


+17  Q: 

Maven or Ant?

Back up your claim with some actual benefits.

+3  A: 

Its not either/or.

Ant is a build tool, a powerful one but still just a build tool.

Maven is a project oriented build manager that handles the build but also manages dependencies and artifacts, etc. Ant has a variety of tasks for handling Maven projects and repositories, because you will still use Ant when using Maven.

Joe Skora
If you are using mvn to manage your project's build you should avoid embedding Ant scripts in them at all cost. Instead any functionality that can't be accomplished with the existing plugins should be bundled into your own custom plugin. Ant scripts kill the maintainability of an mvn build.
Mike Deck
+1. You can very easily take an ant build.xml and wrap it into a proper maven plugin now a days.
Brian Fox
What is the difference in maintainability of a build.xml vs a build.xml wrapped into a plugin?
Dean J

Ant is powerful build tool similar to make or nmake.Maven on the other hand is Apache project builded to overcome the shortcomings of Ant.Really speaking Ant is powerful build tool whereas Maven is little newer in this aspect


Building with Ant is likely to become complicated over time. Ant requires for instance scripting in XML. XML is not a nice structure to develop in.

Maven is not a silver bullet. (You might still need Ant.) But it is easier to maintain. It's most obvious advantage is managing 3rd party libraries.

If only Maven was better documented... :-(

There's a whole (free) book covering maven:
Brian Fox
+28  A: 

Contrary to what @Joe Skora has said, with Maven 2 I have rarely needed to use ant in combination with Maven. Maven 1 was built on top of ant, so you often found yourself dropping down into ant related things. I rarely have, however, with Maven.

These are the reasons I advocate Maven:

  • Repeatable builds / Dependency Management. All it takes is a check out of your source and, if necessary, a Maven configuration file, and you can issue one command and all of the dependencies for your project will be downloaded and then the project will be built. No checking of binary jars into your source control, or manually copying things, or whatever. Also, it handles transitive dependencies. If you depend directly on one library, you don't have to list its dependencies as well. Maven automatically figures that out for you.
  • Versioned artifacts This is an extension of the above point. Any given Maven project is required to have a version number. When you deploy built resources to your internal Maven repositories, it is easy to point to any given version. After getting used to this method of development, it doesn't make sense to me any longer to not have versions of both the built artifacts and its dependencies when doing development.
  • Convention and configuration over scripting. Maven has set conventions for project layout. It constructs classpaths based upon your declared dependencies and their transitive dependencies. With ant, you have to explicitly write out XML "code" for the steps to compile, to construct jars, to set up your classpaths, etc. Maven is much more declarative.
  • IDEs Yes, many ides have Ant integration or are based upon ant. Yet, I find that many people who use ant built scripts tend to check in IDE project files (.project for Eclipse, for example) into source control. This is often bad because of pathnames and so forth. With Maven, out of the box you can generate project files for Eclipse and IDEA, and I believe these as well as other major IDEs can import Maven projects. No need to check configuration files into source control.

Those are my main reasons for advocating Maven. However, as others have noted, it is far from perfect:

  • The documentation is lacking in places.
  • Sometimes you have to do silly things to work around bugs in the dependency calculation mechanism.
  • It can be slow at times (though I hear this is being worked on).

The declarative dependency management and version artifacts alone have got me sold on Maven.

Travis B. Hartwell
Maven often does NOT give you a repeatable build, as several open-source projects have found when their builds were broken for months at a time, and as I see at work on a regular basis. But, drink the Koolaid if you like... Or consider Ant+Ivy.
Rob Williams
I don't think I've drank the Kool-aid. I'm only speaking from my experience. At one company, the experience was horrible, but that was partly because the developers and architects did not understand versioning or how to take advantage of Maven. It is not without flaws, but the tool has been invaluable at others.After having used Maven, I never want to use a procedural make tool like Ant again. I haven't looked into Ivy much and I'm not sure what it gives you besides dependency management, but I try to stay away from ant. Building should be a declarative process and ant is *not* it.
Travis B. Hartwell
Hi Travis. Most of your points are not actually favouring Maven. An Ant build is repeatable, but Maven can't guarantee it. You don't need Maven to achieve versioned arfifacts. Yes I have to explicitly write out XML in Ant for the steps to compile etc, but I did that 5 years ago and haven't had to change it since. IDE integration is far better for Ant than for Maven. I commit my .project and .classpath to source control without any problems and it avoids the need to explicitly run a tool to generate these for me over and over again. Dependency management is overrated, but I'm out of space.
Kevin Stembridge
@Rob Pure FUD. Maven DOES give you repeatable build when used correctly. And Maven is born precisely because the maintenance of Ant builds was too much time consuming for open source projects (and Ant+Ivy isn't really a DRY solution).
Pascal Thivent
I have also heard that Ant+Ivy does not work well, from people I trust, so I retract that recommendation. Otherwise, the rest stands. Maven invokes too much magic and is nearly impossible to customize/extend. On the other hand, Ant is too trivial and requires the user to do too much.Bottom line: neither are great for doing builds. There are much better solutions available, and there is much more ground to cover than what Ant or Maven address. For example, there is continuous integration to consider.
Rob Williams

Maven has the chance to hit the sweet spot between a scripted build tool and an IDE-style pure declarative build. In the core of Maven is the build lifecycle, which is just an abstract sequence of steps. Then, in your POM you define (or inherit) a packaging. The packaging defines a set of default plugins and executions. You can think about the plugins as a bunch of Ant-tasks (or 'goals' in mavenspeak), which are versioned together. The executions define parameters for the actual goal and are bound to a lifecycle phase.

