
presentModalViewController NOT animating when showing a TTMessageController

I have a subclass of TTMessageController that shows ... BUT it is not animated even though it should be. The code that displays the modal view looks like this (where PostToWebMessageController is the subclass of TTMessageController: if (self.toWebMsgController == nil) { self.toWebMsgController = [[PostToWebMessageController alloc] ...

PresentModalViewController problem.

I have a new view controller on the iPhone which I call using the following line of code: [self presentModalViewController:controller animated:NO]; This works great if animation is on, but I am looking to have an instant switch. The problem is when I set animation to NO, the whole view shifts 20px to the right (it is always in landsca...

presentModalViewController does not want to work when called from a protocol method

I have a subview that when double tapped a protocol method on the subview's parent view controller is called like this... - (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { UITouch *theTouch = [touches anyObject]; if (theTouch.tapCount == 1) { } else if (theTouch.tapCount == 2) { if ([self.delegate respondsT...

Very strange behavior with commitanimations after switching xibs then rotating phone...

I have a very strange problem and I am not sure what is causing it. I have some animations on my iPhone apps initial view controller. These are basic and are created using this type of code... [UIImageView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIImageView setAnimationDuration:30.0]; [UIImageView setAnimationRepeatCount:1e100f]; [UIImage...

PresentModalViewController or addsubview?

Hi I am writing an app in xcode 3.2.3. All I want to do is switch to another view but I am unsure of the best way to do this. I can do it either of these 2 ways... PreferencesViewController *screen = [[PreferencesViewController alloc]initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil]; screen.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal; [...

Presenting Modal TableView

Hi all, I've a tableviewController in a class which I need to present modally from another class. In the modaltableview class, I'm creating tableview in viewDidLoad and apart from this there are tableView delegate methods in this class. My question is how do I present this class object to show this tableViewController modally? I've pre...

iPhone - dismiss parent modal view

Hi, I am sketching out the workflow of an app where you have a main menu 'Level 0' that calls a modal view 'Level 1', which calls another modal view 'Level 2'. I am able to get this working, no problem AND I am able to dismiss the entire stack by using: [[[self parentViewController] parentViewController] dismissModalViewControllerAnim...

presentModalViewController crashes simulator

Hi everyone I have a very weird situation, check out the snippet below which launches a ModelViewController for an iPad application: // Load GuestDetailController GuestDetailController *detaileController = [[GuestDetailController alloc] init]; if (searching) { // some code, but nothing relevant to the issue (checked that already) } ...

How can I check if UIViewController "Did Dismiss"?

Hi, I would like to know, I have an UIButton in class A that does presentModalViewController:aViewController... I want to check when aViewController is dismissed. How can I do that? Thanks! ...

UITableView as Picker

I want to use a tableview as a picker. For example, when selecting a ringtone for a contact a tableview of ring tones appears. What is the ideal way to accomplish this? It seems like this would be very common. Thanks for your time. ...

Problem with UIImagePickerController

I'm having a problem with the UIImagePickerController being presented with presentModalViewController. As soon as the view displays (be it camera or photo album), the app crashes. The whole UI is created in code, no interface builder. This has only stopped working since I've been updating the code to run on ios4. Using leaks, I can't fi...

How can I display a view controller modally, using the parent's navigation controller?

I'm implementing a UITabBar in the middle of my navigation stack without UITabBarController. The UITabBar is in the DetailViewController which delegate a portion of the screen to the view controller associated with the selected tab element. Inside one of view controller's thats displayed via tab bar selection, there's a UIButton which...

Using multiple ModalViewController

Starting a new thread... about same question.. I have tried all I am getting from different post and forums... none of the working for me.. What I want to do is... [self presentModalViewController:ViewControllerA animated:YES];//Working fine //Inside viewControllerA call viewControllerB [self presentModalViewController:ViewControllerB ...

Showing pushviewcontroller animation look like presentModalViewController

Hi friends, Is it possible to show pushviewcontroller animation look like presentModalViewController but that has background functionality of pushviewcontroller? Regards, sathish ...

In photoscroller app (iPhone WWDC-104 Photos App) uiscrollview images shift to right when called using presentModalviewController

Hi All, I have seen the WWDC-104 video showing UIScrollView for photos. I have downloaded the Sample code too. In my app the Structure is as follows, (Root Class)Class A ---> Class B -----------> PhotoViewController(Containing ScrollView) I am calling the PhotoViewController class by using presentModalViewController method in Class ...

uiview like actionsheet

Hi friends, Is it possible to show uiview like actionsheet on presentmodalviewcontroller(i.e. that is uiview should go top but it should not go fully and it should be half) so that i view the last view controller on screen. Thanks in advance. Regards, sathish ...

presentModalViewController does not work if called too early.

If I dismiss the the modal VC and present it (or another one) again in less than a certain amount of time, it does not appear. Am I missing something? ...

View gets resized when using PartialCurl model transition.

Ok so I'm trying to recreate the partial fold animation like in the standard google maps app on the iphone where the toolbar at the bottom stays where it is, but the views above it curl and such. Here are some images: (Wont let me put in hyperlinks for some reason <_<) http: // http: /...

How to implement a Modal View in a TabBar iPhone app

I am trying to present a modal view in a tabbar app. I am using the code - (IBAction)newView { [self.viewController presentModalViewController:viewController animated:YES]; } linked to a button. When the button is pressed, nothing happens and nothing is displayed on the log. This is most likely simple to fix, but I have not found any...