Michael's answer is very close, but here is the example that works.
I already use Mockito for my unit tests, so I am familiar with the library. However, unlike my previous experience with Mockito, simply mocking the return result does not help. I need to do two things to test all of the use cases:
- Modify the value stored in the StreamResult.
- Throw a SoapFaultClientException.
First, I needed to realize that I cannot mock WebServiceTemplate with Mockito since it is a concrete class (you need to use EasyMock if this is essential). Luckily, the call to the web service, sendSourceAndReceiveToResult, is part of the WebServiceOperations interface. This required a change to my code to expect a WebServiceOperations vs a WebServiceTemplate.
The following code supports the first use case where a result is returned in the StreamResult parameter:
private WebServiceOperations getMockWebServiceOperations(final String resultXml)
WebServiceOperations mockObj = Mockito.mock(WebServiceOperations.class);
doAnswer(new Answer()
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation)
Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
StreamResult result = (StreamResult)args[2];
Writer output = result.getWriter();
catch (IOException e)
return null;
}).when(mockObj).sendSourceAndReceiveToResult(anyString(), any(StreamSource.class), any(StreamResult.class));
return mockObj;
The support for the second use case is similar, but requires the throwing of an exception. The following code creates a SoapFaultClientException which contains the faultString. The faultCode is used by the code I am testing which handles the web service request:
private WebServiceOperations getMockWebServiceOperations(final String faultString)
WebServiceOperations mockObj = Mockito.mock(WebServiceOperations.class);
SoapFault soapFault = Mockito.mock(SoapFault.class);
SoapBody soapBody = Mockito.mock(SoapBody.class);
SoapMessage soapMsg = Mockito.mock(SoapMessage.class);
doThrow(new SoapFaultClientException(soapMsg)).when(mockObj).sendSourceAndReceiveToResult(anyString(), any(StreamSource.class), any(StreamResult.class));
return mockObj;
More code may be required for both of these use cases, but they work for my purposes.