



Hi guys, I have a BlackBerry app running in the background that needs to know when a "Missed call" system dialog is brought up by the system, and programmatically close it without user intervention. How can I do that?

I could actually almost know when the dialog is brought up, i.e. a little later I programmatically end the call...but how can I get a reference to the dialog, and close it?


If you know the dialog is there, and is the topmost dialog, the EventInjector APIs might do it - net.rim.device.api.system.EventInjector. When you know the dialog is there, send a KeyEvent with an ESCAPE keycode. That API is usually locked out in most enterprise environments though...

Disclaimer: I haven't tried it myself, I'd be a little surprised if it worked, since that might mean you could also dismiss the 'Allow This Connection' dialog, which would be a security hole.

Anthony Rizk

This should work:

UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable(){
  public void run(){

Key press injection for device Close button looks like this:

KeyEvent inject = new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.KEY_DOWN, Characters.ESCAPE, 0);;

Don't forget to set permissions for device release: Options => Advanced Options => Applications => [Your Application] =>Edit Default permissions =>Interactions =>key stroke Injection

May be useful:
BlackBerry - Simulate a KeyPress event

Code sample:

class Scr extends MainScreen implements PhoneListener {
    public Scr() {

    public boolean onClose() {
     return super.onClose();

    public void callDisconnected(int callId) {
     Timer timer = new Timer();
     timer.schedule(new TimerTask(){public void run() {
      KeyEvent event = new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.KEY_DOWN,  
     }}, 1000);  

    public void callAdded(int callId) {

    public void callAnswered(int callId) {

    public void callConferenceCallEstablished(int callId) {

    public void callConnected(int callId) {

    public void callDirectConnectConnected(int callId) { 

    public void callDirectConnectDisconnected(int callId) {

    public void callEndedByUser(int callId) {

    public void callFailed(int callId, int reason) {

    public void callHeld(int callId) {

    public void callIncoming(int callId) {

    public void callInitiated(int callid) {

    public void callRemoved(int callId) {

    public void callResumed(int callId) { 

    public void callWaiting(int callid) {

    public void conferenceCallDisconnected(int callId) {
Max Gontar