
Differences between JDK and Java SDK

Is there any substantial difference between those two terms?. I understand that JDK stands for Java Development Kit that is a subset of SDK (Software Development Kit). But specifying Java SDK, it should mean the same as JDK. ...

Can I use Collections.EMPTY_LIST wihout an UncheckedException?

Is there a Generics Friendly way of using Collection.EMPTY_LIST in my Java Program. I know I could just declare one myself, but I'm just curious to know if there's a way in the JDK to do this. Something like users = Collections<User>.EMPTY_LIST; ...

Are there some statistics on the most frequently used Java API functions?

Given a large API (an in particular, the Java or J2EE standard libraries), is there a tool or search engine or other resource that can tells me which methods, classes, or even packages people in general tend to use the most? I am annotating (see below) APIs and would like to focus my attention on popular areas. The only thing I can think...

Java SE 6 vs. JRE 1.6 vs. JDK 1.6 - What do these mean?

I see many different Java terms floating around. I need to install the JDK 1.6. It was my understanding that Java 6 == Java 1.6. However, when I install Java SE 6, I get a JVM that reports as version 11.0!!!??! Who can solve the madness? ...

What is missing in the current and planned standard Java class library?

When looking through the JDK, I often think to myself, "Why isn't this included in the JDK?" I know there's Apache Commons and various other libraries, but there are somethings that are just so fundamental that I feel it should be added to the JDK. What are some things missing that you think should be added to the JDK? ...

JDK Download problem: Your download transaction cannot be approved. Contact Customer Service.

I tried to download the JDK last friday and then again today and was "greeted" with the following message: "Your download transaction cannot be approved. Contact Customer Service." Does anyone else get the same message? Is there any workaround for this issue? Apparently this error appears when you are in one of the following countries:...

How can I get the location of the JDK directory in Java?

Is there an similar property like System.getProperty("java.home") that will return the JDK directory instead of the JRE directory? I've looked http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/lang/System.html#getProperties() and there doesn't seem to be anything for the JDK. ...

JavaBeans Activation Framework: is it worth learning?

Recently I've stumbled upon a class named javax.activation.DataHandler. But while reading the javadoc of JDK6, I was not able to understand the aim and rationale of the framework. If you have have used the framework in real life project, please share your experience and explain what a developer can "earn" from it. ...

Why are there many JRE implementations?

I was wondering..There is Sun's JRE, IBM's JRE, BEA's JRE, Oracle's JRE and some more less know JREs in the market. Why is there so many JRE implementations? Does the fact that Sun opened the Java platforms mean that there will be one open JRE / JDK? Or are we going towards what happened with Linux and its many distributions ? ...

Is JDK 6u14 Garbage First (G1) garbage collector, suitable for JRun?

Garbage First (G1) garbage collector http://weblogs.java.net/blog/opinali/archive/2009/02/here_comes_jdk.html Do you think this garbage collector is better for JRun, running ColdFusion 8? ...

Eclipse: Build and conform to different JRE versions

Is there a way to build my app using one version of the JRE but have my source conform to another version? I would like to debug my app locally using 1.6 because OS X's 1.6 is much better than 1.4.2, but because of backwards compatibility reasons we actually ship using 1.4.2. ...

No experience since JDK 1.4. Am I still viable in the marketplace?

I understand there are factors at play here other than what JDK I used in my previous jobs, but a lot has gone on since JDK 1.4, and I haven't used any of the new 1.5 or 1.6 features in a production environment. Can that hurt me significantly? Almost every tutorial I see uses generics, enums, var args, and the like, and I wonder if I'm r...

Intellij Cannot determine verions for JDK

Why do I get the error in intellij: Cannot determine version for JDK flex_sdk_3. Update JDK configuration. ...

How do I get started with J2ME?

i am new to J2ME. please suggest me how can i install it and where from. and what else i have to downlaod to install J2me ofcourse with jdk. ...

Is there a JDK class to do HTML encoding (but not URL encoding)?

I am of course familiar with the java.net.URLEncoder and java.net.URLDecoder classes. However, I only need HTML-style encoding. (I don't want ' ' replaced with '+', etc). I am not aware of any JDK built in class that will do just HTML encoding. Is there one? I am aware of other choices (for example, Jakarta Commons Lang StringEscape...

How can I configure a Hudson job to use a specific JDK?

I have a number of projects running on a Hudson slave. I'd like one of them to run Ant under Java6, rather than the default (which is Java5 in my environment). In the project configuration view, I was hoping to find either: An explicit option allowing me to set a custom JDK location to use for this project. A way to set custom environ...

In the JDK 1.6 compiler, what does "-source 1.6" enable, if anything?

I'm aware of the class file format change using -target 1.6 (which is required when you use -source 1.6). But does the source option specifically change anything or enable any new features? ...

Is there a difference between setting JAVA_HOME through cmd line or GUI

This is a real noob question. When I set up JAVA_HOME using the command line interface I used set JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13 However when I open the JAVA_HOME variable from System>Advanced>Environment Variables the change is not visible. Are these two different settings? I have this question every time I set up a n...

reading data from Excel file prior to version 95

Apparently Excel 4.0 is still used and I have to read it in Java. Neither poi nor jExcelAPI, as great as they are, can parse them. I can't find anything on them, especially with Java. Any help? Thank you. ...

Populate an enum with values from database

I have a table which maps String->Integer. Rather than create an enum statically, I want to populate the enum with values from a database. Is this possible ? So, rather than delcaring this statically: public enum Size { SMALL(0), MEDIUM(1), LARGE(2), SUPERSIZE(3) }; I want to create this enum dynamically since the numbers {0,1,2,3} ...