
How do you make vim unhighlight what you searched for?

I search for "nurple" in a file. I found it, great. But now, every occurrence of "nurple" is rendered in sick black on yellow. Forever. Forever, that is, until I search for something I know won't be found, such as "asdhfalsdflajdflakjdf" simply so it clears the previous search highlighting. Can't I just hit a magic key to kill the h...

Highlighting Text in a .net Webbrowser Control

I'd like to highlight certain words in the document displayed in an embedded webbrowser control. I can envision a solution where the innerhtml property of the document is modified to add a colorizing < span > tag around the desired text, but I can't help feeling that there must be a simpler way? ...

How to highlight occurrences of a search term in text in Visual Studio?

How do I make all occurrences of a phrase (search term) in a file to be highlighted in the VS code editor? ...

Notepad++ like search highlighting in VisualStudio

Notepad++ has a neat feature that combines search and highlighting. When you select a word, it is highlighted wherever else it shows up on the page, so it is an implicit search, which I find very very useful. Is there a way to get that into VS? I would also be interested in having these highlightings stick so that I can highlight more...

LaTeX package to do syntax highlighting of code in various languages

I am looking for a LaTeX package that does syntax highlighting on code. For example, right now I use the verbatim block to write code: \begin{verbatim} <html> <head> <title>Hello</title> </head> <body>Hello</body> </html> \end{verbatim} And this works fine to display the code on my document. But...

How do I get a JEditorPane to highlight the full width of a line (not just the text)?

I'm trying to get a JEditorPane to highlight the full width of a displayed line. All the examples I've tried only highlight the textual content. For example if I have content such as this: --------------------------------- |Here is some text | |some more text | --------------------------------- withi...

Solr: Using Regex fragmenter to extract paragraphs

Hello, I posted this message to the Solr mailing list, but I'm trying here too in case there's a Solr expert lurking around. I am trying to use the regex fragmenter and am having a hard time getting the results I want. I am trying to get fragments that start on a word character and end on punctuation, but for some reason the fragments ...

Emacs, highlight all occurences of a word

In Notepad++ editor, there's a convenient feature: if you select a word in your text (not necessarily a keyword), the word is highlighted throughout the text. Is there any similar way in Emacs? Not necessarily with selection, I think something like C-"something" M-"something else" which highlights all words same as the word under the cur...

Fast eclipse mode for PHP

Does anybody know of a fast PHP mode for eclipse? I have tried the Aptana PHP mode, and PDT, but neither can place a character in under a second, which is no way to write code. Its probably due to my editing on a network drive, but it seems silly that an editor would depend so heavily on the hard drive. ...

How can you change the highlighted text color for a WPF TextBox?

The WPF TextBox natively makes use of the System Highlight color for painting the background of selected text. I would like to override this and make it consistent since it varies by OS/user theme. For ListBoxItems, there is a neat trick (see below) where you can override the resource key for the HighlightBrushKey to customize the Syst...

How can i extend the colors for coloring syntax in eclipse

In eclipse menu I go to Window -> Preference. Then, In the Preference Dialog I go to Web -> HTML Files -> Editor -> Syntax Coloring. There I have some Elements. For these Elements I can define my favorite Colors and Styles. But I can define only ONE Color for ALL Tag Names. Is there any way to define different colors for different Tags?...

Error highlighting in Visual C++

When using Eclipse or NetBeans IDE on a Java project I get to see where errors in my code are, before and after compiling. The line causing the issue is shown. I remember that back in the old days, the Visual C++ 98' edition did do underlining of errors in the code. Is there a way to enable this in Visual C++ 2005? Or is there a 3rd part...

Highlighting search terms in an MS Word document

We have a project where we need to provide search over a collection of Word documents through a web-based interface. The client would like for the search terms to be highlighted when a user opens a document. Is there a way to do this directly in Word when opening a document? The only alternative we can come up with is to convert the Wor...

Get query terms from Lucene query for highlighting

My Lucene queries will usually exist of a bunch of AND combined fields. Is it possible to get the queried fields out of the Query object again? ...

Different Background color for columns of COBOL source

I am looking for a way to "downlight" columns in Notepad++. the COBOL compiler ignores the first 6 columns and all characters starting from column 73 (to column 80, 81+ is ignored anyway). The seventh character has a special meaning (comment,debug, ... ). The 8th to 11th characters have also a special meaning. for code-viewing it is ...

How do I highlight cvs changes in emacs?

I'm using emacs with cvs and have cvs mode enabled. I'd like to get line-by-line highlighting of changes from the latest version in CVS. I've seen this done in intellij where there is a green indication for lines added and another indication for lines modified and a third symbol for lines deleted. Is there a cvs highlighting mode fo...

Hit Highlighting with SQl Servr 2008 FTS

This question was here already but there was no answer, so trying one more time - how to do hit highlighting of results with SQL 2008 FTS? So far I found SQLHighlighter but it is commercial product. I also tried solution described in this book http://apress.com/book/view/9781430215943 but performance was extremely poor. As last resort I...

ASP.net MVC How to change the Textbox Class upon validation failure?

I notice in the default MVC template project that the Account registration fields are highlighted via a class change. I can't seem to get the same behavour out of my own code (in the same project - same CSS etc) What might be stopping this from occuring? Update I believe this relates to one of my other questions Because I was having...

Selecting whole row in alternating colored rows gridview

I have a Gridview with alternating row colors and want to highlight a row when its clicked anywhere on that row. Unfortunaly, the code that I found and am using applies the darker color shade to the previously clicked row. For example, If out of a 4 row gridview, 2 and 4 are shaded silver, while the other 2 are white. If I click on r...

Syntax Highlighting

I'm looking for a general purpose syntax highling library, to output to html. It's for use within a ruby app, so a ruby library would be good, but an excellent utility which can be piped in and out of would do Also needs to guess the appropriate language to highlightsy by itself ...