
Showing pushviewcontroller animation look like presentModalViewController

Hi friends, Is it possible to show pushviewcontroller animation look like presentModalViewController but that has background functionality of pushviewcontroller? Regards, sathish ...

pushViewController doing nothing in multiple tab app?

Hi all, I have a window based iPhone application with multiple tabs and a navigation bar controller which appears on all these tabs. It's a weather/climate app, so I want the user to first choose a city, then be presented with weather info in each tab for that city (they can go back to the city select from any tab using the navigation ba...

Problem with IB

This is my first post on SO, so hi! I'm new to Xcode and Obj-C too so don't be too harsh. I am following the demo from Standford University youtube.com/watch?v=L-FK1TrpUng For some reason i've hit an error. Rather than starting from scratch i'd prefer to figure out where I have gone wrong. Ok so here goes. I have two view controller...

pushViewController to open a view in landscape

Hi Guys, I am trying to open a view in landscape by pushing on navigation controller but it always open in portrait. First view is in portrait and when I click on a button then next view should be in landscape. I am trying following code Calling View: ResultViewController *resultView = [[ResultViewController alloc] init]; [[self...

UITabBarcontroller, UITableView and pushView

Hi All! I have a UITabBarController with a set of tabs. Some of them, when selected, show you a table. The cells of the table, if touched, bring the user to a detail screen of the object in the cell itself using a "pushViewController". When I click to a different tab, and I am in the detail page, I see the new tab page. And this is fin...

Why is self.navigationController = nil from a method

For some unknown reason I cannot push a view, I will try to explain the best I can but i have alot of complicated views going on, And it would be a nightmare to explain but say I have the following method. -(void)showDetailView{ DetailViewController *detailView = [[DetailViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"DetailViewController" bu...