
Need to generate a Persistent Transient Failure

Update: A 4.x.x vs a 5.x.x became the least of my worries when I discovered that not all mail servers return errors according to the "standard". I'm opting to handle all types of returned mail as failures now but I'm leaving this question here in case it gets an answer and helps someone else. I've been tasked with writing a program to r...

Hibernate - Declariing A Transient object in a pojo

I have a pojo that is object A , of table TableA TableA (int a1,int a2). To fill the table I run a query that returns (int a1, int a2, boolean b3) (and runs multiple data checks) b3 is not valid in TableA , but I still want to use the same pojo for both (it's a very big pojo , and it will be a major code duplication to have one just ...

Castle Windsor: Will my transient component be garbage collected ?

Using Castle Windsor, I have a component configured with the transient lifestyle: <component id="publish.mapping.default" service="IMyService, MyAssembly" type="MyServiceImplementation, Myassembly" lifestyle="transient" /> Which will be used like this: var service = container.Resolve<IMyService>(componentId); //...

Why does Java have transient variables?

Why does Java have transient variables? ...

Hibernate not fetching public member

Consider the following code: @Entity @Table(name = "a") public class A implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) @Column(name="id") public int id; @Transient public B b; public B getB() { return B; } } When I fetch A, I'm manually filling B (another hib...

NHibernate, saving IDictionary : TransientObjectException

In my class Case I have an IDictionary with Entity (a class) as key and Roles (an enum) as value. When trying to save a new instance (non-persisted) of Case, where the IDictionary is filled with new instances of Entity I get the following error: NHibernate.TransientObjectException: object references an unsaved transient instance - sa...


I would like to create/update text columns in sqlite3. When i retrieve rows after the create/update, the text is '?'. Integer values are properly persisted however. My text statements look like this: sqlite3_bind_text(update_statment, 5, [[dt stringFromDate:self.updated] UTF8String], -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); I've tried SQLITE_TRAN...

Transient REST Representations

Let's say I have a RESTful, hypertext-driven service that models an ice cream store. To help manage my store better, I want to be able to display a daily report listing quantity and dollar value of each kind of ice cream sold. It seems like this reporting capability could be exposed as a resource called DailyReport. A DailyReport can be...

Loading Hibernate property from an external source (HashMap)

I have a Message object associated with a User object (user_from and user_to). I persist the Message instances into a database using Hibernate (with JPA annotations) and the user_id is persisted. The User object is also stored to the database, but when fetching messages I would like the User to be fetched from a Map in memory instead of...

NHibernate ManyToMany relationship - using AuditInterceptor - object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing

The domain model the DomainObject's audit fields are populated using an AuditInterceptor. DomainObject Id EstablishDate EstablishId UpdateDate UpdateId Message : DomainObject Description MessageDistributions Distribution : DomainObject BeginEffective EndEffective MessageDistributions MessageDistribution...

Java: accessing transient object fields inside class

Accessing private transient object fields from any method in class must be controlled with some code. What is the best practice? private transient MyClass object = null; internal get method: private MyClass getObject() { if (object == null) object = new MyClass(); return object; } // use... getObject().someWhat(); o...

NHibernate: set entity from transient object based on unique field

My application obtains transient objects. MyClass Id Name OtherData Mapping is like Id is identifier and Name has unique constraint in database. The transient object has no Id yet of course, but has fulfilled Name property and all other properties. So I can write a criteria to get the entity from database based on that unique fi...

Should references in RMI exposed services be transient?

I'm exposing some services using RMI on Spring. Every service has a dependency to other service bean which does the real processing job. For example: <bean id="accountService" class="example.AccountServiceImpl"> <!-- any additional properties, maybe a DAO? --> </bean> <bean id="rmiAccount" class="example.AccountRmiServiceImpl"/> <...

NHibernate: many-to-many relation fails to save child objects first (either: "cannot insert null" or: "transient object")

I have a consignment class that aggregates a FreightDateTime class. At the same time, the FreightDateTime class is also aggregated by the GoodsItem class. In the same manner, FreightDateTime is associated with a number of other classes that I left out for now. To avoid a databasetable FreightDateTime with ConsignmentId foreign key, a ...

Is this a valid use of Grails transients?

I have a domain object on which I want to store a few things which only exist at runtime. I looked at the documentation and found the transients keyword, which, on the face of it was what I was looking for. Here is what my domain object looks like... class Contact { def Seeker def beforeInsert() { initiatedDate =...

Why does JPA have a @Transient annotation?

Java has the transientkeyword. Why does JPA have @Transient instead of simply using the already existing java keyword? ...

Can a transient field in a class be obtanied using reflection

Can a transient field in a class be obtained using reflection? (using getDeclaredField(..)) ...

How do I view/set the transient message status bar in Firefox and Chrome?

Hi, I added a new transient status bar message to my HTML document (specifically the 5 links listed in the table, see code below) and it worked fine in IE but when I viewed the document in Firefox or Chrome the message did not appear. All that I saw was the URL link. Can someone show me how I can get the transient status bar message to s...

Why is the table attribute of Hashtable serialized?

Why is the table field of Hashtable serialized, although it is marked as transient? ...

Transient collections for Scala?

Clojure has a very nice concept of transient collections. Is there a library providing those for Scala (or F#)? ...