus repository using the following Ant target.
<target name="publish">
<ivy:publish resolver="nexus_snapshot" pubrevision="SNAPSHOT" overwrite="true">
<artifacts pattern="${dist.dir}/[artifact].[ext]" />
This appears to work fine, resulting in the Jar and its associated ivy.xml being present in the repository (with filenames mymodule-SNAPSHOT.jar and ivy-SNAPSHOT.jar).
Later, in another build script, I wish to retrieve the Jar and its associated dependencies (i.e. as specified in its ivy.xml) into a directory.
This is the Ant target I'm using.
<target name="deploy">
<delete dir="deploy" />
<mkdir dir="deploy" />
<ivy:settings file="${ivy.dir}/ivy_deploy_settings.xml" />
<ivy:retrieve organisation="myorg" module="mymodule"
inline="true" revision="SNAPSHOT" pattern="deploy/[artifact].[ext]"/>
This retrieves the Jar to the directory, but not its dependencies. Also, if I add
to the retrieve, it fails as the configuration is not found.
As such, it seems that the retrieve is simply not referencing the ivy.xml and hence not resolving the dependencies.
Should this work or am I misunderstanding something?