
Spring Web Service Client Tutorial or Example Required

Hello All... I need to jump into the Spring Web Service Project, in that I required to implement the Spring Web Service's Client Only.. So, I have already gone through with Spring's Client Reference Document. So, I got the idea of required classes for the implementation of Client. But my problem is like I have done some googling, but...

Spring WS & Validator interceptor

I have a endpoint mapping a webservice which is used to insert in the dabatabase some keywords: @Transactional(readOnly = false,isolation= Isolation.SERIALIZABLE) public Source saveKW(...). The input is a request. I would like to add an interceptor on the method in order to validate the parameters. this one will read some values fro...

Accessing Spring-WS service with JAX-RPC client model

I have deployed a service using spring-ws and accessed it using <bean id="messageFactory" class="org.springframework.ws.soap.saaj.SaajSoapMessageFactory"/> <bean id="webServiceTemplate" class="org.springframework.ws.client.core.WebServiceTemplate"> <constructor-arg ref="messageFactory"/> <property name="defaultUri" value="http://localh...

Using WebServiceTemplate with a keystore

Is it possible to configure a WebServiceTemplate with a java keystore? edit I'm looking for a way to configure the location of the keystore in the spring config ...

Extending spring based app

I have a spring-based Web Service. I now want to build a sort of plugin for it that extends it with beans. What I have now in web.xml is: <context-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value>/WEB-INF/classes/*-configuration.xml</param-value> </context-param> My core app has main-configuration.xml which decla...

How do I set a dependency on Spring Web Services in my POM.xml

I get this on a lot of Maven dependencies, though current source of pain is Spring. I'll set a Spring version and include it like so: <spring-version>3.0.0.RELEASE</spring-version> <!-- Spring framework --> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-core</artifactId> <version>${spring-version...

How to add custom SOAP header in Spring WS using Axiom and XmlBeans

I'm using Spring WS 1.5.8, XmlBeans for marshalling/unmarshalling and AxiomSoapMessageFactory. My app. needs a custom SOAP header. The data that needs to be in the SOAP Header is a XmlBean (i.e sessionContext in the code below). How can I construct the SOAP Header with this XmlBeans XmlObject element in it? I've mentioned the code of my ...

Spring-ws client from WSDL

I have created a POX client (generated from jaxb2 from XSD) using spring-ws, but am confused as to how to create a SOAP client (generated from a WSDL). I am using wsimport to generate stubs, but it seems like this goes 1 step too far for use with spring-ws. The stub actually handles the transport, where as with the POX client, spring h...

No endpoint mapping found for..., using SpringWS, JaxB Marshaller

I get this error: No endpoint mapping found for [SaajSoapMessage {http://mycompany/coolservice/specs}ChangePerson] Following is my ws config file: <bean class="org.springframework.ws.server.endpoint.mapping.PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping"> <description>An endpoint mapping strategy that looks for @Endpoint and @PayloadRo...

Why should we have soap location in WSDL ?

Hello, Is soap:address/ or soap:address location=uri / best pratice for spring WS ? Regards, ...

Spring WS WebServicesTemplate/Jaxb2Marshaller client view raw xml?

Is it possible to view the request and the response for a Spring WS client using WebServicesTemplate and Jxb2Marshaller as the marshaling engine? I simply wan to to log the xml, not perform any actions upon the raw xml. ...

Forcing Spring web services to add the xsd namespace to the response

I'm using the Spring WS version 1.5.8. My response looks like this: <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"&gt; <SOAP-ENV:Header/> <SOAP-ENV:Body> ... </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> However, my client (whom I integrate with) requires that I will add more namespace declera...

Example on Web Service Consumption using Spring if provided a WSDL

Hi Im a newbie to Spring WebServices. I would like to go through a standard example wherein the WSDL is provided as input from Provider. Now how will the client code for this WSDL looks like. Do we need to generate a stub code at client side?? ...

What's the best way to do XMLObject Validation.

Hi All, I'm doing Sprimg WS at my workplace. We run into some strange validation problems, where if a user passes "Dog" for a boolean value. It still accepts it and blows up. I would like to know what's the best way to handle this kind of problem. Requirement: Based on the SOAP request, If there are any validation errors, return the se...

How to access a MTOM payload when using document oriented SOAP?

I need to integrate an external SOAP Service into my system. I have only the wsdl and no test server so far. I figured out how to generate stubs for the server using CXF in order to build a mocking server to implement against. On the client side the spring webservices WebServiceTemplate seems the perfect match for my use case. Two of t...

Spring Web Service

I want Spring Webservice program in details. I have visited many websites , no website is providing me in proper. I want that program to be detailed and clear explained. It is better if you use any one of the Netbeans of Eclipse Ganymade IDE's ...

Spring Web Services: Redirect Web Service Request

I have different Spring Web Services, which are included into the context by the Endpoint Annotation, so there are no dependencies despite the Annotation (no interface etc.). Therefore, no "context" information is present. Now I want to chain a web service request, ie. an Endpoint is called which itself should call a web service on the...

How do I get spring-ws + tomcat to log errors

I'm creating a Spring-WS based webservice and running it in tomcat. I made some change and now get a fault with OperationUnsupportedException. I'd like to see the entire stack trace that Spring-WS is getting, but cannot figure out how to have it logged. Does anybody know how to have this stack trace logged somewhere? ...

How do I fix my "Stream closed" error in spring-ws?

I have working code using the spring-ws library to respond to soap requests. I moved this code to a different project (I'm merging projects) and now it is failing. I would like to figure out the reason for the failure. The symptom I get is this: when the HTTP request arrives, spring begins handling the call. Then I get the following exc...

Java NoClassDefFoundError

I can compile the Java Web Service client fine with the following command: javac -classpath lib\spring-ws-2.0.0-M2-all.jar;lib\xml-apis.jar;lib\j2ee.jar;lib\saaj.jar;lib\saaj-impl.jar WebServiceClient.java When I actually run it (java WebServiceClient), it gives me the following error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang...