
Nested multithread operations tracing

I've a code alike void ExecuteTraced(Action a, string message) { TraceOpStart(message); a(); TraceOpEnd(message); } The callback (a) could call ExecuteTraced again, and, in some cases, asynchronously (via ThreadPool, BeginInvoke, PLINQ etc, so I've no ability to explicitly mark operation scope). I want to trace all operati...

Monitoring all events in a class and sub-classes

Hi, I wonder if someone can help me. I've got a console App which I use to debug various components as I develop them. I'd like to be able to log to the console every time an event is fired either in the object I've instantiated or in anything it's instantiated [ad infinitum]. I wouldn't see some of these events normally due to them be...

C++: How to count all instantiated objects at runtime?

I have a large framework consisting of many C++ classes. Is there a way using any tools at runtime, to trace all the C++ objects that are being constructed and currently exist? For example, at a certain time t1, perhaps the application has objects A1, A2 and B3, but at time t2, it has A1, A4, C2 and so on? This is a cross platform fra...

WCF Diagnostics tracing and WAS hosting?

I have a WAS hosted set of services configured to use net.tcp running under an IIS AppPool user account. When hosting the services with WAS I have a hard time getting any diagnostic tracing out of them to track down problems. The same services with tracing set to use i.e. c:\logs\trace.svclog as trace output works fine when using self-ho...

Finding out which higher level function is making lots of low level calls

Hi folks, I have a function that is being called more than a thousand times, slowing everything down. However, it is a low level function, and do not know which of my high level function is lopping and making these calls. How can i find out? ...

Page Render Time in ASP.MVC in trace

Hello Everyone I want to check render time of each page in mvc application. i am using tracing. i have override the OnActionExecuting and OnActionExecuted methods on the BaseController class. protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { string controler = filterC...

How can I trace a variable at runtime in C#?

How can I track a variable's values as they change, at runtime, in C#? I'm interested in the same functionality that the debugger provides when I'm tracing a variable through execution steps, only that I need to call upon it from my code. Some sort of key-value observing, but for all kinds of variables(local, class, static, etc), not onl...

Full automatic application trace for .net v4

I would like to implement a way to trace every line of code in an application that is written for .net v4.0. An example would be. If I had the following function. private bool hasValue(string value) { if(string.isnullorempty(value) { return false; } else { return true; }} Then when the function is called I want detailed trace log...

Enable all .NET traces at a specific severity level

I am learning how to use the .NET Tracing framework, and I am stuck trying to enable some fairly simple logging. I'd like to log all messages that are at "Warning" or above to a text file, using the MyApplication.exe.config file. I would like to enable this for all sources in the application, without having to specify them all in the c...

WMI to change logging levels in WCF?

I see a bunch of articles on MSDN on how WMI can do all kinds of things, and even a mention of how I can use AppDomainInfo to change the logging and tracing levels at runtime using WMI, but no code examples or implementations anywhere. Has anyone done this? I'm using .net 4.0.. ...

Win32 Application Console Output?

When developing a Win32 Application (non-console application) in Visual Studio 2005, is there any way to get the same sort of output as you do from the console? For instance, say I want to see log statements (such as I would with cout in a console application) to trace the path my program has taken in the code. My first thought would b...

Collecting information about thread scheduling on Linux

I want to collect information about when my threads are scheduled (and descheduled), and on which CPUs, on Linux. I'm happy to collect the information and store it in a file for offline analysis later, since I'll need to merge the scheduling information with other event sources generated by my code. Ideally the information would be col...

ASP.NET - Use tracing to capture errors and send report back to ADMIN

I wanted to use tracing to capture errors and programmatically send reports via email and text message...that if the ADMIN is eating out at a restaurant on a saturday nite he can see the text message/email to notify and capture..any way to do this?? ...

Tool for tracing C++ program execution

I recently read in a magazine that there is a new commercial developer tool for Windows which monitors a C++ program's execution and creates traces for visual inspection. I, however, cannot remember the tool's name (it is not Insure++ and also not BugTrapper). In the resulting trace, you see every code line that was visited, you can see ...

How to send the tracing output to a file in the file system ?

I have added the following code to my web.config file: <system.diagnostics> <trace autoflush="false" indentsize="4" > <listeners> <add name="myListener" type="System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener" initializeData="d:\debugging.txt" /> <remove name="Default"></remove> </listeners> ...

ASP.NET MVC Tracing Issues

Question How do I get ASP.NET MVC trace information to be consistent for in-page trace output as trace.axd? I may just be missing something obvious, please call it out if you see it. Background Info for Traditional ASP.NET So back in the regular ASP.NET days, you could simply add the following to your web.config: <system.diagnostics>...

[Graphics]Line-tracing in C#

Hello, I am trying to find the intersection of the two lines spanning from corner to corner diagonally( picture below done in MSpaint, I currently don't have access to the real image ). I have figured that tracing them by using the black and white backgrounds would be the easiest, but there are artifacts on the picture( the squiggly lin...

How to trace the sql queries that my windows app generates?

I want to do sql client-side tracing to see the scope of databases and queries that my local Windows application is generating. Everyone on the Web talks about server-side tracing but my app talks to at least five different servers, so that's pretty hard to do effectively. Any recommendations? ...

Great Ruby tracing gem?

Read about this one: Look at the pictures! Unfortunately, it's very outdated and not actively maintained. I wonder, are there any other tools similar to this one that can show me what code was just executed, in what file, what the output was and what the return valu...

How to trace row level dependency?

In case I need to change the PK of a single row from 1 to 10, for example, is there any way to trace every proc, view and function that might reference the old value? I mean, a simple select in a proc like: select * from table where FK = 1 would break, and I'd had to look for every reference for ones in every proc and view and change th...