
How do you use WebServiceMessageDrivenBean in Spring-WS?

How do you use the the org.springframework.ws.transport.jms.WebServiceMessageDrivenBean class from the Java Spring Framework - Spring-WS project? There is very little documentation or examples available on the web. ...

WebServiceTransportException: Unauthorized [401] in Spring-WS

We are struggling to configure our web app to be able to connect with web services via Spring WS. We have tried to use the example from the documentation of client-side Spring-WS, but we end up with a WebServiceTransportException. The XML config looks like this: <bean id="webServiceTemplate" class="org.springframework.ws.client.core.Web...

Spring-WS: How to access MessageContext from PayloadEndpoint

What is the "canonical" way to access the MessageContext from a PayloadEndpoint? We are using PayloadEndpoint and AbstractMarshallingPayloadEndpoint which do not expose the MessageContext to their invoke / invokeinternal methods, but will now need to access the HTTP request parameters. ...

Which framework is better CXF or Spring-WS?

I am in the process of researching/comparing CXF and Spring-WS for web services? I need to function both as a provider and a consumer of WS. In a nutshell, I have been told that Spring-WS is more configurable, but CXF is easier to get up and running. This question is subjective, but will help direct me in my research. What experience d...

Spring-WS: how to use WebserviceTemplate with pre-generated SOAP-envelope

Can you use a Spring-WS WebserviceTemplate for calling a webservice and avoid that it generates a SOAP-envelope? That is, the message already contains an SOAP-Envelope and I don't want that the WebserviceTemplate wraps another one around it. :-) The reason I want this is that I'd like to call a webservice that uses ws-security and do no...

Spring-ws or Axis2 or Something else for "Contract-First" approach to WS

Everyone's saying "Contract-First" approach to design WS is more inclined to SOA style design. Now, if we take the available open-source frameworks available to achieve that we have Spring-ws and also Axis2(which supports both styles). I have a task to design SOA based e-commerce app. where loose coupling, quick response, security and sc...

Hibernate session handling in spring web services

I am using spring-ws with Jaxb2Marshaller, PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping and GenericMarshallingMethodEndpointAdapter to configure my web services via the @Endpoint and @PayloadRoot annotations. When I try to use the DAO's of my project I am able to load objects from the database but as soon as I try to access properties ins...

How can I handle Castor unmarshaling of SOAP messages when the namespace is defined inside the operation tag?

I am developing a contract-first web service based on Spring-WS. I'm relying on Castor marshaling, and I have run into the following issue. Requests are being accepted when the "xmlns" namespace is defined in the Envelope tag, such as: <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns="h...

How do I create a mock object for Spring's WebServiceTemplate?

I have a class which calls out to an existing web service. My class properly handles valid results as well as fault strings generated by the web service. The basic call to the web service looks something like this (although this is simplified). public String callWebService(final String inputXml) { String result = null; try { ...

How to handle rpc/literal webservice with JAXB2 and Spring-WS

We need to access a legacy webservice that uses the RPC/literal webservice style and also to provide webservice endpoints for it. If you use webservices of document/literal style with Spring WebserviceTemplates / WebserviceEndpoints, you can use JAXB2 to generate / marshal / unmarshal the webservice requests. But how do you do this with...

Spring web service client for calling Apache axis web service

I need to call the external(Remote) web service through my spring web service client proramme. How can i send the request to remote web service service? ...

@Secured() is there any statement show on log...?

i annotated a bean class with @Secured and when i call the bean, there is no security exception throw even when no user login yet. i trying to debug it. my question is when we annotate a method/class with @Secured, when spring app start, is there any statement printed on log....? i already put below log bean in appcontext.xml <bean cl...

Usage of SoapActionEndpointMapping in Spring-ws

Hi all. I'm trying to create a WS based on a WSDL that defines one Request and one Response. The incoming request should be mapped to an endpoint depending on the SOAPAction defined in the SOAP message. To achieve this I'm trying to use the SoapActionEndpointMapping in my servlet.xml config file and define the mappings, as described in t...

Syntax of SoapAction in spring-ws config

I'm having some problems regarding the SoapActionEndpointMapping and are wondering if it could be related to the format of the property. The API says that the mapping is SOAP_ACTION=ENDPOINT_BEAN_NAME with the example http://www.springframework.org/spring-ws/samples/airline/GetFlights=getFlightsEndpoint Am I correct assuming ...

Consuming Third Party web services through Spring WebServiceTemplate

I'm trying to consume a Third Party web service, through a wsdl file provided. I would load the file locally from a Spring-J2EE based project underneath WEB-INF folder. The wsdl might have more than one operation exposed. So I need a way to be able to choose the method to be called. I would also need to make use of a JaxbMarshaller. Ca...

Anyone using Spring-ws with SAML authentication?

We are considering spring-ws as the platform for implementing web services that will be deployed on weblogic. We need to use WS-Security with SAML tokens issued by our identity management platform (TFIM). The Spring-ws documentation for XwsSecurityInterceptor does not mention SAML, and it is not clear to me if would work in this contex...

Spring WS-Security visible in WSDL

I've implemented authentication through WS-Security on my webservice as described at http://static.springframework.org/spring-ws/sites/1.5/reference/html/security.html, like so: <bean id="callbackHandler" class="org.springframework.ws.soap.security.wss4j.callback.SimplePasswordValidationCallbackHandler"> <property name="users"> ...

Spring-WS generates WSDL without operations

Spring-WS generates WSDL without operations in binding tag... Do you know why? There is my spring-ws-service.xml: <import resource="classpath*:application-context.xml" /> <!-- Register PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping --> <bean class="org.springframework.ws.server.endpoint.mapping.PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpo...

How to add custom SOAP-Header element to the generated WSDL in Spring-WS

Hi, we are migrating from WebLogic web-services to Spring-WS (1.5.X). There is currently one issue we are facing: We need to pass a context object (on WLS it is passed as SOAP-Header element) to other services that are still running on WLS from the Spring-WS powered service. The header element is still formulated on client side and the...

@Secured service methods and spring ws

I have the following project structure: base project (service layer, model) web project webservice project where both the web project and the web service project depend on the base project and use services provided by it. I make heavy use of the Spring Framework which means the Services are Spring Beans with methods secured by the...