
How can I take numerous shapefiles and have them line up in GIS?

I am trying to take a shapefile of subdivisions within a county that I have created and line it up with another shapefile that was given to me by the County Appraisal District (parcel data). When I try to get them to line up then my streets shapefiles is not aligned with everything else. They are all on the same coordinate system and I...

Which open-source java-library provides an easy way to read and write ESRI Shapefiles?

For a project I need to read and write ESRI shapefiles. It should be very easy, as I don't need advanced features. Is something out there? ...

How does a SHX-file work?

If you have geographic data stored in ESRI shapes, you have at least three files: one ending with .shp containing the vector-data, one ending with .dbf containing attributes and a file ending with .shx containing an index. I'm interested in the shx-file. How does it work? Does it contain a complete mapping, like 'first geometry maps to ...

Which open-source Python or Java library provides an easy way to draw circles on a ESRI Shapefile?

I need to write a software that creates an shapefile with various circles or circumferences on it. The shapefile created should be readable by ESRI ArcMap. I need a library that let me add circles or circular arc to it. The library could be in for Python or in Java. ...

Convert Line ESRI Shape SHP file into nodes and links

Is there a way to convert a linear shape file into a csv file of the following format: Node_1, Node_2, attribute_1, ...., attribute_x 1 2 "hello" 567845.334 I have looked at GDAL/OGR2OGR and PostGIS and i don't think either converts the data to the format I want. I don't mind writing a script to do it, if i'm ...

REST Uploading a Shapefile

Hi, I'm trying to upload a shape file with REST API. Here is the error I get : No such datastore: ws1,nete I've installed version 1.7.5 together with the restconfig-1.7.5.jar plugin. Here is what I do: 1) Create workspace ws1 curl -u admin:geoserver -v -XPOST -H 'Content-type: text/xml' -d 'ws1'localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspace...

There is any free DBF file converter?

I have only found trial versions of these converters. Does anyone know a free one? Any of the following target formats will do: CSV, MDB, SQL, XLS ...

shape map file decoding

I recently started off on working with shape map files, I downloaded a few shape files from the internet, the files had the following extension .shp, .dbf, .shx which I am unable to decipher what these extensions are. Then I found some actionscript libraries to parse these files here However I am not able to understand the documentati...

2008 TIGER/Line® Shapefiles from -> Google Maps

How do I take shapefiles and extract lat/lng coords so I can plot polygons on Google Maps? I asked this question here: and they told me WHAT to do, but not HOW to do it =P Thx! ...

Roads Shapefile Names

I have a shapefile with a road network and it seems like the roads are all listed as 1 big polyline. Is this typical is it possible to get a road network where the roads are listed individually and have names associated with them? thanks, Jeff ...

TimeZone by Coordinate

As the title infers I need to find a time zone (or perhaps just the UTC offset) based on a pair of coordinates. I've been searching for different solutions, and there is a couple of web services out there but I need to be able to access the application offline. As the timezones isn't completely based on longitude it doesn't seem that eas...

SQL Server Spatial Datatypes

I have exported an ESRI shapefile to SQL Server 2008 using Manifold, which gives me a column "Shape" of type Geometry. The Manifold .prj file looks like this GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]] so I assume the SRID is 4326? How...

Converting UTF-8 PostgreSQL DB into WIN-1255 Shapefile

Hi, I have a PostgreSQL\PostGIS spatial database which contains Hebrew text columns. The system runs on Ubuntu, and everything works flawlessly with UTF-8. I am trying to dump some tables into shapefile for a Windows program which can only read Windows-1255 strings. Unfortunately, pgsql2shp has no encoding option, although shp2pgsql ha...

How to insert shapefiles into a MySQL database?

I am trying to find this shp2mysql tool. But all I found was a PHP implementation. There is any other version available in the internet? ...

Using Shapefile data to determine neighborhood for a longitude/latitude

I'm trying to determine the neighborhood for a location, based on Zillow's freely published Shapefile data. I don't really know anything about the Shapefile format, and am having some trouble finding tutorials online -- but I basically want to take latitude/longitude pairs, and run it against the Shapefile data to determine the correspo...

Query shapefiles for the administrative area of a lat/lng

Hi! I have the all the shapefiles (shp, dbf, ...) for my country's counties. I have a list of points (latitude/longitude) and need to reference each point with corresponding county. I have looked into these tools and libraries. They can read, write and edit SHP files, but don't seem to be able to search stuff on them. I have converted ...

Does anyone know of a library in Java that can parse ESRI Shapefiles?

I'm interested in writing a visualization program for the road data in the 2009 Tiger/Line Shapefiles. I'd like to draw the line data to display all the roads for my county. The ESRI Shapefile or simply a shapefile is a popular geospatial vector data format for geographic information systems software. It is developed and reg...

Plotting shapefiles on top of Google map tiles

I have some shapefiles I want to plot over Google Maps tiles. What's the most efficient way to do this? One path might be to use the pkg RgoogleMaps, however, it is still unclear to me how to do this. I assume using PlotonStaticMap with some combination of reformatting the shapefile data ...

Which C++ library for ESRI shapefiles to choose?

Does anyone have an experience in processing (reading) ESRI shapefiles ( from C++? I have found at least 2 open source libraries: ShapeLib C library ( and OGR ( Which one is better? Does anybody used one of them? How about the experience? ...

ogr2ogr from PG to SHP changes data-type in .DBF

UpDate: Yes, that was it! Like mloskot said, the whole tabel needs to be dumped. selecting fields with sql loses information about fuield widths. Thanks, that fixed it! Hi All, I have a problem with ogr2ogr. I'm trying to dump a PostgreSQL tabel to a Shapefile. ogr2ogr seems to change the size of data-types like integer and char. H...