
Drilling down in VisualVM

I just installed Java 1.6_07 so I could try profiling with VisualVM. It tells me that my app is spending 60% of its time in sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$ How do I find out what it was doing during that time? How much of the time was it waiting for something to call it, or doing something else? What was cal...

Monitor .NET Threads

Is there any way to monitor/log thread interactions in the .NET runtime much like VisualVM does for Java? I don't have a specific need at the moment but I think it would be nice to see how all the threads in my application interact. ...

Problem with VisualVM-when connecting to remote host

Hi All, I am new to Java Development and using the VisualVm for the first time. I am facing some problem in Connecting a Remote Host from the VisualVm interface. I have JDK 1.6 running in the remote host and also started jstatd server on the same. When I am connecting the remote host from VisualVm interface running in local machine, ...

Limiting Profiling in Visual VM

I am trying out the VisualVM program that comes with the new JDKs. I am doing profiling on it and trying to profile CPU on only methods in a particular package. I put the following in the "Profile Only Classes:" jig.* Where jig is the package I want to instrument. Unfortunately I get back results on other methods that are not in tha...

Dollar sign in visualvm

I am trying to profile an application and I have a lot of instances of type sim.core.EndPoint$2 When I inspect those instances I verify they are not of type sim.core.EndPoint, they seem to be an EndPoint with a few more things that shouldn't be there. What does a dollar sign mean after the name of a type in visualVM? Thank you. ...

Setting default profile CPU to true in Java VisualVM

I want to use Java VisualVM to also profile the application even when it is starting. By default, it is set as false. Is there any way to change the profiling to be enabled by default? Thanks, Aakash ...

Using VisualVM with a JDK1.4 application?

I'm interested in using VisualVM (running on a JDK 1.6 environment) to monitor and troubleshoot some issues with an application deployed and running on JDK 1.4 (and Tomcat 5.0). Basically, the app is hanging periodically and I am interested in seeing if I can monitor it to help find out where. The homepage for VisualVM mentions that it...

JVM calltree snapshot for VisualVM

I am trying to use VisualVM to profile a Java (Sun JDK 1.6) standalone application. I have a scripted performance test environment, where I can run my application and get it to report some metrics I care about. Is there some way to get JVM to collect some CPU profiling snapshot which I can later analyze with VisualVM? I am looking for...

Performance Cost of Profiling a Web-Application in Production

I am attempting to solve performance issues with a large and complex tomcat java web application. The biggest issue at the moment is that, from time to time, the memory usage spikes and the application becomes unresponsive. I've fixed everything I can fix with log profilers and Bayesian analysis of the log files. I'm considering running ...

HEAPSPACE ERROR: cannot figure out what is causing the error

Would anyone mind having a look at these bits of code and see if there is a memory leak in them, it isn't going to be overly large but my program keeps crashing after a while of running and I don't know how to use viualvm even though I have been reading up on it for several days now and haven't the slightest idea what I am looking for in...

Can I compare hprof/jmap dumps with VisualVM?

VisualVM crashes when I try to profile our application with it, but if I could load the jmap memory dumps I've done from our application into VisualVM, I could probably get the answers I need without having to attach VisualVM to our app while it is running. So, is there a way to do this? ...

How to avoid messages like "Profiler Agent Warning: Failed to lookup cached class org/apache/derby/impl/services/locks/ActiveLock" when profiling a Java application with visualvm?

When trying to monitor a Java application using visualvm I can't obtain useful information, because a lot of my classes (but not only mine) can't be instrumented, displaying the following message: Profiler Agent Warning: Failed to lookup cached class org/apache/derby/impl/services/locks/ActiveLock Thus, the profiler doesn't show any in...

How do I start VisualVM with the JMXWS WS Connector (JSR-262)?

I have an Java application running in JBoss in which I have enabled JMX remote monitoring. This allows me to connect with tools such as jconsole and visualvm to monitor memory usage, cpu utilization, mbeans, and more. The server on which my application is running has restrictive port access though, which is why I am using the JSR-262 JMX...

Java Profiler for EJB Applications

I have a Web Application deployed to a local Glassfish server which I would like to profile in order to see which parts of my code is accessed most frequently. The code consists of JSF beans and Remote EJBs, with both being deployed in a single EAR. I tried using VisualVM to profile my Application but, although I can successfully connect...

VisualVM over ssh

I've read Visual VM remotely over ssh but I think I've not fully understood because it was not working for me :-( Please can someone give some example? ssh -D 9696 [email protected] and visualvm.exe -J-Dnetbeans.system_socks_proxy=localhost:9696 starts visualvm, but no processes of external ...

Configure VisualVM to visualize multiple JVMs

I would like to use VisualVM to monitor a cluster of JVMs, say 50 - 100 processes. Is there a way to configure VisualVM to monitor to a specified list of JVMs on startup without adding them manually? ...

VisualVM breaks jetty

Hi, I'm trying to profile application that is run by "mvn jetty:run", when I connect VisualVM to it and click on Profile jetty crashes with: Profiler Agent: Waiting for connection on port 5140 (Protocol version: 8) Profiler Agent: Established local connection with the tool # # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environm...

Profile Tomcat Application With VisualVM

I would like to profile an application that runs on Tomcat with the VisualVM tool. Unfortunately, when I tell VisualVM to profile Tomcat, Tomcat prints out a couple of messages indicating it is connecting to a profile tool and then simply exits. Details… I am using Windows XP, Tomcat 6, VisualVM 1.2.1, and JDK 1.6.0_11. In Visual VM...

Total method time in Java VisualVM

In Java VisualVM, is there any way to display total method time, rather than "self time"? (The latter is not particularly useful, since it doesn't tell you anything about how much time methods actually take to run.) If not, is there any standalone free Java profiler that does calculate total method time? ...

MBean Simple Graph Monitor

I have some JMX Beans that expose performance information in my application. I would like to have some facility to plot an attribute of an MBean in a graph for monitoring (a la Windows Perf Mon). I love the stuff that comes with JConsole and VisualVM, but I have not been able to find a nice plugin that will let me select an attribute o...