
iPhone Flip Transition - Can I get notified at the half way point

I have a single UIView for drawing any one of a set of items. That is, my one UIView subclass can be told to draw a square, circle, or triangle for example. I'd like to have a transition to flip that view so that the UIView draws a different shape at the half way point, so it looks like I'm transitioning to a different view, but really ...

Implementing flipview in a iPhone OpenGL ES app?

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me out implementing a flipview within an OpenGL ES iPhone template? ...

rotationY causes blur, AS3

Hi I'm having some little bugs on my site I'm developping for a school project. I'm using a flip mechanism to navigate through my site. The problem is: once it's flipped the content been displayed good just like I want it, but there's some offset from the flipped (right) parts en the solid left part (visible when you look closely). Also...

iphone sdk subview/superview orientation problem

Hi guys i have a iphone sdk orientation issue... i push a "holding" view controller onto the navigationController. The holdingViewController uses viewDidLoad to show the navigationController navbar and add a flip button to it and a selector for the flipbutton. it then adds a subview using UIViewAnimationTransitionNone showing a UIView ...

iPhone: Flipping View like the Weather App?

Can someone advise the codes or similar codes for the iPhone weather page, when you touch the little circled (i) the right, bottom corner, it flips the page. Thanks. ...

flip bytes using Python's struct module

I would like to flip from big to little endian this string: \x00\x40 to have it like this: \x40\x00 I guess the proper function to use would be struct.pack, but I can't find a way to make it properly work. A small help would be very appreciated ! Thanks ...

Flipping an angle using radians

Hello all you math whizzes out there! I am struggling with a math problem I am hoping you can help me with. I have calculated an angle of direction using radians. Within OpenGL ES I move my guy by changing my point value as such: spriteLocation.x -= playerSpeed * cosf(playerRadAngle); spriteLocation.y -= playerSpeed * sinf(playerRad...

How to flip text vertically/horizontally using php?

Does anyone know how to achieve this? ...

iPhone subview flip between 2 views

iPhone / Objective-C On my view a little "hover" view appears after a user clicks on a button on the main view. When the user clicks this subview I want the subview to FlipFromRight to another view (same size). The main view underneath should stay. viewHot and viewCold are the subviews viewMain is the main one. Is this possible? ...

iphone view flipping: viewflips from top to bottom instead of right to left

Hello everyone i try to build a app that is in landsscape mode all the time. I did the usual stuff: plist added UIInterfaceOrientation / UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight rotated the XIBs in interface builder with the little arrow in top of view. my code for launching: - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)applicati...

How do i rotate a CALayer around a diagonal line?

Hi. I'm trying to implement a flip animation to be used in board game like iPhone-application. The animation is supposed to look like a game piece that rotates and changes to the color of its back (kind of like an Reversi piece). I've managed to create an animation that flips the piece around its orthogonal axis, but when I try to flip i...

Flipping a Window in Cocoa

How can I flip an NSWindow so I can press a button, and the window will "flip" like on Dashboard and the content view of the NSWindow changes. ...

IPHONE - Flip animation when controller pushed

Hi, I had a look around and didn't find what I was exactly looking for ... Is there a way to get a flip animation when pushing a view controller ? I read that you can change the animation by using a modal view controller but AFAIK the animation for a modal view is from bottom to top and that's not what i am looking for ;) Is there a ...

jQuery Flip! links inside divs

Hey there. I want to use Flip (http://lab.smashup.it/flip/) for one of my projects. But I want the links to make the flip action inside the divs that are going to be flipped. I stumbled across a question here and the reply was very helpful, and by using that codes I managed to achieve what I want. But now the issue is when the page first...

How to create a controllable flip effect (flip as far (and fast) as you drag) of an UIView

I have a card (a flashcard you could say) What I can do: On fingersweeping over the flashcard the card gets turned. It's happening by detecting touchesBegan and touchesMoved and then I do stuff like [UIView beginAnimations:@"View Flip" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.5]; [UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEas...

A Flip effect like iPhone scrollView

How can I write a flip effect Like iPhone scrollView? Is there any Code Sample? Thank you ^_^ ...

WPF 3D Perspective camera question

I am working on a 3D flip control that can flip horizontally, vertically and can have any size and square or rectangular shape. While I have it working, I ran into a very odd issue with the perspective camera. When I create a MeshGeometry3D I scale to the proper ratio of the content. If the width > height, all is well. However, if he...

Android page Curl animation

Hi... Two questions: Is there a simple way to do the Curl page flipping animation? A Curl animation is animation of pages flipping, including the page above rolling and the shadows over the lower page. What is the recommended way to do a "gallery" that displays two pages at a time (just like a book)? Is it: Letting the adapter displa...

Android: ScrollView in flipper

I have a flipper: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/ParentLayout" xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" style="@style/MainLayout" > <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/FlipperLayout" style="@style/FlipperLayout"> <ViewFlipper android:id="@+id/viewfli...

How to change the structure of a name field in mysql

Hi, I have the following problem. My table, say tab1, has name column as follows "LastName, FirstName". I want to make it so that the column becomes "FirstName LastName". Any ideas on how this is to be done? Note that there is no comma present, but i guess that can be easily removed once I figure out how to actually flip the first and ...