
Microsoft JET SQL Query Logging or "How do I debug my customer's program?"

The problem: We use a program written by our biggest customer to receive orders, book tranports and do other order-related stuff. We have no other chance but to use the program and the customer is very unsupportive when it comes to problems with their program. We just have to live with the program. Now this program is most of the time ...

Capturing data from a .Net web-service that fails with an HTTP 500 error code

I have a .net web-service hosted in IIS 6.0 that periodically fails with an http 500 because a client connects to it with data that does not match the wsdl. Things like having an element specified in a method as being of type int and the inbound xml element contains a decimal number. WSDL element definition: <s:element minOccurs="1" m...

How to see the trace in a separate console

Is it possible in C# to see the traces in a separate console. For example, I am having a window based application in which there are trace statements that will write the currently executed method name in to the console. When I run this application, it should automatically open a console and start the traces. Is this possible? ...

How to identify which lines of code participated in a specific execution of a Java program?

Suppose that I have a Java program within an IDE (Eclipse in this case). Suppose now that I execute the program and at some point terminate it or it ends naturally. Is there a convenient way to determine which lines executed at least once and which ones did not (e.g., exception handling or conditions that weren't reached?) A manual way...

ASP.NET trace level

This question is related to my another question. With trace enabled I can get the following(not quite verbose) trace of a page request: [2488] Begin PreInit [2488] End PreInit [2488] Begin Init [2488] End Init [2488] Begin InitComplete [2488] End InitComplet...

Why does tracing only work from time to time?

ASP.NET tracing seems very erratic. Sometimes it traces and sometimes it doesn't. I trace from my ASCX using... Trace.Write("etc. etc."); My web.config looks as follows... (in WSS3) I first ensure that SharePoint allows the page level tracing... <SafeMode MaxControls="200" CallStack="true" DirectFileDependencies="10" TotalFileDepende...

Can I use Ajax and ASP.NET Tracing on the same page?

I'm using an Ajax update panel and have recently added ASP.NET tracing code to aid in debugging. All of the sudden I started getting PageRequestManagerParseErrorExceptions when any Ajax code is executed. For example: Trace.Write("Done setting employeeId."); Apparently this is because I am not allowed to use "server tracing" along w...

When I publish my ASP.NET site in RELEASE mode, will tracing still work?

When I publish my ASP.NET site in RELEASE mode, and set compilation debug="false", will my ASP.NET and System.Diagnostics Tracing still work? ...

Java RMI tracing

Is there a tool which traces & logs all RMI activity of a Java application? ...

Getting Trace messages into Failed Request Tracing from Controllers

On ASP.NET MVC Preview 5, we're having trouble getting any trace messages from Global or Controllers to appear in either a page (View) or Failed Request Tracing (FREB). Neither of these calls work in a Controller Action: HttpContext.Trace.Write("hello"); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("world"); There are no issues with trace stat...

Monitor Cocoa apps for execution of external utilities (e.g., ffmpeg) on Mac OS X ?

There are Mac GUI applications which provide a front-end to more geeky commandline tools (often included as a part of the application package). I would like to look at what is happening under the hood of such GUIs. How to "attach" to an application, monitor it for calls to command line utilities and log a filename and command line param...

Trace why a transaction is escalated to DTC

Is there any way to determine precisely why a System.Transaction TrasactionScope is being escalated to the DTC? We are hitting a bump with one of our components that seem to escalate the transaction while all other components (which seem deceptively similar) does not do escalation. Are any information made available on the reasons for t...

What's the best way to trace log a .NET HTTP handler?

We have a very high-performance multi-threaded .NET HTTP handler application and want to enable trace logging for debugging. I have a few questions about this: Is tracelevel the best way to toggle on/off logging? If tracelevel is "off," will the tracelevel statements have any impact on performance? When using an HTTP handler, how can I...

ASP.NET and System.Diagnostics tracing - have I missed something, or is this a bad idea?

For various common reasons I wanted to use tracing for my ASP.NET application. Especially since I found out about the possibility to use the Service Trace Viewer tool which allows you to examine your traces in a powerful way. Since I had never used this trace thing before, I started stuying it. After a while of Google, SO and MSDN I fin...

C# conditional logging/tracing

I want to add logging or tracing to my C# application but I don't want the overhead of formatting the string or calculating values to be logged if the log verbosity level is set so low that the message will not be logged. In C++, you can use the preprocessor to define macros that will prevent code from being executed at all like this: ...

Logging best practices

I'd like to get stories on how people are handling tracing and logging in real applications. Here are some questions that might help to explain your answer. Frameworks What frameworks do you use? log4net System.Diagnostics.Trace System.Diagnostics.TraceSource Logging application block Other? If you use tracing, do you make use of ...

Classic ASP always return code 200 in IIS7

Hi, I enabled tracing in IIS7. I set those properties to true in the ASP tab of the IIS management tool: appAllowClientDebug, appAllowDebugging, errorsToNTLog, scriptErrorSentToBrowser; To test it, I wrote a small classic ASP test page in wich I voluntary include a bug (bad activeX name). My asp test page is rendered until th...

sql profiler for sql express 2008 that shows the query with parameter info

Duplicate of: Does sql profiler show you the paramater values that were passed in? (Asked by same user.) Hi, I need a sql profiler that will show all the sql (raw sql or sproc) that are called to a database, along with the parameters passed into the queries. I don't mind a commercial product if it has a trial. ...

What is the performance impact of tracing in C# and ASP.NET?

I found this in some production login code I was looking at recently... HttpContext.Current.Trace.Write(query + ": " + username + ", " + password)); ...where query is a short SQL query to grab matching users. Does this have any sort of performance impact? I assume its very small. Also, what is the purpose of this exact type of trac...

how intercept xhr with greasemonkey

hi, i've tried the following code : (function(open) { = function(method, url, async, user, pass) { this.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() { console.log(this.readyState); }, false);, method, url, async, user, pass); }; })(XMLHttpRe...