
Are there WWDC 2007 or 2008 videos for iPhone OS?

Does anyone know if at WWDC 2007 or 2008 there were iPhone sessions which were available as video? If so, where could I get these? I know about 2009, but I assume that in 2008 or 2007 very interesting things were covered under the hood regarding deep basics! ...

Cannot find User Interface Code Sample from a 2009 Mac WWDC session

Hi, The Session 426 "state of the art cocoa - user interface design" (MAC session) is really helpful. The title of the code sample used during the session is "Exposure". I cannot find it in the Mac Dev Center. Can you say me if the example is available on ADC website? Thanks. ...

Is the source code of the demo at WWDC 09, Session 304 available?

At WWDC 09 in Session 304 "Game Development for iPhone, Part 1 (Graphics, Audio)", about 6 minutes after start of the Session, they showed off a small but nice OpenGL ES game demo and repeating over and over again how easy it is to implement. Is that source code of the demo available somewhere for download? ...

WWDC 2010 Sample Code

Where can I download the WWDC 2010 code samples? I am a registered iPhone developer, but can't seem to find the samples on Apple's site. ...

CoreText Page view example (CTPageViewer)

I was watching "Advance Text Handling for iPhone OS" video from WWDC. I really like the demo and want to play with it, but once i download source code from WWDC and try to look for the example. I could not find it. Is there any one who knows from where i can download it? ...

iPhone video access samples

I downloaded the latest video capture samples from wwdc 2010 and am trying to run them in my simulator. Samples in general are supposed to run without any tinkering so I just unzipped a bunch of them and tried to run them in xCode. None of the ones I tried runs. For example when I unzip and try to build findMyiCone I get 45 errors. Her...

Snippet tool that is used in WWDC2010 videos

Does anyone know the code snippet tool that was used in some of the WWDC2010 videos? It seems that the the tool allows us to create snippets of code which can be labeled. This tool also allow us to click and drag the label to Xcode code editor window to paste the code with the formatting intact. Any lead on this tool/utility? ...

In photoscroller app (iPhone WWDC-104 Photos App) uiscrollview images shift to right when called using presentModalviewController

Hi All, I have seen the WWDC-104 video showing UIScrollView for photos. I have downloaded the Sample code too. In my app the Structure is as follows, (Root Class)Class A ---> Class B -----------> PhotoViewController(Containing ScrollView) I am calling the PhotoViewController class by using presentModalViewController method in Class ...

How to start with particular Image using the iPhone WWDC 2010 - 104 PhotoScroller

Hi All, I am going through the Sample code of iPhone WWDC 2010 - 104 PhotoScroller App. It's working great with my project related images (PDF Page Images) Now I want to start the app from a custom image no - Say 5. And it should show 6th image on next swipe and 4th on previous swipe. Can anyone help in this Regard ? ...

How can i get WWDC10 sample code? (104. Designing Apps with Scroll Views)

i saw WWDC10 session "104, Designing Apps with Scroll Views". and i want get sample code using demo. but i can't find it. i found "ScrollViewSuite" but it's not same demo. it's not provided? ...

How to Zoom In/Out Photo on double Tap in the iPhone WWDC 2010 - 104 PhotoScroller

Hi All, I am going through the Sample code of iPhone WWDC 2010 - 104 PhotoScroller App. It's working great with my project related images (PDF Page Images) but I am struggling detect touches in the PhotoScroller App. The Zooming using multiple touches is handled by the ScrollVoiew. Now I want to Zoom In/out the photo on double Tap. The...