
Help! Visual Studio 2008 just stopped stepping during debugging!

Hi, Big problem. I'm not sure what it was that I did, but it seems that I can no longer debug into functions. It happens in no particular place, just all throughout the code. I set a breakpoint, and then try to "step over" in order to go to the next like of code. Now, the debugger seems to interpret that as "continue". Even better!...

Need to generate a Persistent Transient Failure

Update: A 4.x.x vs a 5.x.x became the least of my worries when I discovered that not all mail servers return errors according to the "standard". I'm opting to handle all types of returned mail as failures now but I'm leaving this question here in case it gets an answer and helps someone else. I've been tasked with writing a program to r...

Should I give an interview candidate a second chance if they failed to demonstrate their programming ability?

Would you give a potential programmer a 2nd chance in an interview if the face to face interview went really well, great communication skills, great cultural fit for the team and general chemistry was good. The candidate doesn't have a formal background (education wise) rather they have been taught on the job, but your gut feel is that...

Branching after a file system task in SSIS without failing the package

If a file system task such as a rename fails, for example if the file does not exist, then this is considered an error by SSIS. This means the whole package fails. I can get around it by using a script task, or setting the maximum errors for the package to more than one. The problem with setting maximum errors for the package to more tha...

Sql 2008 Restoring a backed up DB fails - what else can i do?

Hi folks, i'm trying to restore our live DB onto our Dev box. To do this, I when onto production, TASKS -> backup Db. it created a 4Gig file. I zipped this down to 2.2Gig. download that to my dev server. On my dev server, i create a new DB (called 'xxxxx') and then Tasks -> restore DB from file. I give it the .bak file name, overwrite ...

How to restore Git after fatal file system error?

What is the fastest path to restore a git repository after a file system error on the main server? Imagine the central server of your OSS project fails and all commits for two days are lost after restore. How do you get those back? Is it enough just to call "git push" on all clients? Or is there something else I must take into account? ...

Joomla 1.5: why does trying to send email result in: PHPMAILER_RECIPIENTS_FAILED

Hi, I'm trying to send emails from Joomla! 1.5.9, but keep getting this error message: PHPMAILER_RECIPIENTS_FAILED*recipient_name*<*recipient_email*> A few more facts: It's a WAMP server (joomla 1.5.9, PHP 5.2.8) Validation emails are sent with no problem at all Joomla! is set to use SMTP The IIS SMTP service is used (though I'm not ...

Escape problem with hex

I need to print escaped characters to a binary file using Ruby. The main problem is that slashes need the whole byte to escape correctly, and I don't know/can't create the byte in such a way. I am creating the hex value with, basically: '\x' + char Where char is some 'hex' value, such as 65. In hex, \x65 is the ASCII character 'e'. ...

Tomcat startup fails with not a valid identifier

I have tomcat 6.0.18 running on one server without a problem. With the exact same settings it fails to launch on my colleague's machine. He's even running from the same folder as me (I've stopped my copy while he tries to make it work) All we get when we fire off tomcat using bin/ is this: CATALINA_OPTS=-server -Xms768m -XX:+...

all of a sudden...dynamic created imagebutton's click event wont fire.

hi i have a page that dynamic create a table of contacts, if the contact got an email i also create an image button with a click event. i have a similar function in the rest of the page that works perfectly. and i used this before without any problems. protected void CreateContactsList(IQueryable<AA_BranschFinder.Login.vyWebKontaktpers...

SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 won't install.

Already on Server Fault SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 won't install I am trying to install SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 and it keeps failing. Comes back with the following: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - Update 'Service Pack 3 for SQL Server Database Services 2005 ENU (KB955706)' could not be installed. Error code 1603. The det...

Restart Windows Service when faulted

Hi We have an windows service written in .net, that is hosting WCF service. My question is, Is it possible to monitor and restart service on any fault, in other world I want my service to be restarted automaticaly on any fault.Thanks a lot ...

Why isn't everything we do in Unicode?

Given that Unicode has been around for 18 years, why are there still apps that don't have Unicode support? Even my experiences with some operating systems and Unicode have been painful to say the least. As Joel Spolsky pointed out in 2003, it's not that hard. So what's the deal? Why can't we get it together? ...

Cannot insert into table because the table already exists?

I have a user table. I want to insert data into my user table. I have a statement: SELECT columna, columnb, INTO my_table FROM my_other_table WHERE (... conditions ...) I get the following error: SQL Server Error on (myserver) Error:2714 at Line:1 Message:There is already an object named 'my_table' in the database. Yes, thanks S...

WCF Service login failure unknown username or bad password

i'm new to the WCF service i have WCF service, in which i use to do file operation to a shared drive. when i try writing/reading to shared location, it throws me a Exception saying "login failure unknown username or bad password" i can do file operation in code that works fine, the problem is i have moved all the code to WCF service,...

mysql select into outfile /tmp no output

Hello, I cannot get the following code to generate any output. The MySQL user has "all" grant level, /tmp is writable, the query returns a results set. mysql> SELECT field FROM test_table WHERE condition='test' -> INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/test.csv' -> FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' -> ENCLOSED BY '"' -> LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'; ...

Tomcat failed to shutdown

when i add the following java opts to enable debugging: JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -noverify -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005" i get the following error whenever the try to shutdown the tomcat: ERROR: transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use ["transport.c",...

Jboss unable to open DB connections to mySql

We are having repeated failures of our Application running on Jbos 4.05, mysql 5.083. Server works great for about 6 hours using no more then 10 connections to the mysql. Then suddenly get errors like:b. Looks like server attempts to open more connections, mysql connection peak at about 150 and then the server just hangs and looks like a...

What should the penalty/response for missing a deadline be?

Being relatively new to the software industry I have come across a question of deadline enforcement: Back in the idyllic age of academia, the deadline was the end of the semester and the penalty was a well defined 'F' (or local equivalent). Out here in the real world we need to make code our current and future peers can work with, I fa...

Using Either to process failures in Scala code

Option monad is a great expressive way to deal with something-or-nothing things in Scala. But what if one needs to log a message when "nothing" occurs? According to the Scala API documentation, The Either type is often used as an alternative to scala.Option where Left represents failure (by convention) and Right is akin to Some...