
An alternative of software like VisualVM to programmatically find running java applications' values etc. by searching heap dumps?

I'm not experienced with java applications but I found out that finding static pointers etc. to these applications' memory addresses is often (nearly) impossible, apparently because of the java engine that handles the code (correct me if this way of naming it is wrong please). Now, I've used VisualVM ( and...

Connect visualvm to websphere 7

I am trying to get visualvm and websphere 7 to work together on my local windows desktop. I try to connect through JMX but no luck. Has anybody managed to get visialvm and websphere 7 to work and ow did you do it? Regards FF ...

Still cannot connect Tomcat 6 remotely via VisualVM

Hi, If checked the other questions regarding this issue but so far no soultion. Here is my setup: TC6 runs on a debian vm on my macbook. in /etc/default/tomcat6.0 I have following options set: CATALINA_OPTS=" -Dcom.sun.manage...

VisualVM can't connect to any PID on Snow Leopard?

No matter what I start up, Visual VM just gives me "Unknown Application" and "Not supported for this JVM" on my Mac. I've tried JBoss, Jetty, Eclipse - just to see if it would be able to identify / profile anything, and so far, nada. $ java -version java version "1.6.0_17" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_17-b04-248-10M302...

Interpreting the results of a VisualVM profiling session

I have an application that writes some data (about 15mb in 80k tuples) into an SQLite database using this jdbc-driver on Mac OS X. This is done using transactions, the largest of which contains about 45k inserts into one table. When profiling the application, several things seems strange: If I pause the application right at the beginni...

How do you run jvisualvm.exe under the local system account under Windows Server 2003?

I am running GlassFish 3.0.1 as a windows service under Windows Server 2003 with Java 1.6 u 20, and am generally happy. I would like to be able to use VisualVM on this JVM and used as a starting point, but starting with ...

How to package Java Agent as Visual VM plugin

I have written a Java Agent along with an SWT GUI for controlling the agent. I want to package this library into a plugin for VisualVM to allow the agent to be attached to a JVM using VisualVM. I have written a Netbeans module to do this right here:

Export Java VisualVM .nps profiler data to excel

Is there any way to convert the .nps profiler data captured by VisualVM to excel. Namely I'd like to get a table view of the HotSpot Methods. In the end I want to know if there's a way to automate the capture of VisualVM profiler statisitcs (e.g. command line script) and export that to Excel (CSV file or whatever), so that we could au...

How should I start profiling/optimizing my java application/oracle database?

Yesterday I read something abouth application optimization and how a programmer should find the most used parts of the program and by profiling and modifying them getting the most benefit (when looking at the time/work invested vs. memory/speed gains). Now, I've run the Eclipse profiler, got VisualVM but I don't how to use this data prop...

JMX Port not getting opened when server is started via service.msc (is visible when started over cmdline)

Hi Guys, I need to monitor a java application remotely via visualvm. I have added the port (value 5555), ssl and authenticate properties (both false)) in the prop file. It works ok when I start the process via cmdline, I can connect via jconsole/visualvm by specifying the hostname:port. However it does not connect to the same process ...

Remote VisualVM monitoring without JDK

I need to profile a Java process (Tomcat) on a remote server. I know I need to lunch jstatd on the server. The problem is I don't have JDK installed on the server. What do I need to run jstatd? Do I have to have the entire JDK? ...

Remote start Java CPU Profiler like VisualVM but automated

Is there a way to remote start a CPU profiler (and specify package exclusions) like you can with the VisualVM tool (through I assume JMX). We want to be able to automatically start a server run a stress test with a specific CPU profiler configuration enabled, and then export the results. Also is there any library that would allow you t...

tomcat closed when i open visualvm_profiler

i run tomcat6 by doubleclick on startup.bat on win2003 . then i open up visualvm1.31. I went to the profiler tab, and press memory, then i can statement on tomcat log, "...cache" then suddenly tomcat shutdown itself, there is no error message. anyone experience this? visualvm application status: terminated ...

WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF): Alternatives?

Hi, WLDF (WebLogic Diagnostic Framework) allows many performance-related analyses - in particular resource demands tracking and tracing across classes and methods. In that sense, it is similar to a profiler - however, it works on the server side, and is bound to the particular product/vendor. Are there any other products (maybe even o...

visual vm analyze memory leak

in my visual vm, i click on sample->memory, and i keep see "windowprincipal" class, instances stay at 25. even that right now nobody using the application. is this sign of memory leak? ...

Can visualvm connect automatically via JMX to a remote process?

I have a Java process running on a remote machine, and the process sets up some mbeans. I also have jstatd running on that machine as the same user as the Java process. (The mbeans can be set up programmatically or using etc, this doesn't appear to make a difference). VisualVM is able to make a jstatd...

visual vm force gc

hi, i sampling the memory usage and count number of instances for POJO. if when i press 'garbage collecting' in visual vm and i can see the instances down , does that mean it's memory leak free ? how to force jvm do garbage collecting everyday at midgnight ? (just like automatically press garbage collect on visualvm) ? i see visual...

visualvm monitors memory usage

in my tomcat startup, i set -xms , -xmx to 1GB. inside visualvm when i monitor memory when i do sampling of memory, it doesnt show accurate memory usage, until, if i press 'snapshot', and then the java classes that utilizing memory showing correct patterns and instances count. why like this? also, as i set tomcat memory to 1gb, memo...