
Get array from enter seperated values

I have a TextArea with enter seperated values: For Example: Value1 Value2 Value3 Value4 Value5 Is there a fast way to put them in a String array String[] newStringArray = ??? ...

What is the best/correct/most efficient way to store a data series in XML

I have an application which will store a series of (float) values in an XML file. There could be upwards of 100,000 values so I am interested in keeping the size down, but I also want files to be readily accessible by third parties. There seem to be various methods open to me as far as encoding the data within the XML: 1. <data> ...

Default values on arguments in C functions and function overloading in C

Converting a C++ lib to ANSI C and it seems like though ANSI C doesn't support default values for function variables or am I mistaken? What I want is something like int funcName(int foo, bar* = NULL); Also, is function overloading possible in ANSI C? Would need const char* foo_property(foo_t* /* this */, int /* property_number*/); ...

how to get variable stored in another object using objective c

Hi All SaveNotes *saveNotes = [[SaveNotes alloc]initWithTitleString:title descrString:descr]; [titleDescrObjects addObject:saveNotes]; [saveNotes release]; from the above code i have saved title,descr to a class SaveNotes , and then i have stored that object in my NSMutableArray -> titleDescrObjects, Its working fine, i need to get p...

jQuery: form input values turns up undefined

Having problem with this bit of code qith jQuery. it should pick the values from current form and then submit them, but when I try to get them with jQuery they always turn up undefined. I know the SQL results are fine since they show correctly in HTML table, so it must be my inferior javascript skills. New with jQuery and I'm at loss :( ...

jQuery: How to collect values from sliders into simple object with id as keys

I have several jQuery UI Sliders and I want to collect their values. Thought it would be a simple task, but when I was going to do it I got stuck and not quite sure what to do anymore :p The object I would like to end up with should look something like this: { a: 80, b: 90, c: 20, ... } I can do it manually like this: va...

How to pass values between pages with gridviews

Hi, I enabled the selection on my gridview. The question is, I can pass values with buttons but it seems redundant, because I have selection linkbuttons. So how can I pass variables with them ? ...

Tiles-def xml put values with html tags

in tiles def <tiles:insert definition="link"> <tiles:put name="name" value="rule<sup>tm</sup>"/> </tiles:insert> Can i use anything like this inside put value html tag. ...

unsigned _stdcall.... implicitly an int??

A function with this signature: unsigned _stdcall somefunction (LPVOID lParam); does it mean that it implicitly returns an integer? As unsigned really isn't a value by itself? And _stdcall is a calling convention.... ...

StackOverFlowError and Values equalling crazy numbers.

I have this code: Integer it = (Integer)(strengthSpinner.getValue()); The value of the spinner there is equal to: SpinnerModel one = new SpinnerNumberModel(10, 10, 99, 1); Every time the source is returned as the JSpinner a pointsRemaining--; executes. If I get the value of the Spinner AFTER the value inside has been messed with ...

adding the text box values and display it using javascript

Hi... I'm trying to add the input values of several text boxes using javascript and display the total number below. How can I add and keep the sum for displaying after the computation. I'm not an expert in javascript. Thanks... ...

auto calculate the sum of input values with javascript

I've an html page which has many dynamically created input boxes. The number of text boxes vary each time. I want to calculate the sum of the numbers the user has entered, and disply it. When the user delete one number the sum should auto calculate. How can i do it with javascript? Thanks ...

Scaling values in PHP

I cant get around on how to express this is PHP. I have 100 and 420 as my min and max value that I wish to obtain. Than lets suppose I have: 1000 4534 34566 123145 12312265 Now, how can I say: Take 4534 and knowing that 1000 = 420 and 12312265 = 100 determine 4534 value. To make it more clear, Im trying to represent web page ranks...

Enumerate CSS style elements using JavaScript

First up, JavaScript is definitely not my native tongue. Nevertheless, I've been tasked with creating a web page where the user can use a colour picker to change CSS elements. These then need to be sent back to the server to be stored in a database. It's all working so far except the last part, because I'm stuck reading the required elem...

Submit form values to a script without loading a new page

Hey all, I have an issue regarding sending form values to a script. I have a form set up, and upon the user pressing a button I want the values in the form to display on another part of the page. I can easily do this with php or another web scripting language, but all I know is how to do this by sending it to the script in a form of h...

Finding missing values in a numpy array

Alright, extreme rookie question here. In my program, I generate a 2D numpy array, some of whom's entries are missing (not the "nan" kind of nonexistant, but the "None" kind, or NoneType). I'd like to put a mask over these entries, but I seem to be having some trouble doing so. Ordinarily, to mask over, say, all entries with value 2, ...

How to get values between differents Shells/Displays - SWT

Hello everybody! I'm beginner in SWT and I have a question about get values between differents Sheels/Displays. I have 2 screens, one to sell and other to products' search. When I open a sale's screen, and found the product in search's screen, I need send to sale's screen, the result of search. The search's results are opened in a ta...

$.post variable as array with values?

hello - sending some data via post but want to send an array to but keep getting errors? excludes is the array i'm trying to send. $.post("/youradmin_v2/scripts/php/process.php", { funcName:'searchContent', table:'content', fields:'title,contentID', keyword:$(this).val(), ...

How to display values in fullscreen with java

I want to start out by saying I am less than an amateur at java. I really want a full screen feature for my car so I don't have to buy extra gauges when I already plunked down a ton of money for stand alone engine management. The programmers of this program aren't really interested in researching how to make the values full screen, but i...

How to obtain pixel’s rgb values in an image in iPhone sdk

Hello, I am working on a little side project (program for iPhone platform)and I don't exactly have a problem, but I don't really know where to start. The project I am working on has to do with getting the info and manipulating a pixel's RGB values inside an image. I know this is a very basic program , but I am a beginning iPhone program...