
setOrientation problem

I have a really strange orientation issue. I have a sequence of view controllers under a navigation controller. One of them can take any orientation. When I'm leaving the orientation I have to use setOrientation. The funny thing is the rotation takes place as the transition occurs to the next page. This isn't normally a problem exce...

How come some of my UIViews are shifted after navigation?

In some of my application designs or for just some UIViews, following a navigationController's pushViewController, my new view will be shifted off the window by the height of the status bar. As a result, I will put this code stub in the viewDidLoad method. CGRect frameAt = [self.view frame]; CGRect statusBarFrame = [[UIApplication sh...

UITableViewController not redrawing new cell text label after popViewControllerAnimated

I have a problemetic UITableViewController fails to redraw an updated cell after a child view is removed. Here's what's happening. After changing data in a child view, the parent view controller reloads the source data array and runs [tableView reloadData] via a PostNotification. After this triggers, I use popViewControllerAnimated to ...

PushViewController after presentModalViewController like in Apples Alarm Clock app

Hello together, my Question is quite simple. I have an add-button. When I tap on it --> presentmodelviewController presents a UIViewController, which contains a simple Table with cells. When I tap on a Cell, i want to display a new View using pushViewController, which automatically creates a "back Button". At the top of it in this n...

pushViewController with tableViewController in viewController

I have an UIViewController, this controller is contained in a navigationController. I add an UITableViewController in this viewController. I would like to call a pushViewController method when I press on a cell of my tableView. I tried this : UITableViewController - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NS...

Having problem with pushViewController!! Help

tabBarController = [[UITabBarController alloc] init]; //Create a tab bar view1 = [[View1 alloc] init]; //Create the first view UINavigationController *navigationController1 = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:view1]; navigationController1.navigationBar.tintColor =[UIColor blackColor]; view2 = [[View2 alloc]...

pushViewController crahses

I'm trying to push a new view on my navigation controller using: -(IBAction)switchPage:(id)sender { MyTableViewController *myTableView = [[CMyTableViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MyTableView" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]]; [myTableView release]; [self.navigationController pushViewController:myTableView animated:YES]; } ...

Disable animation of navigation bar in iphone

I am working on a Navigation-Based Application. I have few View Controllers which I push in to Navigation Controller on different occasions. The following is the code I use to push new View Controller. AnotherViewController *anotherViewController = [[AnotherViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"AnotherView" bundle:nil]; [self.navigat...

Remove objects from UINavigationController

I would like to know if there is a way to know which objects [UIViewControllers?] are stored inside [self navigationController] (I'm guessing they are stored there with pushViewController?), and if there is a way to remove such objects. Consider this scenario: 1.- Show "Presentation screen" (a logo) 2.- Wait 2 seconds 3.- Push "Data ...

pushViewController using UINavigationItem instead of UINavigationController

Hello, I have implemented a method didSelectRowAtIndexPath that should push another view. I have a code running properly using a navigationController but in this case I am using a navigationItem on a view. How could I trigger a view? Thanx Error log: 2010-03-25 00:09:52.459 TableArchive[1062:207] trigger 2010-03-25 00:09:52.461 TableAr...

Can I push a modal view controller from within another modal view controller?

I've got a rootViewController that, at one point, displays a peoplePickerNavigationController. I'm trying to push a second view controller when my user selects a specific contact property, like so: -(BOOL)peoplePickerNavigationController:(ABPeoplePickerNavigationController *)picker shouldContinueAfterSelectingPerson:(ABPersonRef)person ...

Interchanging presentModalViewController and pushViewController

I am using a sample ViewController that is displayed in the sample program as a presentModalViewController. However, I want to use pushViewController on the UIViewController instead. The problem is that when I switch to pushViewController, the ViewController no displays properly. Functions in the ViewController are called, but I don...

Call pushview from a subview

Hello everyone, Here is the thing. I currently have a tabBar controller, with several navigation controllers in it. Just like this : http://tof.canardpc.com/view/d27d1361-c81b-43a0-9b5b-abb13d78e422.jpg In my first navigation controller, i have a view controller called NewsViewsController. Here is its nib (see picture). My goal is to...

Act on click of a button on the Nav Bar for moreNavigationController -- Can't pushviewcontroller

Okay, here is my issue: My app has a display of categories in the tab bar at the bottom of the iPhoneOS screen. This only allows 5 categories before it presents the MORE button. I have over 25 (please do not answer this by saying: "Rethink your application...etc" -- that was rudely said before. They are food, drink, etc categories an...

Go from a ViewController, to an other section of a TabBar

Hi, I'm currently doing an application with 5 View Controllers and a tabBar on the bottom. For this application, I need to set up a button in viewController(1) which can send me to an other viewController(3), but without touching the tabBar (it will be hidden for the viewController(1)). So when I gonna click the button, it will send m...

Invalid argument exception - Navigation bar, tab bar, UIView.

Class 1 has the following code that generates the exception - -(IBAction) searchAllAction: (id) sender { AddDiagSearchController *search = [[AddDiagSearchController alloc] initWithNibName:@"DiagSearch" bundle:nil]; [self.navigationController pushViewController:search animated:YES]; } the pushViewController part generates ...

iPhone - Get controller which pushed me

Hi everyone, When I pushed a controller, is there a way to get the controller which pushed it (without sending it)? Or the first one? Thanks ...

iPhone UITableView with index can I push a different detailed view with every different cell?

Hello All, I know its possible to create a table that has an index on the side and a search bar at the top that a user can type in to find an item, but is it possible to say to the table if array isEqual to "item1" push view1? I would like to push a different view with each cell. Anyone have any advice? ...

iphone menu navigation with buttons help requested

Hi, I'm trying to program an iphone app that will have several different (sub)apps. Ideally, I want to know how to make the main menu for this app look and behave like the iphone's own app menu, but I can't figure it out. If any one knows a package or library that does this, please let me know. Plan B is to mock one using UIButtons, ...

How can you push a new view with a grouped table?

Hi All, Ive been trying to push a new view when a cell is tapped but absolutely nothing happens. I figured grouped style pushed the same as plain. Here is my code: -(void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; contactArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"iPhone",@"iPod",@"MacBook",@"MacBook Pro",nil]; shareArray = [[NSArray alloc]...