See also these two blog articles (shameless self promotion).

+20  A: 

We chose Maven 2 last year for one reason:

Ant is a build tool; Maven is a build system

What this means is that with Maven, you don't need to decide your directory layout, build targets, versioning scheme, management of dependencies, etc. This is all designed for you. It also means you will be working against the tool somewhat if you don't like the default.

The benefits are that most of the common tools you want to build into your build system (CheckStyle, FindBugs, Unit Testing, Unit Coverage, JDepened...) are all available without any additional development work. In addition, there is a well-defined framework for extending the build system by building plugins (btw - using Ant to build plugins is trivially easy). Also, there is nice integration with IDEs so that developers are using the same build information as the auto-build system.

The trade-off is that unless you are starting from scratch, you will probably need to refactor your source code to be in line with what Maven expects. The trade-off for not having to build everything from scratch is that you sometimes spend time figuring out how to coax Maven to do what you want, how you want it done.

If I was starting from scratch again today, I would definitely go with Maven again (after 1+ year experience).

John Stauffer
+1  A: 

I prefer Maven over Ant because of...

  • Dependency mangement
    • less jar hell
    • automatically downloads what you need over the internet
  • Convention over configuration
    • Fixed project structure is the same across all your projects
    • If you follow the convention you need to configure very little in your scripts.
    • Very good plug-in support. Lots of things for code coverage, testing, deployment and more
  • Ant get's really complex with multimodule builds and deployment whereas it's sort of built-in to maven.

With all that said, I recommend that you do not use Eclipse with Maven. The Eclipse project structure is one of peers (it's flat) whereas maven uses a hierarchy (it's a tree). Trying to shoehorn your project into the eclipse format gets messy.

The Netbeans and Intellij IDEA, both have excellent maven support.

Philosophically speaking you might say that with maven you tell it what you want to accomplish and with ant you tell it how you want it to be done.

+8  A: 

I have used both Ant and Maven (1 and 2), and I strongly encourage avoiding Maven (see what others are saying).

By using them, I mean that I have used, maintained, and created build scripts for dozens of clients and hundreds of projects, of all shapes and sizes. Neither Ant nor Maven scale well, so keep your build scripts independent (one project = one artifact at a time).

However, Ant leaves you in control, but Maven will fight you forever unless you bend to its will (it's way or the highway).

Best wishes.

Rob Williams
"However, Ant leaves you in control, but Maven will fight you forever unless you bend to its will (it's way or the highway)." By intention... having a standard convention for building certain types of projects makes it easy for anyone familiar with Maven to grasp in minutes. It's rare to find Ant files that are immediately understandable. (not impossible, just rare)
Brian Fox
I doubt that the intention with Maven was to make it incomprehensible and unusable. Convention can be quite useful, but the point is that Maven combines convention with extreme obfuscation. On the other hand, convention can be adopted with Ant to achieve the same benefits, while leaving out the obfuscation that makes Maven undesirable.
Rob Williams
@Brian I disagree that Maven is any easier to understand. As you mentioned, you have to become familiar with Maven to understand it. If you weren't familiar with Maven, a near empty pom.xml file doesn't aid your understanding at all. But the real problems begin when you need to do something slightly complex, or even something that should be simple, like creating a distributable package. Have you used the Assembly plugin lately? Definitely not immediately understandable.
Kevin Stembridge
+4  A: 

Having just moved to an Ant project from many painful Maven projects, I was hoping for dumbed-down but simple builds with ant - unfortunately, the build environment at my new gig is a massive proprietary can-o-worms, as I'm sure most Ant-based projects become over time.

At least Maven forces you to do things consistently, and to give credit, it goes a whole lot further towards providing a useful build environment than ant ever did. Ant falls short in delivering the tools to create a build environment by miles.

I now understand why there's no good Ant plugin for Eclipse - it's all proprietary, so there's nothing consistent that a plugin (or human) can assume about an ant build, unlike maven, where everything is either explicitly defined, or implicitly follows convention.

With not much to choose from, I would go with Maven again, but I'd recommend reading this first: 10 Sure Signs You Are Doing Maven Wrong

Most of my maven frustrations have been caused by engineers who were tasked with setting up the maven build system and thought they knew better than to RTFM and follow convention.

Alex Worden

-comment deleted -

Andrew H