



Hi All,

I am going through the Sample code of iPhone WWDC 2010 - 104 PhotoScroller App. It's working great with my project related images (PDF Page Images)

but I am struggling detect touches in the PhotoScroller App. The Zooming using multiple touches is handled by the ScrollVoiew. Now I want to Zoom In/out the photo on double Tap. The Touchesbegan method is being called in TilingView Class. Then I used [super touchesbegan: withevent:] and now the touches are in the ImageScrollView Class.

How to get these touch events in PhotoViewController. How to achieve the zoom in and zoom out on touch ?

Can anyone help in this Regard ?


How about adding a UITapGestureRecognizer to the ImageScrollView?

As long as you are looking at sample code, you can check out how UIGestureRecognizers are used in the ScrollViewSuite sample code.

Thanks for the reply I will try using UITapGestureRecognizer; but the UITapGestureRecognizer is supported for iOS 3.2 and above. How to achieve the above functionality in iPhone 3.0 ?