
Is there any way to highlight multiple searches in (g)vim?

I want to search for multiple strings in vim/gvim and have them highlighted in different colours. Is there a way of doing this with out-the-box vim or with a plug-in? ...

Highlight some text in a Jasper Reports viewer

I want to highlight some parts of the reports i'm generating for display. I don't want to change the report definition. I want to highlight the output at runtime. But the JRViewer i'm using doesn't really have much of an API. And manipulating the JasperPrint object with setForecolor/setBackcolor before displaying it, didn't seem to chan...

Text colors in an NSTableColumn on highlight

I've got an column of cells in an NSTableView that get their text color from the app's preference plist. I want to set the text color to white when highlighted, but have been unable to figure out a good way to do this. Anybody got any ideas? ...

WPF TextBlock highlight certan parts based on search condition

Hello, I have TextBlock that has Inlines dynamicly added to it (basically bunch of Run objects that are either italic or bold). In my application I have search function. I want to be able to highlight TextBlock's text that is in being searched for. By highlighting I mean changing certain parts of TextBlock text's color (keeping in mi...

WPF Listbox highlight part of ListBoxItem element

Hello, I have a TextBox and ListBox. User can search ListBox elements from TextBox. ListBox is bound to CollectionViewSource. CollectionViewSource has Filter event handler, that filters elements based on text that user enters into TextBox. My requirement is to highlight user entered text within TextBlock of ListBoxItem elements. I ...

How does a website highlight search terms you used in the search engine?

I've seen some websites highlight the search engine keywords you used, to reach the page. (such as the keywords you typed in the Google search listing) How does it know what keywords you typed in the search engine? Does it examine the referrer HTTP header or something? Any available scripts that can do this? It might be server-side or J...

Highlighting active elements with jQuery

So I have an unordered list that I would like to have jQuery highlight the active link on that list. I have animations on the list for mouseenter and mouseleave which increases the font size when the a link is hovered. I can get the links to stay at their increased size and color by using .unbind on the mouseleave, but when I try to re-...

Highlight selected custom control with C# WinForms

I have created a custom control (the control is used for drag and drop) and I want to add focus and selected events to the control. Both need to be visually distinct. So I plan to implement a windows style for both of these events. For focus I have the control drawing a solid and a dotted line around the control using the following code ...

Highlight multiple keywords for jQuery.autocomplete

I'm using the jQuery Autocomplete plugin, but I'm having some problems with the result highlighting. When a match is found, but the entered keyword contains spaces, there's no highlighting. Example: search = "foo", result = "foo bar", displayed = "foo bar" search = "foo ba", result = "foo bar", displayed = "foo bar" So, I'm trying to ...

How to get rid of empty blocks in vim

I used textmate to work with ruby code for over one year. Recently I switched to using mvim. When I open some of the files in mvim I get empty blocks. Look at this picture to get a feel for it. Any idea on how to get rid of them? Thanks ...

How to highlight changes/difference in one text paragraph from the other?

Hi! Is it possible to highlight the modifications in one text paragraph from the other? For example, there are 3 text fields in a database. Non-admin users can edit the text and submit for approval. When the admin logs in, (s)he can open the approvals page and it shows the original text and user submitted text with modifications. Usual...

jQuery highlighting selected columns only in a table

Hey all, I see this post on highlighting even columns but can I highlight only selected columns? Here is the code they use: $("table.Table22 > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(even)").css("background","blue"); But I would like: NOTE: the class="highlight" will be on the selected columns, so if I selected column 3 the class="highlight" woul...

OS X Get highlighted text

Hi, I'm interested in writing a plugin for OS X to support multiple operations on highlighted text in the right click context menu. The operations are simple enough that I could write them by myself. I've looked at automator's "Copy to Clipboard" action, but it requires some text input first. The "Get contents of Clipboard" action will...

Gmail Syntax Highlighter

Hi all, I sent my code to my friend over Gmail but as you guess, the code is not highlighted in Gmail. Is there solution to highlight code that is sent over Gmail? ...

Weird text highlighting problem on website

I have this strange problem on my web page where if you click below the left side-panel, all the links get highlighted. It happens in firefox, not IE. I don't know why its only the side-panel that it happens to. Its not really a big deal but its extremely annoying to me, is there any way to stop it? If you want to check it out, the s...

fulltext search and highlighting by PHP and MySQL?

MySQL can take care of fulltext search quite well, but it doesn't highlight the keywords that are searched, how can I do this most efficiently? ...

JavaScript form code not working?

I have this form in my site that uses JavaScript to clear the fields when clicked on (highlighted) and also checks to see if all the fields have been filled in. I've used this code for other sites and it works fine. I can't figure out why it doesn't work now! Everything is the same from the previous code! ...

JQuery Image Flip - Why does html image map with highlighting break it?

Hi there, Im using this jquery plug in: http://webmuch.com/image-flip-using-jquery/ to flip an html image map. This works fine when I use an image map with no effects. However, I am using this plug in: http://davidlynch.org/js/maphilight/docs/ to highlight parts of my image map (really nice plug in I might add). Why do the 2 seem to...

JQuery help - animate background color

Hi Using JQuery, what I want to do is create a function that when I call the function, it will fade the background color of my "#page" DIV from the CSS defined background color to yellow then back to the original CSS background color for #page. Any ideas on how I can do this with JQuery? I know JQuery has both an "animate" and "highli...

JavaScript charts with highlighting and drilldown features

Hello, I'm looking for a JavaScript plugin which would help me to create charts. I would need stacked bar, bar, pie and line charts with drilldown and highlighting features. Everything I found with these features are just flash and I would prefer using JavaScript. Does someone have an idea or a suggestion? Thank you by advance -Yoan...