
"bad words" filter

Not very technical, but... I have to implement a bad words filter in a new site we are developing. So I need a "good" bad words list to feed my db with... any hint / direction? Looking around with google I found this one, and it's a start, but nothing more. Yes, I know that this kind of filters are easily escaped... but the client will ...

Does C# have a way of giving me an immutable Dictionary?

Is there anything built into the core C# libraries that can give me an immutable Dictionary? Something along the lines of Java's: Collections.unmodifiableMap(myMap); And just to clarify, I am not looking to stop the keys / values themselves from being changed, just the structure of the Dictionary. I want something that fails fast ...

How can I merge two Python dictionaries as a single expression?

I have two Python dictionaries, and I want to write a single expression that returns these two dictionaries, merged. The update() method would be what I need, if it returned its result instead of modifying a dict in-place. >>> x = {'a':1, 'b': 2} >>> y = {'b':10, 'c': 11} >>> z = x.update(y) >>> print z None >>> x {'a': 1, 'b': 10, 'c'...

Best way to use a property to reference a Key-Value pair in a dictionary

This is a fairly trivial matter, but I'm curious to hear people's opinions on it. If I have a Dictionary which I'm access through properties, which of these formats would you prefer for the property? /// <summary> /// This class's FirstProperty property /// </summary> [DefaultValue("myValue")] public string FirstProperty { get { ...

In Python, how can you easily retrieve sorted items from a dictionary?

Dictionaries unlike lists are not ordered (and do not have the 'sort' attribute). Therefore, you can not rely on getting the items in the same order when first added. What is the easiest way to loop through a dictionary containing strings as the key value and retrieving them in ascending order by key? For example, you had this: d = {...

Creating objects driven by the database to populate a Treeview - very slow

I have an application that reads a table from a database. I issue an SQL query to get a result set, based on a unique string value I glean from the results, I use a case/switch statement to generate certain objects (they inherit TreeNode BTW). These created objects get shunted into a Dictionary object to be used later. Whilst generat...

How do you retrieve items from a dictionary in the order that they're inserted?

Is it possible to retrieve items from a Python dictionary in the order that they were inserted? ...

Python dictionary from an object's fields

Do you know if there is a built-in function to build a dictionary from an arbitrary object? I'd like to do something like this: >>> class Foo: ... bar = 'hello' ... baz = 'world' ... >>> f = Foo() >>> props(f) { 'bar' : 'hello', 'baz' : 'world' } NOTE: It should not include methods. Only fields. Thanks ...

APIs and Datasets for Natural Languages?

Are there any good APIs and public datasets (dictionaries, phrases) for working w/ natural languages? Specifically, do any good ones exist for working on translation between English and Korean? ...

In Python how do I sort a list of dictionaries by values of the dictionary?

I got a list of dictionaries and want that to be sorted by a value of that dictionary. This [{'name':'Homer', 'age':39}, {'name':'Bart', 'age':10}] sorted by name, should become [{'name':'Bart', 'age':10}, {'name':'Homer', 'age':39}] ...

Does Scripting.Dictionary's RemoveAll() method release all of its elements first?

In a VB6 application, I have a Dictionary whose keys are Strings and values are instances of a custom class. If I call RemoveAll() on the Dictionary, will it first free the custom objects? Or do I explicitly need to do this myself? Dim d as Scripting.Dictionary d("a") = New clsCustom d("b") = New clsCustom ' Are these two lines nece...

What's the fastest way to copy the values and keys from one dictionary into another in C#?

There doesn't seem to be a dictionary.AddRange() method. Does anyone know a better way to copy the items to another dictionary without using a foreach loop. I'm using the System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary. This is for .NET 2.0. ...

Associating a ListView with a collection of objects

How can you use a ListView to show the user a collection of objects, and to manage those objects? ...

List all words in a dictionary that start with <user input>

How would a go about making a program where the user enters a string, and the program generates a list of words beginning with that string? Ex: User: "abd" Program:abdicate, abdomen, abduct... Thanks! Edit: I'm using python, but I assume that this is a fairly language-independent problem. ...

Is a Python dictionary an example of a hashmap?

One of the basic data structures in Python is the dictionary, which allows one to record "keys" for looking up "values" of any type. Is this implemented internally as a hashmap? If not, what is it? ...

Testing if an Object is a Dictionary in C#

Is there a way to test if an object is a dictionary? In a method I'm trying to get a value from a selected item in a list box. In some circumstances, the list box might be bound to a dictionary, but this isn't known at compile time. I would like to do something similar to this: if (listBox.ItemsSource is Dictionary<??>) { KeyValu...

Editing XML as a dictionary in python?

I'm trying to generate customized xml files from a template xml file in python. Conceptually, I want to read in the template xml, remove some elements, change some text attributes, and write the new xml out to a file. I wanted it to work something like this: conf_base = ConvertXmlToDict('config-template.xml') conf_base_dict = conf_ba...

Change cardinality of item in C# dictionary

I've got a dictionary, something like Dictionary<Foo,String> fooDict I step through everything in the dictionary, e.g. foreach (Foo foo in fooDict.Keys) MessageBox.show(fooDict[foo]); It does that in the order the foos were added to the dictionary, so the first item added is the first foo returned. How can I change the cardina...

What is the best way to iterate over a Dictionary in C#?

I've seen a few different ways to iterate over a Dictionary in C#. Is there a standard way? ...

Pronouncing dictionaries

Are there any alternatives to The CMU Pronouncing Dictionary, commercial or open source? ...