
Client/JS Framework for "Unsaved Data" Protection?

Hey all- we have a typical web application that is essentially a data entry application with lots of screens some of which have some degree of complexity. We need to provide that standard capability on making sure if the user forgets to click the "Save" button before navigating away or closing their browser they get a warning and can ca...

Detecting Unsaved Changes using JavaScript

I have a requirement to implement an "Unsaved Changes" prompt in an ASP .Net application. If a user modifies controls on a web form, and attempts to navigate away before saving, a prompt should appear warning them that they have unsaved changes, and give them the option to cancel and stay on the current page. The prompt should not disp...

Why does Visual Studio 2008 want to save my project file repeatedly?

I have a semi-large solution file in Visual Studio 2008, with around 25-30 projects in it. I notice that a lot of times when I want to either close the solution file, or check in pending changes to TFS, VS will ask me if I want to save a particular project. If I cancel the operation, hit Save All, then retry, it will ask me again. If ...

How can I cancel a user's WPF TreeView click?

I've got a WPF application with a Treeview control. When the user clicks a node on the tree, other TextBox, ComboBox, etc. controls on the page are populated with appropriate values. The user can then make changes to those values and save his or her changes by clicking a Save button. However, if the user selects a different Treeview n...

How do I properly handle a PreviewMouseDown event with a MessageBox confirmation?

Earlier I asked how to cancel a WPF TreeViewItem.Selected event. The answerers suggested I instead handle the PreviewMouseDown event before the selection even takes place. That makes sense. I've tried to do that... XAML... <TreeView Name="TreeViewThings" ... PreviewMouseDown="TreeViewThings_PreviewMouseDown" TreeViewItem...

NHibernate ManyToMany relationship - using AuditInterceptor - object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing

The domain model the DomainObject's audit fields are populated using an AuditInterceptor. DomainObject Id EstablishDate EstablishId UpdateDate UpdateId Message : DomainObject Description MessageDistributions Distribution : DomainObject BeginEffective EndEffective MessageDistributions MessageDistribution...

Saving form data when POST submission is not validated

I need to validate a form in php and display some error messages in the view if there are validation errors. The problem is that once the form is submitted, sending the user back to the page will clear all the of the completed form fields. Is there a simple way to not lose the unvalidated form data? The only solution I can come up with...