
How can you disable the Windows' "X" close button in the upper right-hand corner for a web-based program that is displayed in IE7?

We are using a software program at our school to enter IEPs (Individualized Education Programs). When entering goals and objectives for a student, users are provided with a Save and a Close button. Close is meant for users not wishing to save the goal they just chose. However, our users are sometimes wanting to back out of the screen ...

DIVs vs. TABLEs a rebuttal please

There are lots of people out there asking "why shouldn't we use tables for structuring our HTML" and while a lot of answers come in, I rarely see anyone being converted to the world of semantics. That said, I've yet to see any convincing rebuttals to support the rationale for why we should (or might) use tables. Anyone care to offer a r...

How do I handle the window close event (user clicking the 'X' button) in a Python Tkinter program?

How do I handle the window close event (user clicking the 'X' button) in a Python Tkinter program? ...

Change min/max/close buttons theme

Hi, im currently overiding the WM_NCPAINT, WM_NCCALCSIZE and WM_NCACTIVATE to paint my own color/themed title bar for an application im working on. Now this is working great however the min, max and close buttons still are xp default theme. I looked into what controls them and the mouse messages do. However they also contol resizing and...

What happens to an applet when browser is closed?

Hello, Let's suppose I have an applet running within a page in a browser. What happens when the browser is closed by the user? Is the applet notified so that it can perform some kind of close action on its side (closing connections opened to a server, cleaning static variables, ...)? Also, I assume the same behavior would apply for a ...

Is there any way to get a list of open/allocated cursors in SQL server?

I have a stored procedure that creates and opens some cursors. It closes them at the end, but if it hits an error those cursors are left open! Then subsequent runs fail when it tries to create cursors since a cursor with the name already exists. Is there a way I can query which cursors exists and if they are open or not so I can close...

Dismiss a system dialog on BlackBerry

Hi guys, I have a BlackBerry app running in the background that needs to know when a "Missed call" system dialog is brought up by the system, and programmatically close it without user intervention. How can I do that? I could actually almost know when the dialog is brought up, i.e. a little later I programmatically end the call...but ho...

SDL Window Close Problem

I am experimenting SDL Events and i came into a problem. For some reason, I am unable to press the "X" or close bottom on the top right of the window application. Now I am currently unsure if that is related to the SDL coding, or it's a problem of window browser. Does anyone know if it's either a SDL problem or a Window problem? ...

When using Java's FileLock, is it ok to let close() to automatically do a lock.release()?

As most should know close() also closes any streams uses. This allows the follow code: BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(...))); ... br.close(); This is nice, since we don't need a reference to FileInputStream and remember to close it. But does it also work for FileLocks? final FileInp...

How to unlock COM port

Hello, I've a application that must work after another application. This second application has a bug that causes COM ports not to be closed in specific circumstances. I would like to close all COM ports programmatically in my application to ensure, that there will be no bugs about close ports reported. Is it possible if I do not own o...

Why does Visual Studio 2008 want to save my project file repeatedly?

I have a semi-large solution file in Visual Studio 2008, with around 25-30 projects in it. I notice that a lot of times when I want to either close the solution file, or check in pending changes to TFS, VS will ask me if I want to save a particular project. If I cancel the operation, hit Save All, then retry, it will ask me again. If ...

Dojo Toolbox: Closing the dialog Box

Is there a way to set a button inside the dojo dialog box and have it close the dialog box it is residing in? Putting dijits inside of dijits doesn't work, and I can't beleive there isn't a way to do that. ...

Closing Streams in Java

Hello, why do we need to close a FileInputStream (and streams in general) in any case before we leave the program? What would happen otherwise? If the program stops before the input stream is closed explicitly in the program, doesn't the stream also close automatically? Thank you. ...

Does close ever throw an IOException?

After providing some answers here, and reading some comments, it would seem that, in practice IOException is never thrown on close for file I/O. Are there any cases in which calling close on a Stream/Reader/Writer actually throws an IOException? If an exception is actually thrown, how should it be dealt with? ...

How can I correctly close the application opened with using of Process?

Hello, I open the application using the Process class: System.Diagnostics.Process vsProc = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); vsProc.StartInfo.FileName = "program.exe"; vsProc.Start(); If I just kill it vsProc.Kill() the application ends uncorrectly. How can I close it correctly? Thanks ...

Quick Swing question: Need to shut down my database on close

I've been building a test application that works with a database that up until recently has been without a UI. I'm adding one now. Problem is, the JFrame is launched in another thread and I need my database connection to close when that thread closes (when the UI closes, I should say). How do I do this? Also, what happens to the appl...

How to close a shelled process in VB6

I shell out an application from my VB6 app. I would then like to close it. How can I pull this off? ...

Java Socket close not detected

I am writing a quick server to test an application. If i close the socket on the other end it does not throw and exceptions that the socket is closed. I keeps writing 100mb of random data( what it is suppose to do). How can i detect if the other end closed connection? import; import; import jav...

Unable to close many buffers by one command in Vim

I use Vim in Screen. I run the command vim <bigFolder> I am in stuck, since it does not make sense to close each buffer by :q How can you close all active buffers in Vim, by one command inside Vim? ...

Unable to terminate a job without opening it

I run the following code unsuccessfully sudo killall %4 where %4 is my Vim session. How can you terminate a job without foregrounding it? ...