
Debug Levels

Hi, I would like to know if you guys have any suggestions about debug levels when writing an application. I thought about 4 levels: 0 : No Debug 1 : All inputs and outputs 2 : "I am here" notification from significant functions with main parameters 3 : All variables verbose Thanks, Omri. ...

How can I direct log4j output so that different log levels go to different appenders?

Is it possible to have "debug" and "info" output written to the console while the "info" output is only written to some log file? For example, given this logging: LOG.debug(fileContent); LOG.info(fileLength); What does a corresponding log4j.xml look like? ...

What does the 300 level webcast or speak mean (in MSDN, webcast, trainig, etc.)?

I suppose this is either some Microsoft or even US-wide scheme. However I have no idea what does 300, 400, etc. mean. Can someone please explain this? What do those numbers mean? Is it MS thing or is it in wider usage? ...

Pages with level

Hello guys, sorry if you'll find this question stupid, but I really need help. Here's some info about it. Database structure id | parent_id | level | name 1 | 0 | 1 | Home page 2 | 1 | 2 | Child of homepage 3 | 1 | 2 | Another child of homepage 4 | 2 | 3 | Sub child of page id 2...

Sampling audio levels with OpenAL

Is it possible to sample the audio playback volume in real-time with OpenAL? Specifically, I'm using OpenAL in the iPhone SDK. ...

How to specify different --strip (-p) levels for patch?

If I have a diff that has paths like these: --- a/b/foo/bar/baz.pl +++ c/foo/bar/baz.pl Is there a way to tell the patch utility that the diff roots are at different levels? i.e. -p2 for one, yet -p1 for the other. Or is there any alternative utility that will patch in such a case? ...

Recode/relevel data.frame factors with different levels

Each time when I have to recode some set of variables, I have SPSS recode function in mind. I must admit that it's quite straightforward. There's a similar recode function in car package, and it does the trick, but let's presuppose that I want to get things done with factor. I have data.frame with several variables with value range from...

Reorder levels of a data frame without changing order of values

Hello, I have data frame with some numerical values and factors for groups, treatment etc. The order of levels for those factors is not the way I want them to be. numbers = 1:4 letters = factor(c("a", "b", "c", "d")) df <- data.frame(numbers, letters) numbers letters 1 1 a 2 2 b 3 3 c 4 4 ...

How do you control the playback levels (decibles?) using the iPhone AVAudioPlayer? Or do I need to use a different API?

My audio clips sound perfect when I upload them to the iPhone via iTunes. And I am pretty sure it is because the iPod has a maximum playback level, so the audio doesn't sound overdriven. In my app, I include the same audio files, and when I play them [myAudio play]; the levels are so high that the audio becomes indiscernible. I foun...

Rails authlogic : How to make Levels?

Hello, i followed this tutorial fo setting Autlogic up properly. So, my site needs a form of level, like "Admin", "Moderator", "User", "Guest". So Admins can do everything, where Moderators may not can make site changes. And Users can't destroy, Update or Create. I've have googled a bit.. But nothing found, so i thought you guys might ...

unexpected behavior when extracting factor levels

Can someone explain why levels() shows three factor levels, while you can see that the vector has only two? > str(walk.df) 'data.frame': 10 obs. of 4 variables: $ walker : Factor w/ 3 levels "1","2","3": 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 > walk.df$walker [1] 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Levels: 1 2 3 I would like to extract a vector of levels, and I t...

how to substract numbers from levels

Dear SOFers, I would like to cut a vector of values ranging 0-70 to x number of categories, and would like the upper limit of each category. So far, I have tried this using cut() and am trying to extract the limits from levels. I have a list of levels, from which I would like to extract the second number from each level. How can I extra...

WMI to change logging levels in WCF?

I see a bunch of articles on MSDN on how WMI can do all kinds of things, and even a mention of how I can use AppDomainInfo to change the logging and tracing levels at runtime using WMI, but no code examples or implementations anywhere. Has anyone done this? I'm using .net 4.0.. ...

Evaluate beyond one level within Hold in Mathematica

The mathematica documentation on Evaluate at possible issues says: Evaluate works only on the first level, directly inside a held function Why does Mathematica have this limitation? So if I have an expression with more than one level take this simplified example: Hold[Plus[Plus[2, 2], 2]]] Now suppose I want to see what the an...

How to implement semi-randomized level in iPhone game?

I want to create a game with a level structure similar to iCopter or Canabalt, where each level has a randomized floor (and roof), but the height of the floor is never impossible to reach from the previous one. I am also unsure on how to continually increase difficulty. I have searched far and wide for a tutorial or something like that, ...

Zend db cascade delete multiple levels

How does one make Zend Db cascade delete multiple levels of the hierarchy? For example: dealers -> products -> attributes deleting one dealer should go all the way down to attributes, and now it doesn't :( Any thoughts? ...

jquery accordion performance

Does anyone know how many elements a jQuery accordion can handle before performance becomes a problem? I have a nested accordion structure with ten items at the root level, and then a handful of nested items within each root item down to a nesting level of three or four. Performance is unusable. It isn't great even with two levels. A...