An alternative to making a template is to evolve one by gradually generalising your current project's Ant script so that there are fewer changes to make the next time you copy it for use on a new project. There are several things you can do.
Use ${} in file names, so you only have to mention your application name in the project element. For example, if you generate myapp.jar:
<project name="myapp">
<target name="jar">
<jar jarfile="${}.jar" ...
Structure your source directory structure so that you can package your build by copying whole directories, rather than naming individual files. For example, if you are copying JAR files to a web application archive, do something like:
<copy todir="${war}/WEB-INF/lib" flatten="true">
<fileset dir="lib" includes="**/*.jar">
Use properties files for machine-specific and project-specific build file properties.
<!-- Machine-specific property over-rides -->
<property file="/etc/ant/" />
<!-- Project-specific property over-rides -->
<property file="" />
<!-- Default property values, used if not specified in properties files -->
<property name="jboss.home" value="/usr/share/jboss" />
Note that Ant properties cannot be changed once set, so you override a value by defining a new value before the default value.