i have a page that dynamic create a table of contacts, if the contact got an email i also create an image button with a click event. i have a similar function in the rest of the page that works perfectly. and i used this before without any problems.
protected void CreateContactsList(IQueryable<AA_BranschFinder.Login.vyWebKontaktpersoner> lContacts) // Creates a table in the aspx from an IQueryable List
if (1 == 1)
foreach (var p in lContacts)
HtmlTableRow tr = new HtmlTableRow();
HtmlTableCell tdName = new HtmlTableCell();
HtmlTableCell tdCompanyName = new HtmlTableCell();
HtmlTableCell tdEmailAdress = new HtmlTableCell();
tdName.InnerHtml = p.strFnamn + " " + p.strEnamn;
tdCompanyName.InnerHtml = p.strNamn;
//Displays an image if the contacts has an email
if (p.strEpost != null)
ImageButton imgEmail = new ImageButton();
imgEmail.CommandArgument = p.intKundID.ToString();
imgEmail.ImageUrl = "images/symbol_letter.gif";
imgEmail.CssClass = "letter";
imgEmail.Click +=new ImageClickEventHandler(imgEmail_Click);
void imgEmail_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Breakpoint here throw new NotImplementedException(); }
the page is living insid a java popup window. but i have paging numbers with similar event creation that works fine. but they are Linkbuttons.