
How can I cache a calculated column in rails?

I have a tree of active record objects, something like: class Part < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :sub_parts, :class_name => "Part" def complicated_calculation if sub_parts.size > 0 return self.sub_parts.inject(0){ |sum, current| sum + current.complicated_calculation } else sleep(1) return rand(10000) e...

How to avoid messages like "Profiler Agent Warning: Failed to lookup cached class org/apache/derby/impl/services/locks/ActiveLock" when profiling a Java application with visualvm?

When trying to monitor a Java application using visualvm I can't obtain useful information, because a lot of my classes (but not only mine) can't be instrumented, displaying the following message: Profiler Agent Warning: Failed to lookup cached class org/apache/derby/impl/services/locks/ActiveLock Thus, the profiler doesn't show any in...

Retrieve a lost subversion repository

I have a Rails application working on Passenger deployed using Capistrano from a subversion repository. The subversion repository is lost. We just have a folder named "cached-copy" which I believe has been made by svn. Is it possible to recreate a subversion repository from this "cached-copy"? ...

Need advice about how to cache text data on iPhone

Could you give me some algorithm or example? ...

Stop Returning Cached CLLocationManager Location

Hi Everyone: I am wondering if there is some way to make it so CLLocationManager doesn't automatically returned a cached location. I understand that the documents say "The location service returns an initial location as quickly as possible, returning cached information when available" but this cached location could be extremely far awa...

ArcGIS Server - HeatMap for to identify hotspots on a cached service

ArcGIS Server lets you create cached map services. These can be consumed by various applications (ArcGIS Desktop, web apps, etc) I would like to get an idea on which areas of my cache are getting hit the most. I would like to visualise these results using a heat map overlaid onto the same cached map. I was thinking of utilising something...

Why can't the compiler/JVM just make autoboxing "just work"?

Autoboxing is rather scary. While I fully understand the difference between == and .equals I can't but help have the follow bug the hell out of me: final List<Integer> foo = Arrays.asList(1, 1000); final List<Integer> bar = Arrays.asList(1, 1000); System.out.println(foo.get(0) == bar.get(0)); System.out.println(foo.get(...

Triggering Javascript on cached page?

I'm pretty sure I can't do what I'm actually asking, but am wondering if there is some sort of workaround for the issue. I have a page that has a drop down SELECT form element with several options. If one particular option (in this case, the first item) is selected, we show additional content (via jQuery). This works fine. What happens...

Is ArrayList.size() method cached?

I was wondering, is the size() method that you can call on a existing ArrayList<T> cached? Or is it preferable in performance critical code that I just store the size() in a local int? I would expect that it is indeed cached, when you don't add/remove items between calls to size(). Am I right? update I am not talking about inlining ...