
Accelerometer detecting side to side movements - instant detection of change in direction.

Id have an app that does one thing if you shake it one way, and another if you shake it the other. atm my code is. if (acceleration.x > 1.5) { //arm to the right when facing you float duration = ([imageArray count]*0.04); //HUMAN EYE KEEPS IMAGES IN EYE For 40 MILLISECONDS// //NSLog(@"duration:%f", duration); [theF...

Flickering animation with UIViewAnimationTransitionFlip

I have a containerview with 2 subviews. I want to flip from one to another. The problem is that some kind of flickering appears. It doesn't happen on the iPhone 3GS, but on the Simulator and the iPhone 3G: http://www.hanspinckaers.com/upload/Flickering.png Does anyone know why this happens? This is the code: [UIView beginAnimations:ni...

How can we turn views like turning a page in an iphone application?

Is it possible to turn a view slowly like turning a page? When i swipe from right to left, the current view will turn and the next view will be shown. And from left to right, the previous view will come slowly as we move the finger. How can I do it? Any ideas?? ...

UIViewAnimation done by a UIViewController belonging to a UINavigationController?

Hi I have an UINavigationController which the user navigates with. When pushing a specific UIViewController onto the navigation stack, a "settings" button appear in the navigationBar. When the user clicks this button I would like to flip the current view/controller, i.e. everything on screen, including the navigationBar, over to a setti...

UITableView Animation when entering Editmode

Hi! Maybe I´m just stupid but I cant understand why this isnt working. I want to achieve a little animation when I'm entering editing mode within a UITableView. [super setEditing:NO animated:YES]; [myTable setEditing:NO animated:YES]; [myTable reloadData]; [self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem setTitle:@"Edit"]; [self.navi...

Why UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlDown & UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp only working perfectly in portrait mode?

I have lot of views that I turn up and down using these animations. It will appear like they are pages of a book. I calculate whether I am swiping up or down in screen using the y coordinate value. I obtain the coordinates from the touch. It works perfectly when I am in portrait mode. The page will only turn from the same corner of the ...

uiview and uiscrollview

hello everybody. i am creating a dropdown button in my app. Like a pop-up control which is available in webapps. so when i click on a button, a new uiview containing a pickerview appears. i user beginanimations and commitanimations for dispalying and hiding the uiview. the new uiview is half the size of the scrollview. I want that when...

iPhone UIView Animation Duration only works instantly

This code is being executed in the touchesended method of a subclassed uiview, however it doesn't animate, it just instantly changes the background color. What is wrong? self.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor]; [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:20]; [UIView setAnimationCurve:UIV...

How can I callback as a CABasicAnimation is animating?

I have an animation I'm using to snap a rotatable UIView to a circular grid. As the view animates, I need to update another view based on the rotating views position. How can I go about getting the position of the rotating view as it animates into position? ...

How does a textfield cause a tableview to automatically scroll up when it slides up: how will this affect current insets and animations?

For most of my table view cells, I select a cell and a UIPickerView, added to the view of a UINavigationController, slide up from some offscreen position. I hit the done button in the navigation bar and the whole thing goes away nicely. I also automatically scroll the table view so the selected cell ends up right above the picker view u...

Can I "curl down" a page on popViewControllerAnimated?

I can "curl up" a view controller with this code: [UIView beginAnimations:@"animation" context:nil]; [self.navigationController pushViewController:page animated:NO]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1]; [UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp forView:self.navigationController.view cache:NO]; [UIView commitAnimations]...

How can I animate my view resizing?

I am resizing my tables headerView. I want to animate it, but I am not sure how. -(void)layoutForBanner { // Depending on if the banner has been loaded, we adjust the content frame and banner location // to accomodate the ad being on or off screen. // This layout is for an ad at the bottom of the view. if(banner.bannerLo...

iphone sdk: How to implement deletion animation from apple's notes app?

hi, is there a way to somehow use the same animation apple in the notes app, when notes are deleted? The same animation is used again in the camera app and is triggered when you delete a pic. Can anyone help me out on this? thanks in advance! ...