
opengl topdown<->bottomup textures?

When i load an image via FreeImage, the bits are bottom to top. My GL code expects all images to be topdown. Whats the best way to flip the image when i copy the bits to the texture? ...

I get the image reversed in C#

Hello,this is my code to turn a byte[] array into an image unsafe { //convert the UInt32[] into byte array and then assign the pointer to it fixed (byte* ptr = Misc.ConvertFromUInt32Array(image)) { Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(200,64,800, PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb, new IntPtr(ptr)); bmp.Save("test.bmp"); } } A...

JavaScript Flip Counter

I would like to include a flip counter on my site, similar to what Apple was using for their 1 billion app countdown. Can anyone get their JavaScript to work standalone? If anyone can provide working code, that would be great. ...

WPF integrating with a web cam and rotating the video

is this possible? ...

Flip View Iphone

Dear All, please consider the code below, and tell me what I'm doing wrong. I want to flip between two UIViews. Somehow, when I flip away from the initial view, I just get the flipped view, without animation. When I flip back, the animation shows just fine. The flips are triggered from buttons on the views themselves. - (IBAction)sh...

Assigning a IBAction to the Back Button of the Navigation Bar (iPhone SDK)

In this (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/843534/flip-view-iphone) post, I have created a flip view for my iPhone app. Now, I want to make sure that whenever the user hits the 'Back' button in the navigation bar, the next time around when he drills down to the flippable view, this view is in its original, non-flipped position. Current...

How to put a UINavigationController on the FlipsideView of a iPhone Utility app

I'm trying to develop a new application based on the standard Utility template, which has a MainView and a FlipsideView, and allows the user switch between the two with a cool flipping effect. I've used this template many times with no problem, but now that I want to use a UINavigationController on the FlipsideView, I found out a problem...

How do I reload the mainview when coming back from the flipview using Utilities template?

I'm using the Utilities Xcode template for my iPhone app. I am trying to find out how to reload the mainview after I come back from the flipview. Seems like the searches I've done come back with the older version of the Utilities template that I do not have. Apple seems to have redone it for 3.0. What I tried to do was put a method in ...

JQuery Image Flip - Why does html image map with highlighting break it?

Hi there, Im using this jquery plug in: http://webmuch.com/image-flip-using-jquery/ to flip an html image map. This works fine when I use an image map with no effects. However, I am using this plug in: http://davidlynch.org/js/maphilight/docs/ to highlight parts of my image map (really nice plug in I might add). Why do the 2 seem to...

What is the equivalent of "ByteBuffer.flip" & "ByteBuffer.slice" in .NET?

Hello :) I need to port code from Java to C#. In the Java code, the methods "ByteBuffer.flip()" and "ByteBuffer.slice" is used, and I don't know how to translate this. I've read this question (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/607587/an-equivalent-of-javax-nio-buffer-flip-in-c), but although an answer is given, I cannot figure how to ...

view flip and tabar selection

Hi iProgrammers, In my app , i have 5 tabs at the bottom,namely home,ask,tip,inbox,disclaimer...In my home view...there is an botton,clicking on which flips the view to in the same home view tab...in the new view i have a picker in which on selecting the values takes me to another view through flippin in the same tab ..in the 2nd new vi...

Flipping views flipping me out!

This should be simple and I am half way there but still having problems. I have 2 xib files which a button in each switches views - all working fine. I want to add some animation. In the first view controller I have the following code which is also working fine... SecondTimerViewController *TimerView = [[SecondTimerViewController alloc]...

Problem with iphone UIImageView in a UIScrollView with rotate, flip and zoom options

Hi, I have a list of images shown in a horizontal scroll view with "flip between" option. This scroll view is inside an tab bar. My requirement is like, when i tap on that image it should rotate 90 degree to horizontal and be shown in fullscreen with animation. This is similar to what we have in default "Photos" application in iphone, ...

iPhone "flipping" to UIScrollView isn't initially scrolling.

Hi there, I've got this slightly strange issue that I can't quite seem to figure out. I'm following the example given by Apple to "flip" a view. Now the "flipping" is working fine. I'm using an nib file containing two "views" showing "summary" and "detailed" information. The "summary" page is a UIView. Whereas the "detailed" page is...

uiimage draws vertically flipped?

I am creating a drawing application in iphone.i have subclassed uiview to show selection rectangle.here is an image for this.... but when i create a rect using touch points. and when modify uiimage it just modifies vertically flipped.tried CGContextScalCTM with CGContextTranslateCTM but nothing happens.unable to figure it out.does som...

How do I flip a polygon by flipping the array?

I have 2 arrays of ints I am using to create a polygon (that looks like a fish). What do I need to do to the arrays to flip the polygon horizontally? x = new int[] { 0, 18, 24, 30, 48, 60, 60, 54, 60, 48, 30, 24, 0 }; y = new int[] { 0, 18, 6, 0, 0, 12, 18, 24, 24, 36, 36, 30, 36 }; ...

Problems with doing a flip animation between a UIView and UIScrollView

I'm new to iPhone development and I'm trying to do a flip animation between a UIView and another UIView containing a regular UIView and a UIScrollView, the scroll view in turn has several UIViews as subviews. Before the animation start, the scroll view needs to be offset to a particular point to show a particular subview (the user is...

Create a ImageIcon that is the mirror of another one.

Hi, I'll like to know if there is a way to create a ImageIcon that is the mirror of another ImageIcon. Searching on Google, I found how to do it by using many AWT libraries. Is there a way to do it with Swing ? If not, I'm still having troubles with the AWT method : The ImageIcon I want to mirror is a animated gif (with contain a tr...

Is it possible to use unary function instead of binary in `flip`?

The type of the Prelude function flip is: flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c I.e., it takes one binary function and two arguments. The type of the Prelude function id is: id :: a -> a But the type of flip id is: flip id :: a -> (a -> b) -> b How is it possible to apply flip to id when id is a unary function and flip requires ...

how to keep the tabbar while going to a viewcontroller with flipping view transtion

the app has the structure of tabbarController -> navigationController -> viewController , when I go to another viewcontroller with the view transition like this vc.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal; UINavigationController* nvc = [[[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:vc] autorelease]; [sel...