
Why does my text keep highlighting?

I am making a "toast" in vb.net, and whenever it pops up, all the text in the body textbox is ALWAYS highlighted...how can I remove the highlight programmatically? Thanks! Here is the code which seems to be automatically highlighting: Dim i As Integer toast.HeaderL.Text = headertext toast.BodyL.Text = contenttext ...

Immediate form input highlighting

Hi all, I'd like to know a simple way to instantanely higlight an array of words while i write in a input form/textbox. ...

How to highlight a row in gridview?

My applications sends emails to users, with a hyperlink for an aspx page. There is a guid in the get string. The aspx page shows gridview with rows accross multiple pages. My requirement is when the link is clicked the user should be directed to appropriate page and the row with mapping to guid should be highlighted? Please help, its ur...

Highlighting Code from Database

I have a problem regarding display PHP code (stored in a database) on a website. This is the text I have in the database: Blah Blah Blah this is regular text [code] <?php $message = \"<div class=\'code\' style=\\\"NO\\\">\"; echo $message; ?> [/code] Blah Blah Blah this is more regular text Which I want to display as: Blah Blah ...

PHP: Showing Differences Between Two Strings

Is there a functional String Difference Highlighting class/function out there for PHP? This has been asked before http://stackoverflow.com/questions/321294/highlight-the-difference-between-two-strings-in-php but the answers given suggest PEAR's Text_Diff. I tried using Text_Diff and found it was giving me a bunch of STRICT NOTICES and...

External PDF highlighting with Safari browser not working!

Hi, We have been facing a weird problem with PDF documents displayed in Safari. This problem is reproducible in many of our machines. The problem is like this.. Adobe Reader has support for hit highlighting in PDF documents when it is being viewed in any browser. For example, http://www.mysite.com/myfile.pdf#xml=http%3A//www.somesite.co...

Visual Studio text gets highlighed by default

I must have pressed on the wrong button at some point, and now when i press my mouse a bunch of text gets highlighted ...how do i get rid of this? it's driving me nuts! i use VS 2008 is there like a restore defaults button????? ...

Editable Text Highlighting

I would like to create an editable "textarea" with text highlighting (e.g. different colours, bold) and I am not interested in backward compatibility with old (and meybe current) browsers. It isn't a code editor, but something similar. So it is really different from CkEditor, because the content should appear formatted to the user, but ...

How to Highlight Row in XSL file without Opening EXCEL using C#

Hi, I have an XSL file that I am generating from CSV from and Object etc. etc. Everything is done except that I need to highlight particular rows in the xsl file. I don't want to have to open Excel and use Macros. Is there a way to do this in C#? ...

How Can I Make HTML Elements Unhighlightable?

I'm trying to make it so certain text and images on an HTML page cannot be highlighted with the cursor, so it appears as if they're a part of the background. ...

Menu - background image and hover action

Hello, I have a menu and jquery-code, which makes its background-image different when hover. $('#menu a').hover(function() { $(this).css( 'background', 'url(images/slider_bg_hover.png) repeat-x' ); },function(){ $(this).css( 'background', 'url(images/slider_bg.png) repeat-x' ); ...

jQuery higlighting special characters in text

Hello all, I am using JavaScript text higlighting jQuery plugin http://johannburkard.de/blog/programming/javascript/highlight-javascript-text-higlighting-jquery-plugin.html It works well for me all the time, except for some symbols: $("#preview").highlight($(this).val(), { wordsOnly: true, className: 'blacklist'}); if "$(this).val...

how to get span selected portion using Javascript

Hi guys is there a way to get the highlighted selectionstart and selectedlenght on a span ? Thanks ...

Textarea that can do syntax highlighting on the fly?

I am storing a number of HTML blocks inside a CMS for reasons of easier maintenance. They are represented by TEXTAREAs. Does anybody know a JavaScript Widget of some sort that can do syntax highlighting for HTML within a Textarea or similar, while still staying a plain text editor (no WYSIWYG or advanced functions)? ...

UITableViewCells not highlighting on touch

I'm subclassing UITableViewCell and adding two subviews (image, UILabel). When the row is touched. There's no cell highlighting indicating the cell was selected. I'm pretty sure I missed something, not sure how to handle highlighting for subclassed cell. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. ...

Search keyword highlight in ASP.Net C#

Hi all, I am outputting a list of search results for a given string of keywords, and I want any matching keywords in my search results to be highlighted. Each word should be wrapped in a span or similar. I am looking for an efficient function to do this. E.g. Keywords: "lorem ipsum" Result: "Some text containing lorem and ipsum" Des...

Limiting a match in vim to certain filetypes?

I have the following in my .vimrc to highlight lines longer than 80 chars: highlight OverLength ctermbg=red ctermfg=white guibg=#592929 match OverLength /\%81v.*/ This works quite well. However, the problem is that I would prefer it if it only worked on certain file types. Basically, any programming language should be highlighted and ...

Cocoa Button that will light up with mouse over

Is there a flag that can be set that will cause a Cocoa button to be highlighted when it is moused over. I need to this programatically with objective C on OSX. ...

Highlighted text popup widget... What to call it and where to find the Javascript?

I recall seeing a web site that when you highlighted/selected text on their page, it produced a small balloon just to the upper right, which was clickable and would perform some action when clicked. I have an application where this type of interface would be appropriate for my users. But... I haven't any idea what to call this widget n...

Highlight, then fade highlight, for list items dynamically added to a list

I have an unordered list on a page. When that page is refreshed through Ajax, new list items may come back that will be dynamically added to the unordered list. When the new list items get added, I would like to highlight those new list items, but fade the highlight out after a specified time. I have tried animate and the jquery hig...