
DataGridView Edit Column Names

Is there any way to edit column names in a DataGridView? ...

standard way to convert to short path in .net

looking for the standard bug-proofed way to convert "long names" such as "C:\Documents and settings" to their equivalent "short names" "C:\DOCUME~1" I need this to run an external process from withing my C# app. It fails if I feed it with paths in the "long name". ...

What is the best practice for using "get" in method names?

I've noticed in many places in Java (C# included), that many "getter" methods are prefixed with "get" while many other aren't. I never noticed any kind of pattern Sun seems to be following. What are some guidelines or rules for using "get" in getter method names? ...

What are all of the allowable characters for people's names?

There are the standard A-Z, a-z characters, but also there are hyphens, em dashes, quotes, etc. Plus, there are all of the international characters, like umlauts, etc. So, for an English-based system, what's the complete set? What about sets for other languages? What about UTF8, UTF16, etc? Bonus question: How many name fields are nee...

Acquiring drive names (as opposed to drive letters) in Java

Hi, On my Windows machine, my main hard drive has the letter C: and the name "Local disk". To list the drive letters in Java on Windows, the File object has the static listRoots() method. But I can't find a way to acquire the drive names (as opposed to the drive letters) on Windows. Has anyone tried this before? Thanks, Mattijs ...

Smelly class names?

In your experience, what are some "smelly" keywords in class or function names that might be warning signs of bad object-oriented design? I've found that classes containing the word Manager or Base are often suspect. For example, a FooManger often indicates poor encapsulation or a singleton design that is difficult to reuse. A FooBase ...

Storing SQL field names and general SQL usage with Delphi

I'm starting to write my first Delphi application that connects to an SQL database (MySQL) using the ADO database components. I wondered whether there was any best way of storing the names of the fields in the database for easy reference when creating SQL queries later on. First of all I made them a simple constant e.g. c_UserTable_Us...

'default' as a variable name

While debugging some code, I came across an array named default. I thought that keywords were not allowed as variable names. #include "stdafx.h" #include <stdio.h> int main() { int default = 5; printf("%d\n", default); return 0; } Now the above code compiles without a hitch on VS 2008. Isn't 'default' a keyword? How come it works ...

declaration of variable names

what is the best way to declare variable names.... in uppercase ...? .. lowercase? in which area must be declared in any case ... and what name is appropriate depending on the roll of the standard variable ... there are some variables to declare?...sorry for the question..I'm new to the world of programming ... I hope not bother .... =)...

General MVC Questions - naming, structure (PHP)

Hello, I have tried many PHP MVC frameworks and I noticed that in many frameworks you can do things like this: $this->security->encodeForHTML(); So, basically there is a class Security, which contains a method encodeForHTML(). Isn't this Security class a singleton? Is there a specific name for this kind of "internal" singleton class?...

Classnames for Common Application Buildingblocks

Are you tired of the alway old Manager and Handler classes? Used all ...Thing, ...Dingus, Doodad, ...Entity, ...Gizmo or ...Object Suffixes? I certainly am and did. So here I want to collect usefull Classnames. I think this Article described it best: Do not use “Manager” or “Helper” or other null words in a type name. If you...

Is there away to generate Variables' names dynamically in Java?

Let's say that I need to generate variables to hold some input from the user (I don't know how many they are). Without using Array, ArrayList (and other kind of lists and maps) can my code generate (lets say) String variables X times with names like (String var001, String var002, String var003, etc)? If yes, please provide sample code. ...

PHP Regex for human names

I've run into a bit of a problem with a Regex I'm using for humans names. $rexName = '/^[a-z' -]$/i'; Suppose a user with the name Jürgen wishes to register? Or Böb? That's pretty commonplace in Europe. Is there a special notation for this? EDIT:, just threw the Jürgen name against a regex creator, and it splits the word up at the ü ...

MySQL use column names from another table

I'm wondering if it is possible to return a result set with column names which are stored in a separate table. Is this possible or do I need a stored_procedure with variables. See link for mysql_dump and description of required resultset: ...

Are there any pitfalls of using .net as the extension for your primary site?

Just wondering if there are any pitfalls using .net as the extension for a primary website. If you have some idea for a domain and the .com extension is already taken. I know it may take some traffic away possibly if people try to use the standard .com extension. In regards to SEO or any other basic effects this may have, are they any...

Lookup names in large texts

Hi, What is the best way to parse large texts (5000 words and more), searching names, that are stored in a database? The texts will be multi lingual. My first idea is a rather naive approach, taking all words beginning with a big letter and compare them against the database. But this tends to fail in texts containing lowercase letters ...

Roads Shapefile Names

I have a shapefile with a road network and it seems like the roads are all listed as 1 big polyline. Is this typical is it possible to get a road network where the roads are listed individually and have names associated with them? thanks, Jeff ...

name a column and then call items with name instead of index

I have a list of columns that I will be analyzing. Instead of referring back to the specific index such as data[1][2], I'd like to assign a name to a column and then loop through the rows of the columns for different tasks. How do I assign a name to a column and then is this the correct format to refer back to it? for x in range (len(...

Suggestions on fixing peoples names so they are capitalised correctly

Users of our website often type in a lot of garbage for the name and address information. eg, all CAPS, all lower case etc. It looks a lot better if we fix the case for them, but can anyone suggest a good way of doing this. A simple approach is just to capitalise each word in their name, but this fails when dealing with some names. Her...

Checking if a domain name is registered

How would I go about checking if a domain name is registered? I was thinking about checking if it has a corresponding IP but it doesn't seem to work as well as I had hoped. Is there a solution in either PHP or Python that can check? ...