



I have this code:

Integer it = (Integer)(strengthSpinner.getValue());

The value of the spinner there is equal to:

SpinnerModel one = new SpinnerNumberModel(10, 10, 99, 1);

Every time the source is returned as the JSpinner a pointsRemaining--; executes.

If I get the value of the Spinner AFTER the value inside has been messed with will the first Integer it = be the value before the value changed or will it be the same as the value after it executes?

Currently I am getting a stackoverflowerror with a getValue() before and after the spinner and my values are equaling 987 or some crazy number.

I need to compare the past value that spinner had, to the new value and depending on what change happened, that affects the pointsRemaining


Are you responding to a change in the JSpinner value by setting the same JSpinner's value? That will all but guarantee a stack overflow.
